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The Sunspire What is this place? - Printable Version

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What is this place? - Valerius - October 05, 2014

[size=x-small]Hi! (btw...this is NOT a joining thread) I'm Vale and I'm kinda new I guess? I still play Flash though. This is just a random me stumbling thread. (cuz i need to find shadow...but for now I'm randomly wandering around)[/size]

Vale dragged his bloodied body away from the cougar. Lifting his nose in the air, he smelled a pack scent, he used what was the last of his strength and stumbled towards it. Stupid me and my stupid nose , he thought as he made an attempt to get away from the cougar. He had accidentally crashed into the cougar when was deep in thought and had angered it. Pack scent will probably make it go away, he hoped as his stumbled across the scent line which was again another stupid move on his part.

He almost laughed as the cougar gave a whine of frustration behind him as if it knew it couldn't take on a pack. He made his way over to a river which washed over him cooling the wounds that the cougar gave him and washing away the blood. The scarred Roman gave a small sigh of relief and before he could stop it, he fell into a slumber which he hadn't got since being born and it wasn't long before the nightmares came.

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 05, 2014

hi :D
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While she had arisen with the day's goal being tracking herds as they shifted for the autumn, it was now the distinct tang of blood on the wind that had her jogging quickly away from the heart of her mountain territory. Frankly, she did not know what to expect yet and moved even faster once it became strong enough to practically burn her nose.

What she found was evidently the aftermath of something ugly. Blood, and a sleeping mystery wolf, her hackles prickled at the sight. Stranger, she barked as she strode purposefully closer to the sleeping, obviously wounded male. While her favorite healer had not been seen in a handful of days now (another cause for worry for the dark Rikudou), but she was not overly eager to extend the help freely to him just yet.

One look explained plenty and inspired even more questions all at once. Somehow, her thoughts glanced fleetingly to Ferdie; had the same happened to him? Her sharp eyes traced the angry injuries and silver fur matted by blood while she sniffed at him, willing him to awake with enough coherence to answer her -- all while hoping that the culprit of this was not lurking just beyond the mountain's reach. Her guards were up accordingly.

RE: What is this place? - Valerius - October 06, 2014

Yo :D

Blood trickled down his muzzle, the silver stranger raking his claws across his snout drawing a deep thick cut. He refused to make a sound, refuse to let the stranger know that it actually did hurt, that it pained him. It was the strong foolish Roman pride deep within him that gave him this determination, this resolve. Something that had kept him alive at times but made him suffer more in others. The stranger was about to bite into him again, ocean blue eyes stared defiantly into the stranger's yellow ones or was it yellow? His vision was so blurry....

He hadn't been awake at the time to hear her say Stranger but he did manage to open his eyes and pull himself out of the realm of Somnus. Bright blue eyes looked at the dark female but with his still blurry vision and the remains of the nightmare plaguing his thoughts, he thought it was his father glaring at him. Though his father was silver and had nothing in common at all with this female, somehow his thoughts made her look like Aku. Immediately the images of the almost rape flooded back into his mind and he scrambled backwards, ashamed of his immediate fear. "Don't...don't hur-" and then he saw it was a female with a dark pelt that had nothing in common with his goddamned father!

The scarred Roman blinked, ocean blue eyes now wide and wary. He knew he had entered packlands and though it was to save his life, he doubted his life would be pardoned now. Then a flash of pain went through his flank, he managed to stop himself from wincing and crying out loud but he hadn't been able to stop it from going through his eyes. Vale's white fur seemed to be purely red now for it seemed that the blood had began to seep into his fur again when he slumbered. "I am sorry, milady, for trespassing into your packlands." he began with a lightly accented voice and a slightly apologetic tone. "But there was a cougar and after it ran away, I was bleeding too much to move away. Sincere apologies, my lady."

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 06, 2014

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She didn't know if he heard, but he came to not long after, so this was bound to progress forward. However, as soon as he went scuttling back and she heard him almost form a plea, her ears slicked back and she showed the tips of her teeth. She was unsettled by his immediate reactions. Do not.. what? she asked and edged a few steps closer. You should stay still, lest your bleeding worsen, Ame warned cautiously. He had likely lost a lot of blood, and could not be feeling well at this point, but he then offered apologies anyway.

The second she heard cougar, she tried not to tense outwardly. Somehow it made too much sense. Her eyes narrowed and she worked not to growl. Did you come from that way? she gestured towards the pocket of land where Jace and Summer had tracked the beast and smelled Ferdie's last trace with a swing of her muzzle. If so, the problem was evidently more glaring that she had first realized. Just Ferdie was bad enough. If this same cat had laid into the both of them, it just may have a troubling penchant for wolf flesh.

Do you have a pack? Or any home? she asked. There was a possibility the cougar would still be lurking nearby, or was tracking him down to finish the job once he had weakened further. But she didn't know if they even did that. Amekaze really did not have extensive knowledge of cougar hunting habits, beyond the fact that they were strong, stealth predators. Such power and unknowns together truly made them formidable.

RE: What is this place? - Valerius - October 06, 2014

If you don't mind, maybe this could become a joining thread for SS? Depends on how things go of course....

Vale's gaze was steady and even as the female's ears slicked backwards and the tips of her teeth showed. "Do not..what?" she asked and edged closer. The flashback came creeping back in but he shoved it away, unwilling to show any sign of weakness in front of a stranger. "I just thought you were someone else, milady." he replied in a quiet tone. A flash of surprised shone through his impassive mask as she said for him to stay still or his bleeding would get worse. Valerius simply nodded, not used to sympathy or care from others. He had only ever received it from his brother Hadrian and no one else.

Ocean blue eyes watched the female as her eyes narrowed and asked if him if that was the way he came from. He did not want to turn to look at the direction as it hurt too much but he twisted his head painfully over to the piece of land. He nodded briefly, "Generally from that direction," he replied politely, wondering if there was anything important with that direction.

"Do you have a pack? Or any home?" the dark female asked. The aura of quiet sadness seem to radiate stronger. The scarred Roman shook his head, "No, I have never had a home, just a pack that I have now left." he wanted to rise to his paws but remembered her words and stopped himself. "Do you want me to track down the cougar, I can help besides I owe you for not killing me."

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 07, 2014

ya sure that works for me ^^
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She didn't ask any further and decided that his answer was good enough. So, she nodded just a little. This only served to reaffirm what she had said earlier -- that he should try to be still when he could, to let his bleeding slow and clot until she could figure out what to do with him. If he was seeing things, then all the more reason to do as she had said..

There have been some.. trails, in that direction, she explained stoically. And several weeks ago I ran off a ghostly cat.. one pure white with red eyes. So they lurk, she said and wondered if it had been that cat in particular. If it had been, she was sure he'd share that detail. An albino cougar was certainly not commonplace.

Nevertheless, she listened and was satisfied that he answered her without complaint -- despite literally bleeding out on her borders. I see, she grunted softly in quick understanding to his somber words about never having a home. Simply put, she knew that it was not necessary to pry deeply into that matter right now either. Now was not the time and it was far from the most interesting topic at hand here. But his offer, admittedly, intrigued her.. and all their own tracks had led them nowhere. Maybe they needed someone new on the case. Perhaps.. the dark Alpha breathed. You may just be too easy to kill right now, she deadpanned and dared him to prove otherwise. I would not want to finish what a cougar started anyway. she smirked. Her humor was her own, but really, she believed he was too wounded to even make for a challenging fight.

While she wasn't fanciful of the trespass, she sensed he may possibly make for an ally.. what with a common enemy between them already. And I would much rather see all feline terrors within a stone's throw of my mountain dead.. but you are surely not in any shape to be tracking anything right now? What is your name? she asked.

RE: What is this place? - Valerius - October 07, 2014

"A ghostly white cat with red eyes you say? That would be the prefect description for the cougar who chased me." he said in an emotionless voice. He could feel the blood starting to dry and a smile almost came to his face as he realized what the female said had worked, but he also knew that it wouldn't last long unless it was properly treated. Silently he wished for Aemilia who had always been a good healer, Scipio and Hadrian too. Apparently he was the only one with crappy healing knowledge out of the three brothers.

I haven't smiled since Hadrian left... he thought as a bolt of sadness ran through him. Though he dismissed it quickly, now was not the time for these sentimental thoughts.

When she mentioned killing him, he almost lost hope. He knew he was in a weak state even if his Roman pride let him admit that. If she attacked, he was in no state to defend himself but he would defend himself to the very end and enter Elysium when he died. But she continued on about how she would not end what a cougar started. Truthfully he wasn't afraid of death, just wanted to complete his goal, to find Hadrian before he had to die. If the gods wanted him to, that is.

"For now, but soon I will be strong enough to rid your territory of this beast." When she asked for his name, he hesitated not wanting to reveal his name to a stranger, despite the fact she had kind of saved his life but relented in the end. "My name Is Valerius Leo Angelus Mortis, Milady. But you may call me Vale or Leo."

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 07, 2014

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Although she measured her reaction carefully, she knew her eyes grew a little sterner as he answered. While not surprised to have her suspicions confirmed, she was angry that cat had opted to stay around.. although it evidently hadn't made a habit of lurking too close to the Sunspire. Them, with their eyes peeled for Ferdie anyway, would have spotted it.

She nodded grimly and kept the information for later. Did you at least manage to scuff it up any in exchange? she asked, having felt last time that its eerie white pelt would look better shredded. That, and she wanted to know if perhaps the cat would be tending its own injuries. Knowing the enemy was valuable, after all.

Hm.. a lengthy title, she smirked and tilted her head subtly. There had to be some meaning in it, and likely some curious heritage to boot. Wolves born from nobodies didn't get names like those. I am Ame, she breathed, with surname barred as was customary for her. This is the Sunspire, she gestured towards the peak with a quick sweep of her muzzle. You may stay, assuming you are useful. I would suspect that without injuries, you are a capable wolf in more ways than just cougar hunting, yes? He had led her to believe such, and without his injuries, he did not look to be in sore shape for a wolf without a family. Young, probably robust, she knew she had met him at a bad time.. considering he looked like he had quiet literally been chewed up and spit out here.

RE: What is this place? - Valerius - October 08, 2014

Keen blue eyes did not miss the way the female's eyes grew just a tiny bit sterner as he spoke, storing that information in his mind, he listened as she spoke again. A faint smirk graced his features at her words, "You bet," he replied, tilting his head ever so slightly. "I might be a bit injured but that cat, seriously bruised and cut. Although I admit its strikes were slightly harder than mind, but I'll work hard to improve on that." the scarred Roman said in a serious tone once more. The faint, barely see-able smirk still decorated his features as the female spoke about him having a lengthy title. He might hate and fear his father, but he was still proud of his bloodline which extended to the ancient times and held the blood of the gods.

"I am Ame," the dark female said, gesturing towards a distant mountain and saying it was the Sunspire. His expression was impassive and indifferent as she ssaid that he could stay, if he was useful. That without his injuries, he was a capable wolf in more ways than cougar hunting. At those words, he laughed softly, a gentle, amusing rumbling sound. His eyes flashed with amusement, "Ah, yes. Though I am still useful with these injuries." he proved his point by rising to his paws, though it hurt, he knew he was able to endure this. The scarred yearling had worse injuries in his life. "I had worse before." he said with a small shrug.

Curse the cougar for making him have more weaknesses than he should have, and less handsome than he should be. Leo dipped his head to Ame which he assumed to be the Alpha here from how she had casually told him he could stay in The Sunspire. "Thank you," he said simply in a lightly accented voice.

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 09, 2014

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While she debated whether she would prefer to call him Vale or Leo, she was pleased to hear the cat did not go unscathed. Good, she chuffed with a small swish of her tail. It would have long since healed from anything she had done several weeks back when it had hunted on the base of their mountain, so she took solace in knowing it suffered again. She knew they were too powerful for their own good, and just one wolf up against a cat was far from matched, but anything was better than nothing.

Ah. Even better, then, she added as he rose to stand. She had seen the scar on his face and did not doubt he had seen uglier in some time and place, perhaps even battle or war, or maybe just squabbles among other wolves. His tenacity was noted quietly and while he was hurt, she was suspecting that he would not prove to be a burden on them, despite this strange start. There are good creeks for rinsing your wounds off not far. Also, if you begin to suspect a fever in hours or days to come.. I can help remedy it somewhat, as she had watched Aleera decently enough to know the basics, and she also knew where her and Akita's medicine stashes were. However, Ame was not quick to pressure him towards remedies without a formal medic around to pawn him off onto. He may not need them.

When he thanked her, she had begun to turn towards the aforementioned creeks with plans to lead him in their general direction. She responded with a nod and soft hm sound; it was noted. This way, she said, curious to see how he fared in motion with his wounds. I suppose this is your formal welcome. So take it for what it is worth.

RE: What is this place? - Valerius - October 10, 2014

One last post from me here? Or another post from you after this one?

"Thank you, Milady, for giving me shelter and a place to recover." he said quietly. He didn't like having help, he was only used to get it from Hadrian. The thought of Hadrian reminded him of the reason he escaped. He had to find Hadrian and tell him he was sorry for not trusting him. When the black alpha told him about creeks to wash off the blood and how if he felt if he had a fever she would help me. He cringed, only masking half of it in time, not use to the sympathy. Damn it. he cursed to himself. Seriously was Mercury playing some kind of trick on him? Making him look like an idiot, yeah, thanks a lot, my patron.

"I'm sorry if I become a burden to your pack." He muttered under his breath, half to himself. But the silver white male knew he wouldn't be a burden, would not let himself be a burden, he was a wolf of ancient bloodlines, the blood of Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune ran through his veins and a Roman was never a burden but an valuable asset. And he swore not to become a burden to to this Sunspire pack. He took a step forward, the wounds on his body leaking slowly again but he masked it with an indifferent and impassive mask and continued forward. He had endured worse pain before and he swore to endure this one without a single word or loo of agony. Forcing himself to walk in a slow pace, he moved forward, still with the grace of a panther.

RE: What is this place? - Amekaze - October 11, 2014

ya i'll go ahead and archive it here
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You are welcome, she eventually replied. She would not be sparing him any major energy on seeing to his healing, so she did not actually consider him a huge weight for the pack to carry. So long as he did heal, with time, and return what he owed (maybe even more, if he could help destroy cougars and bolster the pack's strength), she wouldn't necessarily think of him as a burden for long. It was the mountain that could give him a place. She was just its keeper, and until he earned a modicum of her best graces, her watchful eye would be the minimum at times.

She spared him a lingering look to his apology. It was up to him if he became one for any length of time. You will heal in time, and the mountain is still plentiful. Winter loomed, but she intended to uphold this pack's strength and nurture it into the coming months. Settle in and rest, was what she offered in means of a farewell after she had led him along far enough. The mountain was at his disposal, and she would now oversee him from a distance before getting to know him better.