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melt - Printable Version

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melt - Tonravik - September 24, 2013

for teke! a potential tartokian :D
She had heard him among the others, a sound she did not know, did not recognize. Tonravik moved out swiftly to find the strange among the familiar, her dark eyes darting left and right. He had been nearby, but not upon the territory—yet—and so he was safe from her wrath thus far. It was clear, as he had sung with them, that he was interested in becoming a part of their ranks. She was eager to find him, to see if he was worthy of the name and their ways.

The Alpha was not too close to her home, and she howls again, this time for the stranger that had called. Where are you, the cry rings; and she pauses, ears perked forward, to wait for a howling response.

RE: melt - Tekovaca - September 25, 2013

 As his voice went silent he waited. For what he did not know. Soon after his call ended anothers began. Closer than was before. It was her the one that they have talked about. The alpha. She called for him, asking his location. His eager and nervous reply filled the land below and above. The air seemed all but silent once his call ended. His mind flooded with thoughts, overwhelming him.

RE: melt - Tonravik - October 04, 2013

Sorry for the delay! Will be quicker from hereon out :D
The responding call was heard, and she did not pause; she only changed her initial trajectory and moved all the faster to meet the other. Soon, they were in plain sight; Tonravik moved with more confidence, instilled in her by her newly fulfilled role and the establishment of her pack, the strongest that there would be. Her long-legged strut could only be described as a dominant swagger, tail lifted rigidly above her rear as she waited for the appropriate response before even addressing him.

He was a male that was predominantly dark, but held hues of cinnamon and scarlet. It was an interesting mix. His eyes were bright and similar to his coloration slightly, but contrasted enough for her to note them in particular. He was not so impressive as she in stature, but it was clear he had muscle to him, and that was something she valued. She wondered if he was good for the chase or preferred close-combat, but these were idle thoughts that tinkered away as she observed him, coming now to a stop before him.

RE: melt - Tekovaca - October 04, 2013

Soon after he howled a wolf came near him, after a few seconds the wolf stepped close enough so he could she them. The wolf by the scent was a female. The way she walked was impressive, she held a dominate but smooth stature as she paraded near him. Her shadowy brown eyes seemed to hold no emotion as she walked. Her pelt black as the night sky shimmered as she stepped in the sun. She was big, bigger than him, but she also seemed to lack speed. He immediately thought of ways he could out match her. “Quick with fierce but firm strikes and using her own weight against her.” He thought. 
Soon after he had lost himself in his thoughts she came to a stop, which also stopped him from thinking. "You are the she wolf everyone is speaking about?" Tekovava said questioningly. He bowed his head a little to show respect to the alpha before running his eyes loudly over her body, inspecting every piece of her."I am Tekovaca" he said with pride ringing from his voice. He spoke again before she could respond."There is no need to introduce yourself for I already know who you are, but atlas, you do not know me." he paused a little then continued. "Pity." 

RE: melt - Tonravik - October 04, 2013

His words were met with silence. Tonravik misinterpreted his question to be a rhetorical one, and so she does not agree or disagree. Perhaps it was clear to him regardless. He continues to talk, leaving little room for her to respond as he goes on. Tekovaca. An interesting name. Of what origin it was, she could not be sure. You do not know me... he goes on, finishing with a flourish: a pity. Tonravik withheld a snort. Was he so sure that it was a pity? It was clear he held confidence in himself. Still, he was not one to cut to the chase.

She already knew he desired to join. That had been clear when he had sang with them, who would be the most powerful pack to come to fruition within these lands. And so she gave him a pointed stare that spoke more than words could: what can you offer.

RE: melt - Tekovaca - October 04, 2013

After the she wolf didn't reply he smiled for he knew what question she had proposed. Silence was almost always the best teacher. His air of confidence all but lifted when she stayed silent. He had gotten the response he had wanted. Now it was time to prove to her why he was a fit wolf to join. "By no means am I the strongest wolf, as far as gifted physically I am not on top. " he paused before continuing once more ."I can however offer you knowledge. That is one thing I am all but lacking. Even the deadliest wolf had an advisor that merely helped with...decisions. That I can be to you. That is if the position isn't already filled." He made eye contact with the wolf before saying "Behind the fiercest wolf is the greatest knowledge but you already know that.." he concluded.

RE: melt - Tonravik - October 04, 2013

FYI: Tonravik is as base of a wolf as you get! Looking her in the eye is a challenge to her. Typically, she'd outright try to dominate him, but I twisted it a bit!
He spoke, unruffled by her expected response. That was good. To see him sulk would have caused her to turn and leave him. Perhaps her character had been spoken of. Words were useless. And as he speaks, she remains impassive. When he quiets at last, Tonravik blinks, thinking. That he was not skilled in combat could easily change. Tartok could make a warrior out of a sheep if they so desired to. But they did not take pity on the weak, and so would never offer them shelter. She could see this male had potential, physically. And if he was as smart as he decreed, then she could only hope he would learn fast when it came to fighting. Tartok harbored soldiers, not silver-tongued advisers.

As he makes eye contact, Tonravik audibly snarls, revealing to him her fangs. Some wolves needed to be brought back to their base ways; perhaps she should physically shake him to what he inherently was, a simple wolf. Just as she. Tonravik takes an aggressive step forward, lobes thrusting over her brow, her dominant stance becoming all the more exaggerated. Advise me, she speaks at last, words calm and cool even with their bite, bristling. She tests him, wondering if he was as smart as he said he was, if he was smart enough to admit a wrong. Or was he too proud? Tonravik had no room for that sort; they were nothing but trouble, and often died due to their headstrong ways. It would be a waste of food that her pack shared and hunted, and it would be better to know now how he handled these matters.

RE: melt - Tekovaca - October 04, 2013

The she wolf reacted to his proposal with controlled anger. Seeing as though his eye contact made her fear disrespect he backed down. He lowered his eyes and his tail. He kept his voice firm and filled with honor."If you have no need for my skills then I shall take them else where, advising you would be an honor, but seeing as though you take it as disrespect I have my doubts." He hadn't come to start a fight with the she wolf, to keep her at bay he kept his eyes and tail down. 
"The teeth can be sharp but if they don't know what to bite then what's the use of teeth?" he added. A pack of all fighting wolves can last for a while, just as a forest with only evergreens. Soon enough after time passes the soil wont be fertile. All the nutrients sucked from the ground, the trees fight for one limited resource. Just as a fighting wolves will do. In a pack that limited resource is dominace. They will battle amongst each other until they fall. With strength comes dominance and with dominance comes conflict and with conflict comes failure. History tells a pack of only warriors will not stand. Sure no other pack can take them out but eventually they take themselves out. Tekovaca can help them rise and conquer or watch them fall back to the depths they came from. All in what the she wolf decides.