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King Elk Forest Back again? - Printable Version

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Back again? - Kynareth Deagon - February 27, 2022

Kyn didn’t want to come back. No, not one bit, but the worry in his breast that maybe his children have fucking died has been keeping him up for days. He continues expresses these thoughts to @Simmik. Going back and forth on whether or not they should go check on the two eldest while @Atka stays home to care for their new homestead.

Eventually, Kyn made the decision to come back. Urging and practically begging Simmik to come too. He can’t be without her. So with the thought, he would search for his boys along with anyone from the Saints that might be alive still. @Fury comes to mind immediately. Unknowing to anything that’s been happening in the Teekon while he’s been gone.

The first spot they would check is the strath since it’s on the way to the canyon.