Wolf RPG
Otter Creek always - Printable Version

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always - Cuan - October 05, 2014

With Greatwater Lake being fed by several tributaries, the land had created a rich, natural delta. Fast flowing waters, originating from Otter Creek, conjoined into the clear surface of the lake, moving about deposits of grassy islands. Trees clung to the solitary outcrops, creating mini-forests that were sheltered from the surrounding prairies.

Cuan was on the northern bank of Otter Creek, right at the start of the deltas. The water was almost at a rapids now, racing a blue-green color that reflected a murky picture of the agouti wolf as he stared into it. Something had tried crossing here, and the male couldn't help but pity it. As he turned, the bleached pair of antlers shone a ghostly white in the autumn sun. They were half buried in silt, but jutted up like daggers from the earth, as if the ground had grown a strange pair of monster teeth.

RE: always - Elhanna - October 05, 2014

It had been an adventure to say the least. The fact that so many nights had passed and he had kept travelling without interruption was a blessing, and a curse. Until now, all his escape attempts had ended abruptly with a family member dragging him back home, but almost 2 months later he was definitely on his own. A fact that he was reminded of with the sudden pang of hunger in the pit of his stomach.

Ignoring his own hunger pain, trotting along the creek-bed as the waters began to move faster toward a greater body of water. The young man had never had much to do with creatures outside of his natal pack, when he came across the dusty male around one quick turn any concern of self-preservation at stumbling across a stranger was lost on him. Continuing his path toward the agouti male, his own eyes moved toward the gruesome display a short distance away. "That's a rather ghastly sculpture." Stopping a short distance from the other male, he continued to observe the bleached antlers, trying to figure out happened to the poor creature.

RE: always - Cuan - October 06, 2014

By the looks of it, Cuan guessed the antlers had belonged to some young, bull-headed elk buck. They were larger and more reindeer like than a deer, and had less branching twines. Still, the headpieces would offer little more than as a spooky story, the carcass of the buck haven been washed away or eaten many months ago. His pack was rather hungry, and hadn't made a kill in quite a bit. Wolves knew how to feed themselves when the times went rough, although they all grew a little thin about the waist. Besides, it was autumn. All of their prey would be in peak condition for rutting season.

The loner's scent reached Cuan's muzzle as he was about to set off, and he tilted his head around to see the white male padding up the creek bank, head low. It was a non-threatening sort of movement, and the scout gladly returned it with a dipping of his own chin. This stranger seemed rather gaunt under the stretch of his ivory pelt, as if he had been traveling for awhile and didn't have time to stop and recuperate.

It is, Cuan agreed, his sun flamed orbs returning to the antlers. One that would make for an interesting story on a dark evening, he added with a small grin. Although Cuan was a rather flighty creature, they were on neutral ground. And this snowy male seemed more interested in food than fight. Something Cuan wouldn't mind looking for, also.

RE: always - Elhanna - October 12, 2014

@cuan Sorry for the delay, Rl kicked my ass.

Of course his attention was divided at the moment as he continued to ponder the sickly fate that befell the prey animal, or at least what was left of it, in front of them. Of course El had heard the words he just took a moment to register exactly what had been said. A dark evening? The idea of turning the grim scene into a ghastly tale was lost on the young man. Turning to look at his now companion he took a moment to size him up. The small frame though evenly proportioned was far from threatening, the dark mottled hues that covered him caused the young beau to wonder if he was in-fact that colour or just dirty. A slight smirk found its way to his face at the thought which he quickly dismissed.

His observations were cut-short by another cry from his stomach. "Don't suppose you think there's anything left to eat on it?" He didn't expect there to be, and even if that possibility existed it certainly wasn't a practical option, but then again hungry boys weren't always all that clever.

RE: always - Cuan - October 14, 2014

That's alright xP

With the white male's question, Cuan moved forward to sniff at the skull.

I don't think so, it's been thoroughly picked over, the scout observed. He wasn't particularly inclined to keep his face near the bone and scooted back once he was done inspecting it.

We are in a river valley, though. I'm sure there's something running around, he pointed out, glancing around them. This acquaintance was obviously a loner, but didn't seem in too bad of a shape. With a glance, he noticed that there wasn't too many bones poking through his icy coat.

I'm Cuan, the Sunspire wolf introduced.