Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Printable Version

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nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Kukutux - April 16, 2022

sialuk had told her a great and wonderful thing.

the leather that kukutux chewed today was intended for the future.

she watched the little ones rolling just outside the entrance of the ulaq. if one came close she would offer them a piece of the hide.

but for now the duck only worked, her heart filled with joy.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Mojag - April 21, 2022

The boy was old enough to be left alone for short periods, so today when Shikoba departed for one task or another Mojag barely took notice. He was entertained by a toy which had been left behind with him.

It was a small animal skull. Not so small he might try to swallow it, not so large he could not lift it or make it roll across the dome of its circumference.

He threw it up and failed to catch it, over and over, until throwing it too hard near the mouth of his ulaq; once it tumbled out of view Mojag came bounding after it, and pounced upon it with a boyish laugh.

A second later he spied the woman, and promptly decided she was more interesting than his toy. The growing boy made a small noise - surprised, excited - and hurried closer to perch at Kukutux' feet.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Qadira - April 23, 2022

Qadira had been gone two weeks, more or less, though she had originally intended to be gone only one day. She had not gone far, but had merely wandered the wilds around the Moonglow village. She had done well in a hunt, and now had trophies for Kukutux — pronghorn antlers, and it's hide. Gifts, perhaps, for the newborns.

The mercenary found Moonwoman at her ulaq, along with one of her whelps. Qadira gave a low rumble of, "Greetings, my Lady. I bring gifts from a recent hunt, while I was away." She had not given notice, as she had not expected to wander, so she also gave a swift apology. "I meant to be gone for only one day, but... the sight of the wilds entering spring overtook my attention, I apologize. I hope these  gifts will make up for my absence."

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Kukutux - April 24, 2022

kukutux laughed as mojag came close. "today i am making leather soft for toys," she said in the tongue she used with all the listening ears at her hearth.

a flash of white teeth. the duck offered a large shred of silken deerhide to her nephew.

"now you take it between your back teeth, aya, like this. and you grind." she demonstrated.

when moonwoman looked up it was to see qadira. a smile was given. the gifts were accepted with an embrace to the hunter. "this village is stronger for your skill," kukutux praised. "i have the want to make a fine skin for you out of this pelt."

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Mojag - April 29, 2022

Kukutux explained the process simply, and when she gifted a piece of leather to the boy Mojag took to it with great interest. He was chewing and thrashing about as if the leather were alive; not delicate in the slightest, and too distracted to take notice of Qadira. Had he spotted them he would most likely have begun to babble, as he often did around the adults, so it was a blessing to all ears that Mojag's tongue was otherwise occupied.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Kukutux - May 03, 2022

posting to keep this moving!

kukutux nudged the boy and sat back. 

the village was strong. this one would be a good hunter.

she looked up toward qadira once more.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Mojag - May 27, 2022

Qadira is NPC so lets wrap?

When the other wolf appeared Mojag showed no sign of noticing. It wasn't until he'd chewed at the hide to the point of soreness spreading through his jaw, that he finally spat it out and looked around.

The stranger appeared to know Kukutux; Mojag wasn't shy, and with an excited eruption of noise bubbling from him, he moved to intercept them with as much situation awareness as a bulldozer — but they didn't stay for long, and he was left to stand there with a perplexed look upon his face.

He wasn't dismayed by their abrupt departure in the slightest. Confused to some extent, but that washed away from him when he felt that tension in his jaw, so he plopped himself down and scratched at his neck with one foot cantilevered up.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Kukutux - May 27, 2022

sounds good to me! last post for kuku <3

qadira left them. kukutux watched after her curiously. later she would go to the woman and assure herself that all was well.

to mojag she glanced now. the duck looked with a great show of approval over the leather he had chewed. "this is good. you have made it very soft, nuak."

son of my sister. son of my brother.

kukutux thought of him as well. she would not call mojag this again. it was a word which had brought nothing to moonglow.

"come with me," she instructed him in the ice-words. "we will go to put our paws in the water."

with mojag at her side, moonwoman would set off at an easy pace for the nearest stream, looking down fondly at the boy as they walked.

RE: nimaksrugaa ⊹ - Mojag - May 27, 2022

Happy now to be included in another activity, Mojag finished his itching and got to his feet to follow. He was fast for his age because of his eager little legs, but Kukutux still outpaced him on the way to the water.

She looked upon him and he grinned back, head up and posture proud; not a worry held within his mind.