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King Elk Forest Nocturnal - Printable Version

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Nocturnal - Vex Cruor - April 12, 2022

Vex had not been back to the forest since the last time she had summoned Vivaan, but she returned now, covered in many minor wounds, and it was in triumph that she called, "I found him, @Vivaan. I found Vorilye." They had so much to discuss.

RE: Nocturnal - Vivaan - April 13, 2022

Upon any beckon, Vivaan would always be one to make haste; however, no longer did he feel the obligation to be so formal with his greetings. He had won more than simply a high title in the Queen's court.

Drawing near to the eager woman, the silver man offered a crude, devilish grin. He's made a mistake showing his face here again. Slowly, he circled around until he was against her left flank, muzzle grazing from her shoulder to her ear with a soft, but hungry nibble here and there. 

Having had enough fun toying with Vex, Vivaan concluding his teasing and settled himself to face her. I take it he isn't willing to join our efforts, seeing he isn't standing alongside you now?

RE: Nocturnal - Vex Cruor - April 14, 2022

"He tried to lie to me," the Cruor Queen crooned softly as Vivaan moved about her, trailing pricking kisses up her neck and ear; she shuddered softly, aiming a nip at his throat. "Then he told me he was leaving our father, not me," this was a soft snarl, fiery eyes narrowing. It was clear she was still bitter about it — she still wasn't over it. She wondered if she ever would be. Then, she snorted, "He said, he sought a new life here." A derisive laugh. "A new life alone. As if any other woman would take him!" No... no one but Vex would ever want Vorilye.

Then, Vivaan pulled away, and a sharp part whine, part growl escaped her muzzle — she did not want him to move away. When he did, she felt... empty. Vex would never admit this, of course. She simply moved back towards him, to settle at his side. Then, she sighed softly. "But, there is better news. I've made us allies — they are the Saints, they live above us and to the east, but the entrance to their land is east of the sweep. Their leader, Fury, and I have agreed that both packs are welcome in each other's hunting grounds and claimed territory. We're to arrange a hunt, soon."

RE: Nocturnal - Vivaan - April 20, 2022

Don't ever believe his words. Vivaan warned with a sharp growl.

Vorilye is a manipulator and a liar. He'll do anything to separate himself from us... but we won't let that happen. With a decisive flick of his ear, he set his cold eyes over Vex, lip curling unto a grin.

There is no life he will ever know but us. He is a Cruor and always will be. There is no escape. 

Well, there was one: Death. 

But surely, Vorilye wasn't stupid enough to choose that for himself.

"I've made us allies." She then stated, claiming it to be good news for The Dominion.

Once again, Vivaan found himself seated high within simple arrogance. Vex would always be the Queen, but he still had an itch to proclaim himself the King. The Dominion was just as much hers as it was his. After all... he would be providing the pack's future generation. 

Allies? You made such a move without me? With a sarcastic, overly dramatic whine, a frown formed upon his visage. Come now, Vex. By now, you should know better than to part me from such matters. Vivaan drew his snout along her nape, teeth grazing carefully with a silent warning. He didn't want to be excluded from things regarding their future, and he would be sure to make this was known.

RE: Nocturnal - Vex Cruor - April 26, 2022

Vex found herself disagreeing with almost everything Vivaan had to say. Her lips twitched down into a scowl as she questioned sardonically, "What am I to do, make Vorilye my prisoner? No... no... not after everything he's done." Not after leaving her. He would have to suffer, but not as a prisoner. No, Vorilye would see a slow death by her hand. "He is no Cruor. He abandoned his family — he is not fit to carry the name Cruor."

Vivaan did not seem to take her good news well; he gave a whine, nipping at the nape of her neck. It made her hackles bristle, and she snapped, "The Dominion belongs to me, Vivaan. I will do with it as I please." Then, she loosed a low growl, partly at herself. She relented, "But... you are right. It should have been a discussion. You are my right hand, after all..." And she could not afford to lose him. Vex sighed softly, then swiped her tongue across his muzzle, murmuring, "It was happenstance that I met Fury; I was travelling. There was no time to summon you."