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Hideaway Strath sweet salvation on a dining room table - Printable Version

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sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - March 21, 2022

Since her acceptance, Sakari had stuck to the outskirts of the Strath, inhabiting the shadows while the others flitted around Fury and her spawn. Each morning since the children had been born, Fury would have found a fish or two on the doorstep to her den, but no sign of the fisher. She preferred to be as far as possible from the squalls of newborn children. 

On this particular cloudy afternoon, Sakari drifted alongside the Strath's river. Normally, her eyes would have been glued to the riverbottom, and so perhaps that explained how she had missed it before: a tiny island, out in the middle of the waters. She stopped and squinted, surveying the island from where she stood upon the bank.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - March 21, 2022

@Fury, making an assumption about prior knowledge of Sakari's recruitment

If needed, I can edit that bit out!

The days were silent, save the few that held the bloody outcries of the Warchieftain's newly born litter.

It hardly bothered Arashi. Or so he sometimes convinced himself..

The outer portions of the Strath became a favored place; mainly because nothing from within could be heard with an inattentive ear. Besides, it would give him more opportunities to be the watchful eye of the territory.

Today, it seemed that he was in the right place at the right time.

Someone was lingering near the lake — both of a strange sight and scent.

"Someone has joined us. Sakari is her name." Arashi then remembered what Fury had told him days ago. Could this wolf be their newest recruit? One way to find out..

The hound drew nearer, feet carrying him a feet lengths away.

Sakari, is it? He questioned sharply, brow lifted curiously.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - March 22, 2022

Sakari's citrine gaze studied the surface of the river, searching for the small disturbances in the flow that would indicate the presence of rocks or other debris around the island that could impede her access. 

She started when the sharp voice rang out from behind. It was rare for anyone to take her by surprise; she must have been growing complacent in the quiet, fortified, near-uninhabited expanse of the Strath. 

Sakari recovered herself quickly. 

"Very good," she purred her praise, turning over her shoulder to fix her appraising gaze on the man who spoke her name. He was a large one, just like Fury. Two peas in a pod. 

Sakari turned the rest of her body in a fluid motion, so that she now faced the man. When she spoke again, her tone was low, her voice soft and alluring. "What can I do for you, Mister..?" Sakari paused, waiting for the man to fill in his name.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - March 22, 2022

Praise spoken, the hound watched the small, coal colored woman turned to face him.

Before a reply would be given, he took his time to address all bodily features with a calculating ogle. The tone was soft; effortless. A deceiving one, no doubt. But who was he to judge before getting to know her.

The height difference certainly was a strenuous thing. Arashi was forced to decline his snout to see her in full view. Though, in this case, there wouldn't be a complaint from him.

Arashi, if it pleases you. He returned the introduction, slimming his tone from its usual crude lace. Perhaps he wasn't the kindness of hearts, but he had enough manners to pass on to such a beautiful creature. 

So. What is it that drew you to our Strath? Straight, and to the point. One trait that would never change.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - March 23, 2022

"Arashi, if it pleases you." 

"It does," Sakari noted simply, the corner of her mouth quirking up into a secretive smile. 

He asked his question, and Sakari nodded thoughtfully. The Strath was an ideal home base for a wolf like her: it was out of the way and protected by impassable mountains, with only a single entry and exit point. For a wolf who often found herself in hot water, this was a good territory in which to cool down. 

She did not say these things. She knew next to nothing about this man, but she gave the answer with which he would best identify, she imagined. "It was Fury," she replied. Although the response was calculated, it was not a lie. "I would much rather be on her team than take the chance of ever finding myself in her way," Sakari noted. Fury had certainly been part of the allure of the Strath. Fury was a formidable creature, and Sakari was glad to be in her circle of protection. 

"Are you her mate?" Sakari did not know the extent of the relationship dynamics here, only that Arashi was of a complimentary appearance and seemed loyal. And that Fury had pups. So she extrapolated.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - March 26, 2022

It was Fury.

Why didn't that come as a surprise?

Smart way to think. A brief note of affirmation and agreement.

Fury has lived a lengthy life and made many enemies in the process. Clearly, the mere fact she still lives says a great deal about her reputation. Only a fool would think twice about choosing the winning side. 

Are you her mate?

This query confused him a bit. Though, after a moment, it made sense in slight.

No, I'm not. A simple soldier.. or however else you choose to call it.

Now as he looked, Arashi began to question the intention Sakari had of asking. Was it because she was curious of his appearance beside Fury? Or something else...

Her response would be the answer, no doubt.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - April 05, 2022

He liked her answer. Sakari smiled demurely as he delivered his praise. He was right; she was smart, particularly when it came to protecting her own interests. 

Speaking of which, this man was becoming more and more interesting by the minute. He claimed to be a simple soldier, and a bachelor to boot. 

How would she choose to call it? 

"A soldier, perhaps.. but not simple." Slyness settled into her expression. No one ever spoke of themselves as simple, not unless they were hiding something. 

Sakari dropped that thread in order to circle back to the subject of Fury. 

"You are loyal to her, and protective," she commented, perhaps lending an explanation to her mistake. Although they had not met officially before this moment, Sakari and done some watching from the shadows, just to get a sense of the dynamics in the Strath.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - April 13, 2022

After a moment's consideration, Arashi decided to dismiss her pecking tone. If there was something she was looking to get out of him, it wouldn't be given with ease.

In benefit for them both, Sakari changed the subject. Back to Fury.

She is my Chieftain. My Queen. My purpose of living. In turn, she has been granted every tooth, claw, and ounce of loyalty that I have to use at her disposal. Intricate and complex were his words. Dutiful and devoted was his heart. There was a reason for his behavior and he would make sure it was known. 

His place at Fury's side would also be known. I consider her my family. I would advise you mind yourself here. If I suspect you are a traitor in the least bit, or you choose to desert us, I will be the one to make you suffer. The tone had changed entirely, eyes hovering with an intense, unbreakable scowl. 

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - April 16, 2022

His devotion to Fury was based solely upon her relative position above him in the ranks, it would seem. How very trite. How very disappointing, that this man would cling so determinedly to a characterization that left him so utterly devoid of any depth of personality. 

Perhaps he sensed her disappointment with his response, because he went on to deliver a threat, thinly and quite flimsily veiled as a piece of "advice." Sakari's ruff lifted involuntarily, and her citrine eyes flashed. 

"Let me offer you a piece of advice in return," Sakari purred sweetly, dangerously. "Loyalty is not won overnight; it is earned over time. If you come on this strong with all of the Saints' recruits, then you are reason we remain so few in number. I imagine Fury will not thank you for threatening me." Her tail lashed. 

Perhaps Sakari had made the wrong choice, settling herself in the Strath. She had hoped she would be safe here, but Arashi's words suggested otherwise. Sakari would speak with Fury over this promise Arashi had made to "make her suffer," and she would see what the warmaiden's response revealed.

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - April 19, 2022

A thin, almost annoyed scowl appeared upon his face.

"Loyalty is not won overnight." I'm well aware of that, Arashi snorted, tail flicking a few times. You needn't remind me as if I were an ignorant whelp. An eye roll followed, but then a change of tone arose.

Loyalty may take a lengthy time, but the decision to betray does not. I know this all too well. From my former home, traitors came often. They all thought they knew better and could do a finer job than the last who sat in their place. Tsuyo-sa wa jaku sayori mo yūsen sa remasu. Rīdā ni jūbun'na-sū ga nai baai wa, rīdā o sakujo suru hitsuyō ga arimasu: Strength comes above weakness. If a leader does not have enough, then they must be removed. Many think this way. They are greedy for power. His shoulders tensed a bit, fur rising with a sudden hatred of the memory.

This is why samurai are trained so harshly and taught to know only discipline. When Fury came along, it didn't take much time to learn that she behaved by every standard of a noble leader. There was great strength, power, and discipline; but there was also a sense of her that knew bounds. She wishes for a family and safety for them, not only for herself. And she'll do anything to get it. That is the reason I pledged my life and my service to her cause. I will do anything to keep her, her children, and The Saints safe from harm. I don't wish to be the reason for anyone leaving out of fear or disdain.. but someone has to make sure there is a firm paw planted and known by all, lest we die out like the last time 

Arashi left the next moments without a voice. He had been considering his own words. Perhaps he'd come on too strong and been too arrogant. But when possible outcomes are known and have been seen, they should be prevented from happening again by any means. 

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Sakari - April 22, 2022

If Arashi did not wish to be addressed as an ignorant whelp, then he ought to speak with a little more maturity. Sakari still bristled from what she saw as a wildly brazen and baseless threat. 

His dreadfully long speech gave her some time to cool down. She listened at first with skepticism, but eventually found herself brought round by his devotion to ascertaining the Saints' continued existence. The bits about Fury's character were intriguing, and truthfully, it was the information she had been attempting to solicit all along. 

"I'm no warrior, and Fury knows that. I could never best her in battle. She has nothing to fear from me in that regard. Where our opinions differ is the fact that you consider desertion to be a betrayal worthy of sworn vengeance." He had made it very clear that he intended to hunt her down if she abandoned the Saints, and this was what most disturbed Sakari. 

"I have sworn no oaths to Fury. If Fury does not continue to impress me as a leader, then I will leave the Saints. If I am unable to find a niche for my trade, or a sense of belonging otherwise eludes me, then I will leave the Saints. These are not betrayals, Arashi. Surely Fury would not seek to retain a member against her own will." 

Sakari was deeply interested in how Arashi would respond. Whatever he said next would go a long way toward informing Sakari of exactly how much shit she had gotten herself into, aligning herself with these Saints. Was she truly not allowed to leave, now that she was here? Should she consider herself a captive?

RE: sweet salvation on a dining room table - Arashi - April 27, 2022

Arashi listened to her words attentively — perhaps far more so than he had the patience for.

Differed opinions. That's what she saw; whereas he?... Would her words have changed his mind? Slightly, but not enough to waver from what he knows and always has known.

Don't set too much blame on me for being crass and ruthless, but you must understand something... I come from a different background then yourself. You say we have differed opinions; and while it be true that we see things the opposite way, I couldn't exactly say my view is an opinion. Perhaps that is where my eager words were misplaced. I forget that wolves here in the wilds are different. We all are. Everyone comes from their own respective pasts and families. Had he really jumped upon threatening her too quickly? Arashi pondered this for a moment.

He didn't want it to seem an excuse, so a further explanation would serve better in his favor. I was taught to know that desertion by any means is betrayal. None of my clan were ever offered a choice of loyalty. You say you would wait to be impressed? There was nothing to be impressed by. He who proclaimed himself to hold the necessary power would hold the title, end of story. Any family name connected with the clan had no choice but to swear their fealty, or they would be hunted and slaughtered. We were retained against our will. You are right... Fury would not do this to anyone, and neither should I. Setting his hulky frame down against his rear, Arashi's snout declined, heavy eyes fixated upon his feet. 

Fury is the first wolf that gave me a freedom. I had a choice to swear myself to her, where I hadn't before. Now that I have done so, there is something in me-.. an urge to do all I can to make that oath worth both our while. Failing her would be equal to disappointing my family. And I've already done that once...

I can't do it again.