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Redtail Rise agitato - Printable Version

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agitato - Ashlar - April 01, 2022

Ashlar did not know why, but he did not question it either. The time had passed, and with it the chance, something that the singer did not regret. But for some reason, despite this, a curiosity still burned. One that he needed to quench, sparked each time the man's gaze settled on him with that alien sureness.

So Ashlar sought out @Tulimaq.

Despite the thrill of fear lurking in his throat, the bard walked with sureness. And when he had finally located the man, he stopped and lifted his head, bracing himself even as he declared his intent.

I want you to fight me.

He'd played with Avicus and with the silent one. He'd spoken with Prophet, related to Ratio, but had gotten nowhere with Tulimaq.

Perhaps he just needed a different understanding.

RE: agitato - Tulimaq - April 19, 2022

His recruit was gone.

Tulimaq hadn't been keeping tabs on the girl as much as he should've been, he supposed, as his attention was focused so thoroughly on Avicus and what she was offering to the leadership of the Rise; but the girl was gone, and there was nothing he was going to do about it. If the rest of his savaktuk had found their way here, he'd send one of his subordinates to hunt her down for her desertion — as it was, he could not depart the Rise and didn't exactly feel compelled.

His patrols started at the crack of dawn and he'd go, go, go, until the late evening. There were infrequent breaks for a bite to eat or a moment of rest, but Tulimaq could often be found on the borders or crossing through the heart of the Rise at any given time of day; always at work, keeping tabs on where the other men took up their own work, or trailing greedily after the Wealda.

It was during one of these crossings through the territory that the sound of a summons caught Tulimaq's attention; it was from a youthful voice, and while it did not sound like a warning call, or a call to arms, Tulimaq was intrigued. He had no idea why the leaf-loving boy would seek out someone like himself.

As he came to encounter Ashlar, the boy had one demand to make, which earned a sardonic stare from Tulimaq and then a belt of laughter. You cannot be serious.

RE: agitato - Ashlar - April 22, 2022

Ashlar looked back at him stubbornly when he laughed, though it did make him doubt. Perhaps Tulimaq did not even care to know him. If he wouldn't agree to it, Ashlar could not (and would not) force him, but he wanted to understand.

I am. He replied, frowning. It wasn't only that. He wanted Tulimaq to see him as well, and he felt this was the only way. The man had shown him no recognition otherwise. He knew he would not win, but perhaps with trying he could gain some measure of esteem.