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Shadewood chasin' a fairytale, chasin' a lie - Printable Version

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chasin' a fairytale, chasin' a lie - Themis - April 19, 2022

The sweet song of crickets lured Themis awake tonight, her head raising sharply from her paws to stare into the gloom with a critical iced eye. She was paranoid by nature, the creature she was, and she didn’t trust anything. The chirp of the insects, the absence of the insects, anything. So, with a glance to the pups, she went to stand and slip out of the den, knowing her trust could lie with Vorilye or Ouranios to watch her brood while she investigated.

The Vasiliás’s slender form bled easily into shadow, the way she was always born to do. She let her legs lengthen, her stride falling in up and down, easy steps. But, when she reached the border, there was nothing.

Just crickets, chirping.

She narrowed her eyes. Let her muscles bunch and curl, hidden from view by the silence of her steps and the darkness of the night. Just two pinpricks of color.

Only blue. Glowing like fire in the dim.

RE: chasin' a fairytale, chasin' a lie - Gabriele - April 19, 2022

he always stayed up late. It’d been that way since he was a boy and never changed since. sleep was never something he enjoyed. there was always something waiting to be done, he believed, and slumber meaninglessly took time away from that.
and so he’d roam during twilight’s hours in search of something to do, fighting to keep his eyes open all the while.
it was such a battle that kept his attention away from his surroundings. he lazily strolled directly towards themis. his eyes were (barely) open, yet he could not tell the difference between her and the deep indigo that swallowed her.

RE: chasin' a fairytale, chasin' a lie - Themis - April 19, 2022

She noticed Gabriele, though, and a little smile ticked up the sides of her muzzle at the sight of him coming directly her way. The Vasiliás gave a little grin.

Bit late for a stroll, isn’t it?

She was a bit of a hypocrite, in hindsight.