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Dragoncrest Cliffs shoot with your mouth if you know where you're aiming - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Dragoncrest Cliffs shoot with your mouth if you know where you're aiming (/showthread.php?tid=50644)

shoot with your mouth if you know where you're aiming - Loko - March 23, 2022

just a RO for his thread log to address what loko's been up to the last few weeks. i didn't have anywhere else to put it so figured i'd chuck up a little somethin'. tags are just for reference. anyone is welcome to put their own single reply in also. <3

da and meerkat were formally hitched. sobo was disapproving. mireille busy. coraline was laid up, still hurt. chacal paced the borders relentlessly. rosalyn stayed near erzulie most days, sunning in a patch of light like a lizard. loko worried for her.

three weeks now since @Erzulie had given birth. each day loko came to the den with a small thing to offer his mothers and siblings. loko was no seasoned hunter: his gifts he came by prowling the surf. the first offering was a mermaid's purse. the second day, a horse-shoe crab's carapace with meat still intact. each day he left these tidings by the entrance, listened to the growing squeaks of his siblings, and then departed.

they were deathly small, his siblings. he did not yet wish to touch them, or even play -- he was fearful one wrong move and he would split their soft heads open.

the sound was quiet. loko spent most of his time now patrolling the ankyran side of dragoncrest. he visited the dark tunnel he'd found often. he hunted, and failed often. mostly, he just kept his feet busy so he did not have to think too much.