Wolf RPG
Blackwater Islands After we're gone - Printable Version

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After we're gone - Morgra - March 15, 2022

RO unless otherwise requested
backdated to 3/11

Morgra was a relatively quiet baby. She only complained when she was hungry or when she was cold, nothing out of the ordinary. Her cries were soft and consistent, and she never emitted them for very long; whether this was her personality or because she was closely tended to was to be determined. 

This morning started differently, though. When she woke, snuggled into her mother's side, she saw more than the darkness to which she had grown accustomed. Blurry lights and shadows were everywhere. 

Most importantly, she saw the dark form of her mother for the first time. She knew her scent and her warmth, and now she had a blurry image to associate with that. 

She would only release a few squeaky grunts due to the new discovery, then she would nuzzle her way into her mother's fur and fall soundly back to sleep.