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Lion Head Mesa charcoal - Printable Version

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charcoal - Treva - March 18, 2022

treva arrived a whole moon after.

boredom gnawed feverishly at her. half tempted to keep moving on, to cross the mountains and see the rest of the wilds. instead she roamed nearby before heading to where she had been informed her pale worshiper was. his palace.

she wasted no time in calling for him on the borders.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 18, 2022

pharaoh was incensed.
he attended his own summons this hour, striding up from the belly of the mesa with a small entourage; sihaya and belen, trotting behind.
treva would find him in a fine furor, elegant nostrils flared and lapis eyes ablaze with the fire of Ra. he stopped before her, consuming the cunning vision of the little demigoddess. "welcome to akashingo."

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 18, 2022

he came with others.

but the air of treva was not challenged by the presence of others, or the presence of her worshiper. she did not challenge with her own stance, but she would not cower below these wolves, beneath the eye of akashingo.

your palace is...unique. never seen anything like it. she drawled honestly, eyes squinted at the corners with delight.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 19, 2022

his teeth glinted in a grin. despite the others he felt alone with treva. "you have not yet seen its true finery. walk with me."
ramesses meant for the two of them to stride back along the red path as the mesa grew larger and larger before them, to climb the great stonehewn steps, to enter the passage downward. he looked toward her as the light changed, searching for the reaction of the one who had allowed him such worship.

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 19, 2022

it was stunning. truly. like...she had seen some unique places from ursus to here but...how had these even come to be? it was as if somebody had picked up a chunk of the south and transplanted it north.

she held her delight in soft breathless moments, green eyes full of envy.

she had apparently gone and laid with a dude who owned the finest peace of land she had seen.

when he looked towards her, she'd look back. the mixture of awe and envy plastered on her features. uncertain what words were best said in a situation like this. perhaps she didn't need words if her features said it all.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 19, 2022

the hallways were grand, punctuated by storerooms and small offshoots. ramesses walked with treva in the direction of his own chambers, the first holding his throne and the second his bed. 
members of the fellahin passed by; he did not nod to them, only exhaled a sigh of pleasure as he and she came to the expanse of his throne-place.
ramesses summoned food and the pine liqueur, which was summarily brought and placed upon the eating mats. 
his eyes were hot upon treva as they were once more left alone. "for what do you hunger most?"

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 19, 2022

treva was provided for in a way she never had been before.

food, liqueur all placed out thoughtfully. a throne room for none other than her pale worshiper. who then asked her what she hungered for the most.

she had struck gold in those ocean eyes.

a lot of things, she teased lightly, lapping at the drink before thoughtfully looking at him once more.

i like to be powerful, i like to be in pretty places with pretty people.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 19, 2022

ramesses too drank, and soon he was filled with a low warmth. "i was your servant when we first met. today you will know that my true form is pharaoh, ramesses, He Who Brings Down the Sun."
"i will make you one of the mazoi, that you may come and go freely in search of hunting or otherwise." his mouth quirked. "and as such, the fellahin will attend you — in any way you desire."
"but first, i must know if the fact there is also a queen in akashingo might diminish your desire." his lazuli gaze was pointed.

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 19, 2022

treva had heard enough names for royalty that his term didn't fall on deaf ears. although she wasn't as intimately familiar with it's meaning, but the message was clear. he ruled here as some sort of...head piece.

and he offered her a ticket to freedom with a slice of paradise.

although the other shoe always dropped. a queen. lazily she rolled her head in prolonged thought, teasing a piece of fatty meat between her teeth.

only if she'll deprive me of your time and eventually some spot of importance. not her seat, i'm not looking to play queen, though.

honest, even in her drunken green gaze. treva had no desire to be queen here even if she wanted some sliver of greatness.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 19, 2022

ramesses chuckled. "eventually she will return to court. for now satsu is indisposed." he would not elaborate unless treva asked, though his mind engendered fine thoughts about siptah and his promise. the dark-blue of his eyes roved hungrily over her features.
"what sort of diversion do you seek?" ramesses asked, though he shifted now with a look toward his throne — and the room beyond.
"you are not a servant here. i wish to see you fulfilled."

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 22, 2022


well, shit, perhaps she should have asked for the throne. ha.

lazily she lapped more on the pine wine up, eager to have her fill if not stopped. ursus had been fun, but not this type of fun. drinks and desires fulfilled was more her speed.

i haven't found something specific, she cooed softly, sprawling out, earthy limbs reached towards his position. maybe you can tell me more about what gets fulfilled here, maybe you can tell me where you picture me as your mazoi.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 22, 2022

treva lay in repose as though she had done this before. perhaps she had; perhaps his bodily praise of her in her natural form among the trees had prepared her for that. "mazoi are guards. wolves with a trade. they are hunters. they are skilled."
he wanted a concubine. it was high time he had one.
softly tucking that away for now.
"you would lead excursions and have a voice in my court as one of tactics. in more regards than one."

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 22, 2022

her ears pushed forward. eyes softly lidded as she trailed them along the strength of his legs.

i do like the sound of that, she informed him, muted delight tucked in the back of her words. what sort of things do you need a tacticians eye for in court, my pharaoh?

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 22, 2022

peacock preening under her desirous glance;
"the priestess qiao intends to begin trade with our ally, mereo. it might be of benefit to me were you able to see that her loyalty cannot be bought by those soldiers."
did she know of mereo? he would tell her; ramesses, winding closer and serpentine, the cobra upon his own brow.
my pharaoh
"careful, treva. if you please my ears i may not allow you to leave these rooms for a while."

RE: charcoal - Treva - March 22, 2022

she hummed, soft and warm, lulled by the beverages that had been provided. her duty to keep others...steadfast in their loyalties. she liked it. how delightful it would be to be the hand of the pharaoh.

and she knew nothing of mereo, but she would absorb whatever knowledge she was given.

perhaps...that's what i want. she exhaled. warm. wouldn't it be an honor to spend time in these rooms with you? maybe that's the diversion i seek.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - March 23, 2022

"then i will fulfill your want, treva," and ramesses had swept the remains of their meal aside, and crossed the dining-mats to catch her up against him, so that he might feel the thrum of her heart and her of his own. 
"we will be gods here, only us," he whispered fiercely into her ear, drawing her from the throne room into that behind it, where his freshened bed waited to be laid replete once again.

RE: charcoal - Treva - April 08, 2022

can i have her added back in? <3

you will make me a greedy god, pharaoh. she hummed in lulled tones as she followed him. this room just as grand as the one before, but wasn't that to be expected?

i am a good warm body until your queen is no longer...indisposed. purred with a dramatic roll of her eyes. playful, even if her eyes fixed upon him in a serious way.

RE: charcoal - Ramesses - April 18, 2022

fading here! <3

ramesses purled a laugh.
but the time for speaking was over.
the feral little goddess came to him and for a while longer, pharaoh was no longer ruler of akashingo, but servant to her every hunger.