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Home - Calida - April 19, 2022

For Iota and @Lane whenever you have the time, Zoo! Backdated to 4/7 so it's set directly after this.

With her and Iota's future — and the future of their potential puppies now secured, Calida called out for @Iota. It was time, finally, for him to be accepted into the pack. She was glad, after everything, that they were both finally here; she only hoped this new land could provide for them, as now she had more at stake than ever before.

RE: Home - Iota - April 19, 2022

As he had promised Calida, he wasted no time racing to join her when she called. He slowed to a trot as he neared her, brushing up along her side as he came to a stop beside her. His heart had scarcely stopped its fluttering since they had met again in the woods - and his mind was abuzz even by his standards, thought it was all in a pleasantly exciting way. "It's been some time since I've dared to hope at the prospect of home... You've given me cause to do more than hope, now."

RE: Home - Lane - April 20, 2022

Although Calida's call was technically for Iota, Lane began moseying in that direction. She figured they would be looking for a leader eventually, to make Iota's residency official. Lane didn't hurry herself, wanting to allow for some time for the pair to reunite. Although Calida had claimed that Iota was not her mate, Lane had a hunch that her feelings for the man might run a little deeper than she had so far indicated. Calida was carrying his offspring, after all.

RE: Home - Calida - April 23, 2022

Calida was still nervous and still uncertain about her potential pregnancy; she had never planned to be a mother, and it had never been a big want of hers. Still, she knew she'd be able to get through it with Iota and Atautsikut beside her. She gave Iota a tentative smile and she told him honestly, "I'm... nervous. I don't know how great of a mom I'll be..." All she knew of motherhood was Elaina. She shook her head, then sighed, "But... maybe with you co-parenting, it'll be alright." Then, she met his gaze determinedly. "Ready to meet one of my leaders?"

RE: Home - Iota - April 23, 2022

Tension radiated from Calida like a rock-face in summer. Instinctively, he pressed his form closer to her as if to gift her a bit of his natural calm. "Neither of us was lucky enough to have a good maternal figure - but I know we shall both do our level best to give these pups the exact opposite upbringing that we both faced. Sometimes an example of how not to be teaches us just as much ad a good example," he assured her softly, pressing a soft kiss just behind her ear. His heart was racing with anticipation, though it was the happy sort, and he nodded his head in answer to her query. Now was as good a time as any...

RE: Home - Calida - April 30, 2022

His words assured her, as well as his touch; she leaned into him slightly, then nodded, swallowing hard. She pulled away from him after a moment, then gave a swift call for Lane. She had admitted to the other woman that Iota was not her mate, but he would be the father of her children. When they'd gotten her set up in the arlathan, Calida had requested a separate den for Iota. She liked him, genuinely, but she wasn't ready to be official just yet, and likewise, wasn't ready to share her first whelping den with him. With a soft sigh, Calida settled, casting Iota a glance and a soft smile.

RE: Home - Lane - May 04, 2022

When the official call for her came, Lane answered promptly, seeing as she had already been on her way. She approached the pair with a smile and wagging tail. 

"Iota, I presume?" She asked, arching a brow. Her amber eyes lingered on the man for a moment before flicking to Calida. Knowingness pulled at the corner of her mouth. Perhaps Calida wasn't yet ready to call Iota her mate, but there was definitely something between the pair. 

"I'm Lane, and this is Atautsikut. I'm sure that Calida filled you in already-- but you are most welcome here, and a position in our ranks is available to you, if you would like one." Tradition may have required that Lane interrogate the man a little before offering him a place, but she had never really been a traditional kind of leader.

RE: Home - Iota - May 16, 2022

Iota perked as a third wolf appeared, and he smiled warmly at her greeting. He gave a simple nod at first, watching and listening politely as she spoke on. His tail wagged slowly behind him and he smiled briefly down at @Calida before turning back to Lane. It had been some time since he had called any pack home, but surely none in the past had been quite so kind or accepting right off the bat. "You are most kind, @Lane of Atautsikut... I would like very much to join your ranks, and you can rest assured that your faith is not misplaced in me. I will do all within my power to make myself useful to you and your kin," he responded after a moment, his seeing eye sparkling warmly. 

(Sorry for the delay!)

RE: Home - Calida - May 18, 2022

Lane arrived quickly, and Calida gave her leader a smile and dip of the head; she had changed much since their very first meeting, nearly six months ago now. She still owed Lane much, and if she was pregnant now, she would owe her even more. The red woman gave a soft sigh as Lane and Iota spoke, letting herself fully relax now. Iota was here, they were home, and things would be fine. After Iota finished speaking, Calida voiced, "Iota's quite the storyteller... I'm sure even some of the adults would like his stories." Calida knew she did. She smiled a bit hesitantly, then glanced to Lane.