Wolf RPG
Alpine Lake Just Keep Swimming - Printable Version

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Just Keep Swimming - Claire B. - April 04, 2022

New character, not a new player. Dated some time last week.

Ever since entering in the Teekon Wilds Claire has been a wanderer. Following her whims and often her ears to things she thought would be lively and fun. What this had turned into was her following the water. The often constantly moving and constantly noisy trickling or crashing of water. She had seen several waterfalls within the past few weeks and although they were once exciting they were almost expected at this point and had lost their luster Claire thought as she walked along the bottom side of Alpine Lake heading East.

She was overall getting a bit tired of all this water. Perhaps she had a short attention span and needed something new to keep her entertained or she would get frustrated, like a small pup. Perhaps subconsciously she began trotting along the side of the lake hoping to get around it faster and onto the next thing that would cross paths with her and steal her attention away.