Wolf RPG
Shakedown - Printable Version

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Shakedown - Robin - October 06, 2014

[size=medium] It was a cool morning, a dense fog seeping through the tall ponderosa trees. Robin loved the eerie weather. Not only was there excitement in the inability to see twenty feet up the slope, but the damp, clouded air made hunting more fun - and easier too.

Her scent was swallowed by the condensation in the air, and the fat rabbit never saw the gray-furred wolfess before her jaws clamped its throat and smothered its life away. Her tail waving merrily, Robin continued through the forest with the dead rabbit in her mouth, searching for a comfortable place to enjoy her breakfast.[/size]

RE: Shakedown - Roe - October 09, 2014

The red and brown pelted male continued up the dense slope that was before him. His ebony nails dug into the fresh soil, keeping him from sliding down the incline and injuring himself. His golden orbs watched in amazement at the different types of weather conditions that surrounded this area. Not only was the air cool and crisp, but there was fog, and much of it for easier access for hunting and getting something to eat. While he had been in his old home, the only weather they had was rain and very little sunlight. And, due to much rain, he was surprised that it did not flood at his old home location. A smile came over him as he soon made it down from the hill that he had managed to get up to.

But, his thoughts were taken away when he could smell the fresh scent of blood, as well as a she-wolf close by from where he was located. Quickening his pace, he raced down the incline, managing to not hurt himself, and walked over to the she-wolf. She was not easy to spot, but when she was close enough, his eyes widened when he saw her beauty. She was stunning in the foggy atmosphere, and he couldn't keep himself from shaking, and keeping his heart from pounding inside of his chest. It was as if his heart would explode right out of his chest. With a large gulp, he walked a couple feet where she was and sat down, but making sure to give her some space so that it did not seem he was going to hurt her in any way.

He would say, giving a small smile. Due to talking to a beautiful wolf like she was, it was hard for him to keep from stuttering, and to keep his composure.

RE: Shakedown - Robin - October 10, 2014

[size=medium]Ahead, the trees thinned to reveal a small clearing, shrouded by fog, but in the gray light it appeared soft and inviting. Robin sped up, eager to taste flesh along with the blood on her tongue. She was distracted so that she almost did not see the male until he was just ahead of her, and she slowed down, wary with surprise. Her ears lifted, tail held straight up and completely still in a dominant stature.

Indeed, this would be Redwood Caldera territory soon, but that was in the future. Besides, along with being much larger than she was, the agouti-furred male had seated himself in a nonthreatening manner. There was a slight stutter when he spoke, but his greeting was friendly. Robin relaxed, dropping the rabbit and smiling softly. He was not bad to look at, even if he was a little shy.

"Hello there. I'm Robin," greeted the songbird, wearing her prettiest smile.

RE: Shakedown - Roe - October 11, 2014

He smiled kindly to her, his tail swaying in a gentle way as his golden orbs met her own. She was definitely beautiful and had a stunning color to her pelt. Robin was a name that fit her perfectly as he bowed his head in respect to her. "My name is Roen, but you can call me Roe," he stood up on all fours and gave a playful paw on top of her head, making sure not to press too hard and hurt her.

"Your name definitely suits you," he would speak in a way that was not stuttering, happy that he wasn't doing that anymore. He placed his paw down off of her head, "I saw that you were in a dominate stature when I first saw you, are you hoping to become an alpha?"