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Neverwinter Forest strange activities - Printable Version

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strange activities - Siv - October 05, 2014

The excursion up the mountain had been something of an adventure, but Siv had not managed to make it to the peak. She had spent the night holed up in a large cave, and when early morning struck, the honey-coated female made her way down the slick slope of the mountain and had scampered in the direction of the looming forest. Surely, she could trek her way through the wild wood and come across something on the other side. As soon as her paws touched the entrance of the woodland, however, there was an uneasy feeling in her gut. Mist seemed to shroud the area in a blanket of mystery and supernatural air. Siv’s eyes were wide as she tentatively tip-toed her way into the wild timberland. It was early enough that darkness still seemed to dominate the sky, and more noticeably; the forest. Her heart beat wildly in her chest at the sounds of crying birds in the canopy above.
Siv liked to think of herself as a fearless soul, but the swirling fog was enough to make her want to turn tail and retreat back to the cavern that she had discovered on the mountainside. Her breathing was quick, and with each noise from the underbrush, her bright gaze would dart uncertainly towards it, subsequently stopping her dead in her tracks. A violent crash sounded from above her head, and flapping wings seemed to fill the air around her. Siv yelped in surprise, darting forward and burrowing into the nearest shrubbery that she could locate. Perhaps, she was not as daring as she had hoped she would be.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 05, 2014

He did find a place to rest but it was only for a few hours. Nishu wasn't able to get much sleep due to not progessing on his task. He just didn't want to waste time doing nothing. He felt like he needed to reach the first step of his life goal as soon as possible. His body was tired but his spirit continued to push him through the forest.

The around was dark and foggy but that was to be expected in the early mornings. The only problem with this weather is that the visiability was limited. A loud crashing startle him, by reflex he ducked down then looked up to the sky where the sound came from. A thunder storm? He frowned at it, Maybe it would have been better to have waited a bit before starting the day. Being among the trees should be safe enough to allow him to continue so might as well press on as long as it doesn't rain.

Shortly after he cought sight of some movement up ahead. It didn't take long to see it was a wolf taking cover under a shrubbery. If had come any later he might not have cought sight of the wolf. Nishu was curious, he couldn't find any reason hide besides hiding from an enemy. He approached and whispered "Is someone after you?". He was on high alert, ready to engage any enemy who may be after this poor wolf. It was a Knight's duty to protect those who can not protect themselves.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 07, 2014

Had she more experience with the supernatural (or birds, for that matter), Siv would not have acted out so wildly in reaction to the commotion that had taken place above her. It was the setting that had aided to the eerie nature of the crow that had taken flight. That, coupled with the lack of sleep and high alert of the wandering coywolf, and she was primed and ready for fright.
Having taken cover in the bushes, her bright gaze peered out uncertainly, waiting for whatever had caused the racket to appear from the shadows and snatch her away. Siv’s hackles were rising slowly at the sound of approaching paws, and she cast her head from side to side in some desperate attempt to see her attacker before they landed a blow on her paralyzed figure. When, from the mist, a loping wolf appeared, Siv nearly shrieked in surprise. Immediately, she took to a defensive position, and widened her eyes. Somehow, she was hoping that if she appeared manic enough, this stranger would disappear back into the mist from where he came.
“Is someone after you?” his whisper fell against her long ears and she immediately lost the panic that had swiftly taken over her heart. Squinting at him with a half-frown, Siv quirked a brow upwards and took a single step forward. “You’re tellin’ me that you didn’t hear all that hubbub?” she questioned him with a peculiar expression… still looking slightly deranged. “Sounded like the whole damn sky was about to fall!” Of course, she was exaggerating. But only a little.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 07, 2014

Apparently he was wrong about this wolf being chased by something. It now appears that she was frighten by the sounds around. It was a bit normal to be on guard or take cover, even he was surprised by a loud sound like thunder. The wolf spoke to him as if he should have been hiding or taking cover as well. Nishu didn't worry much about the sounds from the crows or storms, they are nothing but distractions.

"If you are talking about that crashing sound that seems like thunder and the crows then yes I heard them. Taking cover from them is a waste of effort though. The sky is too big to avoid and crows are annoying by nature." he said as he looked up again. It was looking like it was about to rain. Traveling in the rain was not something he enjoyed, It's gets heavy and tiresome.

Nishu looked back at the strange wolf. Clearly she was young, attractive and also built for speed. She seemed like a good hunter. His best bet was that she hasn't dealt with a storm before. "Have you ever been in this kind of situation before?" he asked. "Personally I want to avoid the rain that may soon follow this weather. Are you need of a Knight's service?" He said wondering if she needed assistance in something. Finding her trying to take cover under a shrubbery didn't assure him that she would be fine on her own. He wanted to atleast know if she could take care of herself. She did appear to be completely on her own. Anyway this was a chance to see if she knows what Knights are as well as the possibility to prove to her that he is a great Knight.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 10, 2014

This man was rational. This made him mildly boring, and yet… Siv listened to the way he spoke and the conclusions that he came up with based on the evidence that had been presented, and she found that he had a good level head. “Well, what do you think I am, sir? Some damsel in distress? Hardly,” she darted her gaze in the direction of the male dramatically and widened her eyes. Her voice had changed entirely; a mock southern accent had managed to sneak into her words, though she cared very little if he recognized this or not. It would not have been the first time that she had harried someone to the point of making them leave. It would not be the last.
The male then began to ask her if she’d ever been in a situation like that before? If he was referring to the storm overhead, Siv would not be able to stifle a giggle. Two years of life and she’d never witnessed a storm! Ha! Yet, he seemed perfectly serious, which was charming in its own sense and slightly unnerving in another. It was his final question that struck a chord with her wicked little mind, and her dark lips curled into a soft smile.
“A knight?! Oh, I do declare! I would be forever indebted to you if you would help me through these troubled times,” she tossed her head upwards. Overacting was a specialty, if anything.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 10, 2014

Nishu stared blankly at this orange-ish wolf. He wasn't sure how to react to this sudden change of nature. One moment she's under a shubbery then the next she says she isn't in distress. The next part didn't fit into this at all. He didn't understand the situation anymore. He almost decided to just turn and walk away but leaving her behind was out of the question. There's more to it than she shows surely.

"You make it sound like you have larger problems than this storm." He said as he took a few steps towards a location not far that may provide a bit of cover from the rain. "You wouldn't owe me anything, It's a Knight's duty to assist where they can. It may rain soon, I'm going to go look for these arched trees and take cover there. You may follow me if you wish." He said a bit tiredly. It was morning and he was tired which made him not so motivated to really try to prove himself as a knight. He took a few more steps wondering if she would follow or not. He may have been less knightly compared to his normal habbits but it was mainly because of the possibility of rain as well as just being tired.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 10, 2014

Larger problems than the storm; his words fell against her ears and she could not suppress the quiet snicker that passed along her narrow muzzle. He seemed to be a man of a good heart, but he was quite caught up in proving himself to be a knight. His offer stood to allow her to follow after him while he sought cover from the storm. Seeing as Siv was far from through with this gallant ‘knight,’ she decided that she would take him up on his offer. Batting her eyes at him with a nervous smile, she waved her tail behind her in slow circles. “Oh, I would be most grateful if I could follow you into the woods, sir knight,” she exclaimed, voice rising slightly. As he began to step away from their beginning position, she trailed behind him with her head held low to the earth and her eyes widely searching the brush for any signs of movement. In spite of the fact that she had Sir Incompetent with her, she was still startled from the abrupt noises that took over the forest in the misty morning.
Peering at the back end of the male, she narrowed her brows and squinted her eyes at his tall frame. “Sir, I do hate to ask you of so much in such little time… but I don’t even know your name,” she inquired in a sing-song voice, her ears flicking forward to catch any sounds that would fall from his lips. Part of her felt poorly for parading around with him, pretending to be in distress when she was not really distressed at all. Another part of her was glad for the company.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 11, 2014

"Oh my apologies, My name is Nishu Inte" he said calmly. After taking a few steps it wasn't long before small rain drops starting falling. This was not a good sign, He quicken his pace. "We must hurry." he said quickly. It wasn't really necessary to speed up as the arched trees were only up ahead but he didn't want to get wet. The moment he got under cover he shook his fur trying to get rid of whatever water there was in it. He looked up at the tree covering him. Their trunks were bent enough to make it seem like a roof. It may be wide enough for Nishu and the other wolf to take one of each side but if the wind decided to blow strongly through the arched trees then they wouldn't be spared by the rain.

After he was finish looking at the situation he sighed and sat down next to one of the tree base. "There might be a better cover than this but I think it will due for now." he said with little energy. He realised afterwards that the wolf he was with never gave a name. "And what shall I call you miss grateful." He said with the loudness depending on the distance inbetween them. He yawned after that, Maybe he should have slept a little more. It felt like this was a good place to take a nap but it was about to rain.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 12, 2014

Nishu Inte… she let the name settle on the tip of her tongue without being spoken for a second before she shook her head. For a Knight, he sure had a funny name. Siv had expected something gallant and noble like Benedict, Arthur, or… Mildred. Dismissing her disappointment in the male’s name, she tried to focus on the fact that he was trying to hustle her along. Now, she was certain that this Nishu Inte had no clue how to treat a damsel in distress, because you sure as hell weren’t supposed to rush them through the rain. He darted ahead of her and she looked up with wide eyes at his retreating grey frame with some panic taking hold of her. “Hey! Nintu… Nettles… Nisha,” she stumbled through his name, trying to remember. “Nancy! Pump your brakes, turbo!” she barked at him as he darted for the comfort and cover he had aimed for.
The rain began to splatter against her narrow muzzle, and Siv trotted after him with a cheery expression, relishing the chilly bite that it carried with it. He made a remark about how little bit of cover they would have, but she shrugged her shoulders slightly and looked at him with a pleasant smile on her tapered features. At the mention that he still had nothing to call her by, the young girl cracked a smile and looked at him with batting baby blue eyes. “Oh, little old me? You can call me Henrietta,” she spoke the name fluently, as though she’d been called it her entire life. He wouldn’t know the different. Good ol’ Nancy, she thought to herself as she peered outwards at the falling rain. He had no idea what he was in for.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 12, 2014

"It's Nishu.." He said softly as she joined him under cover. After he yawned he looked at her. How could she have so much energy in the morning he wondered. Maybe if he had slept better he could match that energy but it wasn't the case. The rain started to come down. This cover wasn't perfect, droplets were still landing on him but not as much as it would be if he was out there.

She had given him her name to remember, Henrietta it was. "Pleasure to meet you miss Henrietta" He said with a steady voice. Then he lean against the tree. He decided to just ask what she was doing here instead of trying to figure it out. "Exactly what were you doing back there?" He then realised that it's not really any of his business, He serves no one so it wasn't necessary to get information. "Sorry, I just can't find a reason behind it. It's none of my business so no need to answer."

"I guess I'm not really awake yet." He said as he watched the rain fall. He was aiming to change the subject a bit. Nishu didn't really mind Henrietta, she was cute and lively so she'll be able to wake him fully if not it was just a matter of time really.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 13, 2014

Siv had been born with high energy. She could not recall a single day that she hadn’t spent wired to the teeth with excitement. The coywolf had a good spirit, though, and she meant well in most situations. She had always had the ability to find herself in a mess of trouble, however. Even when she had been young, mischief was drawn to her like the ocean to the shore. It did not leave a damper on her excitement. Life was confusing and awful and oftentimes strange. Siv would not have wanted it any other way.
The ashen male corrected her pronunciation of his name and she nodded her head to him, knowing that it would slip her mind in a matter of moments anyway. He was better off just accepting the new name she’d offered and leave it be. Still, the supposed knight was something of a gentleman. She offered a small smile to him, dark lips curling her slender features upwards. Then, he inquired as to why she was out wandering the misty wood. “Well, Nancy, it may be none of your business, but since we’re crammed in here like sardines together, it’s a good start for conversation,” she responded with a shrug of her narrow shoulders.
“I’d heard a rumor that there was a creature that dwelled here. It’s said that it hides high in the trees and drops in on unsuspecting wolves. It particularly likes ones named Henrietta,” she told him with a perfectly serious expression on her features. She peered at him with a mischievous twinkle in her bright blue gaze.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 14, 2014

He didn't really expect an answer to his question. To Nishu everything started to make sense. Clearly he was right at the begining, she was trying to hide from something. Perhaps she had encountered the creature very early in the morning. Guessing from what she said about wolves with her name seemed to be a favorite target must have meant that the creature hasn't given up on her. He concluded that the creature must still be around after her.

After hearing and seeing the answer from her he looked up at the trees believeing every word. The fact that it was raining was good in her case. It's probably gone to take cover somewhere and the rain make it harder for it to track. Nishu couldn't imagine something dangerous among the high trees. It shouldn't be something he can't handle.

"Did you come wanting to see this creature to test if the tale was true? I suppose it exist since you were trying to hide from something back there." He said as he turn back to look at her. "You must be an adventurous wolf but If I were in your place I wouldn't back away from dangers you'll face. You'll have to deal with them sooner or later and that's for sure." He knew that by experience with his trainers. He had to face whatever was thrown at him and deal with them accordingly. This was the idea he tried to pass down.

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 19, 2014

There was a momentary pang of guilt that seemed to creep into Siv’s heart at the genuine response from the ashen male. He seemed kind enough. After all, he had managed to keep the girl company while her fear ebbed away. He also had found a temporary shelter for the two of them to wait until the rain had ceased its falling. Still, Siv was a storyteller in her heart of hearts. Even more than this, she was an exaggerator. If she caught a fish, it was the size of a mountain lion. If she swam across a river, its length could have rivaled the great Pacific ocean, and if she found herself frightened and alone in the misty woods, in some of the wee hours of the morning, then her name was suddenly Henrietta and she was being hunted by the lurking figure of a mysterious creature. While it was – technically – a false representation of what had occurred when he had found her cowering in the bushes with wide eyes, it was certainly a more interesting tale to be told. After all, it was rare to come across such adventure in the wide open world. He should very well have been grateful for her witty – if not mildly bizarre – companionship, no matter how temporary it was.
The coywolf girl listened to his observation with a slight squint to her gaze and a stern nod. “Oh, yes-sir-ee-Bob, I was coming out here to see if the rumors were true. I mean, how many Henriettas do you think there are out there, Nancy? It was like it was fate or some shit,” she answered his first question with a swift nod of her narrow skull and a matter-of-fact expression planted firmly on her features. He seemed to have been catching on quickly to her story, and she felt like she had planted the bait well enough that she could continue for a good while longer before he grew tired of her endless mis-pronunciation of his name and the manner in which she seemed to be dealing with the creature that was supposedly hiding in the tree tops.
It was in the last part of his statement that her demeanor seemed to change drastically. His words had struck a strange chord with the girl, and in a matter of seconds, the wide smile that had been imprinted on her features seemed to fade away to a somber and thoughtful frown. The truth was something that she had so actively avoided that when it reared its ugly head, there was always a sobering effect on the Savoy girl. His words had forced her gut to tighten into knots. Her gaze seemed to drift away from his face and instead settled on the fog that was slowly beginning to disappear in the rainfall. Perhaps he was right… she had been running from her dangers for far too long. It was only a matter of time before they finally caught up to her. Shuddering, Siv glanced back to the male with an apologetic expression. “I think I should be going,” she remarked quietly, her ears flattening to her skull.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 19, 2014

It wasn't easy to truely understand what Henrietta saying. The concept of fate and destiny was something Nishu did believe in. All wolves have one true destination they will reach but they can choose their path to it. Depending on the path they pick they'll encounter other wolves. Luck on the other hand was not something Nishu believed in.

He wondered if he should correct her once more about his name, might as well. Remembering a false name is meaningless. A name gains meaning over time, so having different names wasn't something that will go in Nishu's favor. "My name is Nishu, not Nancy. I wouldn't want you to remember a false name." He paused for a moment as he looked at the weather. The worse part of it was over but for him it wasn't time to leave cover. Just a while longer and the rain may stop.

"If you want to leave now you may but I'm going to stay here a little bit longer. It's nice to meet adventuring wolves. As a Knight, going on an adventure is rare. I really shouldn't be out here.." He said as he turned away for a moment then returned to look at her. He watched her expressions and concluded that she could handle things on her own. She had already made it this far on her own so he had no need to assist her. "Anyway, you managed to get this far so that means you can take care of yourself, right?"

RE: strange activities - Siv - October 29, 2014

You can reply once more if you'd like. If not, we can archive here! :D Thanks for the thread. Hopefully we can have another one soon?
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It seemed that the silver-furred male wanted nothing more than for Siv to recall his correct name instead of the one she had so graciously given to him. She was not so entirely rude that she would escape his company without him knowing that she really did know his name, and not the pet-one given to him. Still, his words had shaken something inside of the young coywolf female, and she was determined to discover what it was that had perturbed her so deeply. Glancing towards the silver-furred male with wide eyes, she listened to his final words that suggested she would be alright on her own if she had made it that far. And this was accurate, in more than just their present situation. With a short bob of her narrow skull, Siv offered a small smile of thanks to the male who had opted to stay beneath his newfound cover before she stepped out from beneath the trees and felt the miserable drizzle of rain on her head.
“Thanks, Nishu,” she said to him with a quick and toothy grin that she cast over her shoulder. “Maybe I’ll catch you around.” With nothing more to say to her noble knight, the coywolf female kicked her heels and took off at a darting sprint through the murky woods.

RE: strange activities - Nishu Inte - October 29, 2014

[size=x-small](If they were ever to cross paths again, 'Henrietta' would have to be the one out there near where he is. Nishu isn't likely going to leave AS (Ankyra Sound) any time soon. Unless there was a conflict between her pack with his but that's unlikely :P)[/size]

She had decided to leave, with atleast his real name remembered. It was going to get quiet and calm now that Henrietta is gone. This was an excellent moment to catch up on some sleep. Perhaps one day he will meet her again. Nishu won't forget the name 'Henrietta' and in return he hopes she wont forget his name.

Once he becomes more known to the other wolves and restores the faith in Knights then he'll become easier to find. Perhaps one day she'll come visit him, but that would depend on completely on where Nishu would end up next. Hopefully it was some place that's bound to spread the word of Knights.