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Hideaway Strath Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Printable Version

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Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - February 27, 2022

Set at sunset! Forward dated one day!
For @Fury and @Arashi and any other saints!

The sun sets on their journey into the strath. He remembers when it was full of life with his and @Arlette’s and @Derg’s pups running about. It is like that no more though. The place is barren, but he does smell a few fresh scents — one among them: Nyra. This is good. That means she’s alive and that alone is enough for him. Perhaps she would know of her boys. 

He cannot help but think: why is she here though? Why does she not occupy the canyon still? Perhaps she needed to run? Either way it doesn’t matter. He’d hear the story from her.

So with @Simmik by his side, he’d tip his head up and call for the wolves int he strath.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - RIP Fury - February 27, 2022

Fury isn't expecting the call that rings out. 
She knows that voice.
Right now, she was torn on if she wished she didn't know it.

The Warchief can feel she is almost due. The pups in her womb move as if they're getting restless.

With a protective flare, Fury moves to the borders.

To see him.

She stops a few yards from Kynareth and his wife. Her cold stare flicks to Simmik once as an acknowledgment of her presence, but nothing more.

There are so many emotions flowing through her body right now. 
Anger, joy, betrayal, relief...
Eventually, she speaks, tone edged with hurt.

"Why now?" She asks. Her attention is fully on her ex-co-lead. 
Tears threaten to roll down her face.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Arashi - February 27, 2022

Feel free to skip Arashi from here on out unless he is either addressed or so chooses to add his input.

The task at hand had taken longer than anticipated. Arashi was sure to place careful eyes upon every inch of the surrounding region.

Close to what would soon be their new borders, a howl rang. 

Fury? He questioned silently. No.. that doesn't sound like her.

Confirmation. That was not Fury. 

So then, who the hell was it?

Pearls clenched tightly, the hound's feet kicked into high gear, legs stretching into longer strides than he usually took. There was a new thrum beating hard in his chest. It was of concern, worry, and the rage that would push him to put a heavy dent in any who may have come to harm the white woman. He had been away for too long. Although she was a skilled fighter, being so pregnant had left her with a disadvantage. Like it or not, she was defenseless.

With the newfound speed, Arashi arrived on site rather quickly. 

There were three present: Fury, the who beckoned, and a woman.

By the looks of things, the three knew each other, which made him even less at ease.

Trotting closer, the man took a stand along Fury's flank. Head tall, shoulders tensed; he stared, keeping silent despite the growl that itched to release. 

There was not one ounce of this that pleased him, but the conclusion of this encounter would be solely set on Fury's shoulders. If there was to be a fight by the Warchief's command, then so there would be.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - February 27, 2022

Kynareth had been murmuring to Simmik in low, idle conversation when he sees the pale woman make herself known. He takes her in — her face, expression, emotions, and her body. She’s very clearly pregnant. Ah, that could be why she had retreated to the strath. He wouldn’t put it past her to want somewhere away from the bustle of their enemies while she’s births. 

Not only does she arrive, another does too. A man, agouti and stout. Strong looking with a serious eye and an expression that means business — watchful and suspicious of them. This is the other scent he’s made up on the borders. Perhaps this is her husband of sorts? Maybe the father of her pups? Or at least this is what Kyn will assume. Purely for that reason ge doesn’t offer the man an unruly glare, but merely a glance of golden orbs and a duo of his chin in acknowledgment.

Now, Nyra, or Fury, but Kyn has no idea of the change in name. He watches her now as many emotions cross her face and eyes. He swears he sees her eyes even water and when she speaks he ears betrayal and questioning. He understands her emotions, but he is here for one reason — two technically: his sons. 

“Nyra,” He hums. His expression isn’t cold, but it isn’t warm. He did not want to come back afterall, but he is glad to see she is alive and well. So his face slowly becomes warmer with familiarity. “Why now you ask?” He parrots her words. “I fear my boys have fucking died. I look for them.” He answers simply. Thought he words themselves may sound harsh, his tone is rather soft but strong as well.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Simmik - February 27, 2022

Simmik was not all that happy to be back either, but she wasn't quite as grumpy about it as her husband. She also had trouble making room for her discomfort when the fate of her sons was unknown. They had been raised as warriors, trained mostly by Ky, especially as they had gotten older; she wanted to believe they were fine and doing what they had come here to do, but she couldn't shake the fear in the pit of her stomach. 

She reached up and nuzzled Ky as he spoke words only she could hear. But the moment was interrupted by the familiar scent of Nyra—a pregnant Nyra at that. They had both known she would be angry. Simmik understood her reason for being upset, she just didn't care very much. They had never really gotten along, and now she was standing there with a look of betrayal, demanding to know why they had returned.

A man appeared, clearly protective of the other woman. He radiated a clear don't fuck with us vibe. Simmik was growing annoyed; she wanted to find their children, not stand here and be forced to explain their decisions. 

Ky told her they had returned to check on their sons. Now either help us or get out of the way, she added, fiery gaze moving between Nyra and her guard. Nothing would stand between her and her children.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - RIP Fury - February 28, 2022

"My name is Fury now." She corrected. Hearing Kynareth's reason for returning, any warmth to her appearance withered, despite his honesty. The look she gave Simmik was a look of pure, sociopathic boredom and very, very mild amusement. 
Arashi's presence beside her was a reminder to be at least somewhat if not barely civilized. "They're part of the Druids of Blackwater off the coast. Head North, go NorthEast and upward until you reach the Sound. They have a habit of traveling though, so don't be surprised if one or both of them aren't there when you arrive." Fury responded, her tone mostly detached yet held razors around the edges. 
With that out of the way, she turned to depart back into the Strath.
She didn't expect Kynareth, let alone his wife, to follow. 
If they did step beyond the doorframe, so be it. 
If not, she wasn't sure if she'd see them again, or if Kynareth, at least, would care to come back. 

Facing away and withdrawing, the tears that had been in her eyes threatened to come forward again in silent agony.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - February 28, 2022

Kynareth admits to why they’re here and, unsurprisingly, Simmik seconds him. Except she is not hardly as quaint as he. He sees the expression Nyra — now Fury — gives her. Kyn has the balls to feel bad for Simmik’s words. Kynareth’s always been friends with Fury, he has a certain soft spot for her and it seems even after all this time it has not left. He finds it coming back in full force as she tells them where their son’s are. 

Quickly though, Fury is trying to run off. He can tell her emotions are high at their sudden return. So he offers Simmik a knowing look that says ‘You know I can’t just leave her like this’ and moves towards Fury.

“Don’t look at me like that… please.” He says as he steps beside her quietly. “It’s true, I did not want to come back, but that does not mean I hate you. I left for different reasons, I hope you don’t hate me as well.” He remains quiet for a few seconds. “Is it alright if Simmik and I stay here, in the strath, for a few weeks while we look for our boys?” He asks softly, tentatively, intensely searching her eyes if she lets him. Reluctantly, a soft smile reaches his face. “Perhaps you could convince me to stay…permanently…but we shall see, hm?”

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Simmik - March 01, 2022

Fury's look was met with a blank expression. She had said what needed to be said, and now she waited for them to decide which option they would chose. 

To her surprise, Fury did both. She told them where their sons were and then she turned to leave. Simmik was happy to leave it at that and start making their way to the coast, but Ky had other plans. He trotted after her, sweet talking her and asking if they could stay there. Simmik rolled her eyes, stood, and followed after him. 

She knew he wouldn't leave this alone, and the faster he got this over with, the sooner they could go find Tulok and Alduin. 

She would stand quietly at her husband's side until they were done talking. 

she can be skipped unless addressed

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - RIP Fury - March 02, 2022

sorry for the long wall of talking Fury does in this post LMAO

Fury bristled as Kynareth followed, talking sweetly.
Part of her was glad, the rest was angry. 

She leveled him with a scathing glare, silent and obviously in thought.
He had some fucking nerve. 

But his and Simmik's presence here would probably do some good, like helping solidify borders and such...

The Warmaiden let out a sharp huff and succumbed to the part of her heart that was still soft for him.
"Fine. As long as you pull your weight." She grumbled. She still wasn't happy with him, and she intended to let him know just how badly everything had gone since his bailout. 

"Once you left, after we killed Merrick's crow, everything fell apart. Ramesses and Satsu built their own empire out from under us and I tried to kill him for his betrayal. I failed. This lead to Ursus allying with them and coming for the Saints. We moved to the Vale just over the mountains from the Canyon to try and buy us time. Arlette and her pups disappeared somehow, no scent trails, anything. Then the fucking avengers arrived. War and the other only wolf left, Xynos, and I got away at first, then Merrick found Xynos and once I came in on the attack, the bastard called his lackeys and they ALL came after me. I still don't know what luck allowed me and Xynos to get away, but I was severely injured. We bunked down with Moonglow for a time and went with them eastward. Came back after that, I got hit with heat and fucked then killed an old man in the Glen, Kukutux then chased me out. So the Spine is also a danger zone now. I went to the Druids of Blackwater with War and Xynos where they took us in. Alduin and Tulok arrived soon after. Xynos tried to bail and Alduin killed him. I was eventually given the blessing to try and start the Saints anew on the Sound, but some other pack finds the damn place scared and has an issue with it. They apparently also know I'm wanted for murder, by who, I don't know. Probably Ursus for all I'm aware. The Listener, the Druids head, talked with them and after taking a weeks time to assure I wouldn't be followed, me and my soldier, Arashi, came here. So without any other choice, I'm laying low while trying to raise The Saints up again." She spilled all of this with varying emotions, from anger, hurt, to sadness. 

"From what I've been told by Xynos before he became a snack, some other pack is also inhabiting the mountains now. I'm unsure where their main claim is, though." Fury added. Her chest swelled with self-hatred and it showed in her eyes. 
She knew it was all her fault.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - March 06, 2022

By the look Simmik gives him, she knows he won’t let Fury angrily stomp away from him. Not at least without Kyn attempting to placate her. So he does, moving forth he speaks his earlier words and Fury stops to listen to him. Only a second later says that he can stay and some part of him knew she wouldn’t have denied him despite his extended, and very much sudden, leave.

After she goes into vivid detail about everything that’s happened while he’s been gone and it all truly shocks him. He can’t say he’s surprised about Ramesses, but he doesn’t see why she would’ve tried killing him for it. An alliance still could’ve been possible under the right circumstances, but Kynareth’s unknowing of the golden pharaoh’s apparent grudge towards he and Fury. 

Moving on, he is surprised to hear that they allied with Ursus of all people, but can he really be pissed when Fury apparently tried murdering Ramesses? 

Then she gets kicked out of Moonglow for a reason that makes Kyn raise a brow. Her black widow energy never ceases to amaze him. And maybe his morals are skewered, but he sees no reason to kick her because of something like that, but again, he doesn’t know the entire situation. 

Next, she speaks of a place called Blackwater. And his son’s names are falling from her lips. Alduin has apparently killed someone and he feels his chest swell with pride for his eldest son. So young and already a killer — impressive. Still, that’s leads Fury into how she and her friend Arashi got here and he nods slowly with interest. Going in to speak of another pack living in the mountains but is unsure of their exact location. 

He hums low in his throat, silently taking in all of this information. It really is a shit-show and he can see the shame in Fury’s eyes. Maybe he shouldn’t have left. This is all as much his fault as Fury thinks it’s hers.

Finally, Kyn meets her eyes with vigor and pride. “And yet, you live.” He congratulates. “Not all is lost, my love. There is still time for opportunity and regrowth. Perhaps I could go speak with Teya over the mountain there. Maybe she could give us some useful information on who’s living where. If she doesn’t hate me that is.” He chuckles the last bit, but the thought is serious despite it all.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - RIP Fury - March 06, 2022

Fury relaxes slightly as he congratulates her on living through everything, that not all is lost. 

That there's still time to regrow.

"Only if wolves want to join." She sighs, defeat tinting her tone. Their notoriety wasn't exactly a key in their favor there.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - March 06, 2022

Kynareth’s can see how defeated she is and Kyn feels for her. That’s why he left in the first place. He too was defeated and his eldest had been going through a lot. He wanted to get away with his family for a while. Guess it’s a thing that comes with old age, a wife, and kids.

Still he lets loose a chuckle and bumps her shoulder. “You gotta get out there! Sheath your teeth and work that tongue, woman. That’s what I did, but our reputation does precede us.” He goes quiet for a second, obviously thinking. “We’ll have to plan it out. I’ll try and use my silver tongue to your liking.” He chuckles with a wink, but in all seriousness, maybe he will try and recruit for her.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - RIP Fury - March 07, 2022

Fury gives a halfhearted smile as Kyn bumps her shoulder and reminds her of one of the many traits a recruiting leader should have - diplomacy. Or was it ambassadorship? Both? Probably both.

"I would appreciate it if you could." She replied.
"Especially while I'm taking care of my pups." 
She didn't have much else to add at the current moment, instead choosing to keep walking forward.

RE: Where ma fuxkin’ kids at?? - Kynareth Deagon - March 13, 2022

He nods easily to her statement about helping her while she’s taking care of her pups. “Of course, darling.” He hums with an understanding smile, allowing her to go on her way before he makes it make to Simmik.