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Redsand Canyon Schédia - Printable Version

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Schédia - Arsenio - March 30, 2022

This will be set after this thread right here. I hope that's okay! I know we have another one going. I just like to write with you, I think. >w<

After speaking with Germanicus, Arsenio’s mind was abuzz. He would need to discuss with Tamar, for he had decided without first consulting her. The Greek man felt that he had walked away with a great deal of belief from Mereo’s Imperator. The stoic Roman had allowed Arsenio to ask for Aquene and Kallik as members of their new outpost. Along with Diesel and Khalys, they would have a strong foundation of wolves and a breath of family from all sides. It felt right.

As the redstone wolf prowled through the canyon, he wondered how Tamar would react. He could only hope that it would not bother her – the transition from Akashingo to Mereo had been worrisome, for him. Arsenio thought of his wife often. He continued to want the very best for her.

Sniffing out where the pale soldier and his wife had made their home, Arsenio stood outside the den from a respectful distance. @Kallik? Are you home? I have something important to discuss with you. The mercenary would wait until he heard a response. If he lingered for too long without hearing the voice of the white wolf, he would return another time.

RE: Schédia - Kallik - March 30, 2022

yes ofc <33 i love arsenio/kallik and writing with you!

@Aquene (reference) slept within their den, earlier than normal, but she was more tired these days. He was happy to give up some of their evening time to let her get more rest. He usually just obstructed the den entrance with his body and listened to her breathing; it was peaceful. 

He had just rested his head on his paws, his watchful gaze on his wife, when he heard Arsenio call for him outside. The scutarius was quick to get up and trot outside, hoping to keep from disturbing Aquene. 

He motioned for them to walk a good distance from the den before he spoke. What would you like to discuss? he asked. Arsenio had said it was important; a spike of anxiety stabbed through his chest. He hoped nothing had happened.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - April 05, 2022

The mercenary followed the pale figure to a spot that was a fair distance away from his den. Arsenio could only assume that Aquene was resting within and that Kallik did not want her to be disturbed by their talk. The redstone wolf could not blame him. The subject that he brought to Kallik was a large one, one that would change the future of Mereo and their families.

It is not a terrible thing, but important all the same. The man’s glacial gaze found the pale soldier’s eyes.

Germanicus is sending me to the vale to claim it. Another outpost, perhaps a little different from Mereo, but connected. Tamar and I will go, and we will take Khalys and Diesel with us. This information was necessary, as it provided context.

I have asked to take you and Aquene, as well. Germanicus has agreed.

There were matters that would play into their moving. Arsenio still had to journey to the vale, to scout the territory and begin their plans. It would be long days of travel coupled with time away from their wives, but when it had been formed… it would stand as mighty as Mereo did.

RE: Schédia - Kallik - April 06, 2022

Not terrible but important. That didn't do much to ease the heavy feeling of anxiety in his chest. 

When Arsenio continued, Kallik worked to keep the surprise from his face as he listened. He understood the advantage another outpost would give them; he agreed with the imperator that this was a step they were ready to take. He wasn't sure how much he liked that Arsenio and Tamar would be leaving Mereo, though. He had grown to like and trust the other soldier, and he knew Aquene was friends with Tamar. But he couldn't think of anyone else who would be better for leading their second claim in the vale.

Surprise lifted his eyebrows a little when Arsenio stated that he had asked for Kallik and Aquene to join him—and that the imperator agreed. A surprising stab of hurt pierced his heart. Germanicus was clearly eager to get rid of him, and the scutarius couldn't exactly blame him; look at all the trouble he had caused already. Now he would be Arsenio's problem. I see, was all he said at first, his tone holding no emotion. If that is what the imperator expects of me, then I will go with you. He could feel the fog spreading out from the center of his mind. I will need to talk to Aquene, first, of course. He wasn't sure how she would take this. What if she refused to leave? He had no intention of living somewhere his wife did not. 

If she agrees, I do not feel comfortable moving her until after our children are born and are old enough to make the journey safely. Right now, it was too much of a risk; there were too many variables out of his control.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - April 06, 2022

Arsenio eyed the pale soldier with a careful gaze. His smile shifted upward, drawing into a pointed smirk.

It was not so easily decided. Germanicus wished to keep you, and your wife. He only would send me with Diesel and Khalys. Would this information prove to be beneficial to Kallik, something to ease his thoughts? He had a stoic face that did not reveal his feelings on the matter. It made Arsenio feel nervous. The mercenary wished to know what the other soldier was thinking. I said that I would take the vale, that it would be an academy for learning. Healing and the work of soldiers, both.

There was more to it than just that, however.

I think of you as a friend, Kallik. Tamar has made relationships in Mereo. It might be selfish, but I wish to have a friend at my side in this undertaking. I wish for my wife to have a friend, as well… and for our children to grow alongside another family. As for Aquene and your pups, it will not be expected that she will move until they are ready, and she has healed. But you and I will take trips away until they are born. This will be to scout the territory and begin our claim.

There would be no way to know what Kallik thought without asking.

Tell me what you are thinking.

RE: Schédia - Kallik - April 06, 2022

His highly negative mind had trouble comprehending what Arsenio said first. He was having difficulty believing that the imperator and preferred to keep him and his wife here rather than send them to the vale. He was certain he only caused Germanicus headaches. He might think that his friend was telling him this to ease his mind by telling him things he wanted to hear, but Kallik had not spoken his thoughts out loud. 

Hearing the other man's reasons for requesting that he and Aquene move to the vale made the soldier feel slightly better about things. He felt the same way about Arsenio, though he did wonder what exactly he meant by at his side. 

He still couldn't shake the unease and doubt for some reason, even though he tried to calm his mind with the logic of the situation. Arsenio would only ask for his help if he really wanted it, and Kallik found comfort in that realization. 

Arsenio wanted to know what he was thinking, but there was quite a bit going on inside the scutarius' head. He decided he would try to be as honest as he was able. 

I am surprised to hear that the imperator wished to keep me and Aquene here, he started, a little hesitantly. It was hard putting all of his thoughts out for someone else to judge. If I am honest, my initial thought was that he offered us to go to be rid of me; I have caused trouble more than once. Better for his friend to know exactly what he was getting himself into. 

As for the two of us: I consider you as my friend, too, and I would be honored to help you with this and to raise my family with yours He would be sure not to let the other man down. I have to admit that I am not thrilled to leave Aquene while she is pregnant, but I understand the importance of laying our claim sooner rather than later. He would likely be a surly traveling partner, though. He had planned to be here, taking care of her throughout her entire pregnancy, and now he would have to split his time. He understood the need for the sacrifice, but that didn't mean he felt good about it.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - April 08, 2022

Surprised? But you are a good soldier and a good man. The Imperator does not miss these things. He is sharp and he knows, Arsenio assured the other man with a small smile, an encouraging nod. As for Kallik’s wife, Aquene was brilliant with her healing arts. She was a value to all those around her, most definitely for a place of soldiers and rowdy men. It made sense why Germanicus would have been uneasy about parting with them. It was a sign of trust that he had relinquished, and the Greek would not squander such a thing.

Kallik was hesitant to leave his wife while she was pregnant. This was something he could not blame the soldier for. Arsenio would miss Tamar, and she had not yet come into her season. Yet he knew that he would be making a place for her. A place where their children could learn and grow in peace, with allies who guarded the mountains from their canyon base.

We will be sure not to be away for long. And, Kallik, when your children are born… I will not pull you from them. Your travels will cease until they are old enough to journey with us. For now, I plan to make a trip to the vale in the coming week. I would like your company, but I understand you must tell Aquene of this new information. A worried crease struck his brow. And I must tell Tamar…

RE: Schédia - Kallik - April 12, 2022

He couldn't argue with Arsenio's logic. The imperator did not miss anything that happened in the canyon; Kallik knew this firsthand. But sometimes it was hard to see the logic through the cloud of negative self-talk. He thought over the other man's words and offered only a nod in response. He wasn't sure what to say.

He appreciated that Arsenio would not require him to travel and leave the children while they were young. He didn't want to leave Aquene with all the work raising them and he didn't want to miss anything. He still wasn't sure about this whole fatherhood business, but the thought of missing his children growing caused a sharp pain in his heart. Thank you, he offered. And I will join you. They would need to get started as soon as possible. Arsenio needed to speak with his wife, as well, and Kallik wondered how Tamar would take the news. 

In what capacity will I be at your side? he asked. What kind of responsibilities will I have in our new home? He wanted the whole picture so he could present Aquene with all of the information when he told her.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - May 10, 2022

I mean it in the most literal sense.

Arsenio’s features drew into a serious expression. He nodded his head respectfully to the pale figure beside him. Kallik was a strong asset, and his strengths were not meant to be ignored. Their new home would be one that would value his abilities, would help them flourish, would garner his heat and anger and turn it into something that would prove valuable.

My intention will be to utilize your strength as a soldier. You will assist me in teaching new members and our children. They will be taught to be strong, to be skilled in fighting. As for your wife, and for Tamar… I would like them to be the teachers of healing, and of tending to our numbers. They have their own strengths that will play a vital role in what we will do.

It felt the best way to describe it. They were becoming teachers to the next generation. They would be strong and knowledgeable. Their members would have well-rounded experiences in learning before they were sent to Mereo, or to another potential founding that would surely spring from Germanicus’ expanse through the wilds.

That is why you and Aquene will take the secondary leadership roles.

RE: Schédia - Kallik - May 11, 2022

When Arsenio started to answer his question, the duties he explained were not surprising. Kallik was no less intrigued, though. He looked forward to training new soldiers, and he knew Aquene would enjoy teaching aspiring healers. It all sounded like a good, solid plan.

But when his friend mentioned that Kallik and his wife would be second in command, the soldier's eyes widened in surprise for a brief moment. Leadership? he repeated first, then he seemed to snap out of his momentary surprise. I will not take this role lightly, he added a second later, returning to his former state of control. And I know both Aquene and myself will enjoy teaching. 

It was a lot to think about and a lot to tell his wife. He knew getting things going would mean weeks at a time separated from Aquene, but he felt like it would all be worth it if they could make this outpost into something important.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - May 19, 2022

I am certain that you both will do a fine job. I believe that our new home will be a strong one, full of learning and growth.

For they could not fall to complacency. It was important that they constantly strived toward something, a goal of sorts. The redstone wolf knew that life was challenging. He also knew that he had never truly experienced the support of others until he had found Germanicus. Arsenio would not abandon such things. Their settlement in the vale would be a prosperous one. He believed in Kallik, in Tamar, and in the healer woman who had stolen the pale soldier’s heart.

I am happy to share it with you, Kallik. Arsenio offered the other man a nod of his head.

RE: Schédia - Kallik - June 16, 2022

I know Aquene will be in her element; she will enjoy teaching future healers. And he would enjoy shaping the future soldiers of Epoch and Mereo. He was eager to start their new life in the valley even if he would miss Mereo. 

I am happy, too, he offered in return, the words feeling a little uncomfortable to him. Expressing emotion with others who weren't his wife was always a struggle. But he would really be happy. 

I should go tell Aquene of our plans, he told the other man.

RE: Schédia - Arsenio - June 20, 2022

Go, be with your wife. She will be happy to see you.

Arsenio did not wish to keep him any longer. Kallik would share in the plans for their future after he had discussed such things with Aquene. The redstone mercenary would need to speak to Tamar, as well.

After bidding the pale soldier goodbye, the man turned to the path that would lead him back to his den, back to his autumn leaf. He hurried home to her so that he could tell her of their future and of the future that was planned for their family. Arsenio was filled with purpose.