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Sea Lion Shores slow down, you crazy child - Printable Version

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slow down, you crazy child - Siv - October 07, 2014

She had seen some peculiar things in her life. While she was young, Siv had traveled a good distance from her home to the Teekon wilderness. Still, she had never seen something quite as strange as what she saw flapping aggressively on the shoreline. It was darkly colored, sleek, but it didn’t seem to have paws or teeth. In fact, its face was narrow, and its arms looked deformed. The curious coywolf trotted towards it with her head low and her eyes narrowed on the bizarre creature. It turned to her with a whiskered face and barked. Siv jumped backwards, digging her paws into the sand. Her blue gaze was now wide on the noisy animal. She darted forward, sniffing the remarkable critter.
There was immediate regret. Siv reeled backwards, tossing her head up and she breathed heavily. “Phew! Golly! You fucking reek,” she exclaimed. Though, it had already been proven that the wild thing she was speaking to would not respond to her. Instead, it flopped forward, barking again. Siv’s ears flattened on her head and she gave the creature a scowl, not sure what she was supposed to do with it at that point in time. Surely, she didn’t want to get much closer to the shore-dwelling animal, but her curiosity was peaking. Creeping forward, Siv kept her head low, and tried her best not to breathe through her nostrils while she trailed after the smelly beast.

RE: slow down, you crazy child - Mordred - October 08, 2014

Sea Lions. They were common on the shores of Albion when they migrated north, but they only stayed there for so long. Here it seemed, they lived here on the shores named after them.

The knight trotted along the shore, an exercise he did to increase his stamina as he slowly recovered from his injuries. Mordred stopped with a pant, regaining his breath before he pushed himself further, but he paused before moving. Nearby he saw one specimen of amphibious mammal barking at something. When he walked over to get a closer look, he saw a female of his own species staring at it curiously.

He walked to the small looking female, ears flattening at the sound of her coarse language. "I've never heard a Lady speak such vulgar language before...." he spoke, loud enough to gain her attention.

RE: slow down, you crazy child - Siv - October 10, 2014

There was a dark shadow that appeared beside the tapered female and she quickly cast her gaze on the male just moments before he remarked on her coarse language. “Well, gee whiz, big fella… you’re missin out on some good shit then,” she returned with a flashing, toothy grin and a wink of her baby blue eye. It was obviously a tease. This male was larger than she, and he looked rather gruff and imposing, but he implied that he was a fan of gentlemanly actions by his tone and the words he had chosen to address her foul language. Still, he was in for a rough ride if he thought that he could tame any piece of Siv, notably her tongue.
Noticing that the strange flopping animal was beginning to make its way towards the water, Siv turned her attention back to the smelly creature and frowned. Her ears were perked forward with interest, but she still could not conclude as to what exactly it was. Flicking her bright blue gaze back towards the towering shadowy male, she quirked a brow. “Say, what is this thing anyway?” she inquired, because he was far less enthused to see the stinky beast than she was. This implied that he knew exactly what she was peering at so curiously.

RE: slow down, you crazy child - Mordred - October 20, 2014

Not even sure if you want to continue this...

Had she lived in Albion, he would have considered her a lower-class citizen, a commoner. Her speech was very crass and crude, with many expletives. But, he rarely judged a person's character on their speech alone. Mayhaps she was just a kind-hearted lady with a sailor's mouth. "How unfortunate. Perhaps you might have taught me a new colourful word." he said kindly.

His storm-gray eyes turned to the pinniped heading back towards the ocean. "A sea lion, terrestrial and aquatic, belonging to both land and sea." He chuckled as he observed the large mammal's flopping towards the salty waves. "Though more graceful in the waves than on land."

RE: slow down, you crazy child - Siv - October 29, 2014

Of course I do! Why would I not? :D
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“You learn something new every day,” she answered him with a flashy grin that – in no way – suggested she would apologize for her foul language. It very well was considered unladylike for someone like her to be speaking in such a manner, but it all factored down to how the girl had been raised and brought up. Siv’s mother had been very lenient with the girl. In fact, Finna probably would have laughed at the male’s remark concerning the flippant tongue of the young Savoy girl. Siv had always been encouraged to be whoever she wanted to be… that was something the coywolf was very grateful for in her time growing up.
When the stranger happened to answer her question as to what the creature flopping towards the ocean actually was, Siv peered back at it with a sense of reverence. “A sea-lion,” she whispered the name of the creature as though it was sacred. “Yeah he looks pretty silly out here flappin’ his little arms like that,” she then remarked to the dark-furred male with a smile and a few flags of her tail. Resolving to leave the creature to his sea-bound journey, Siv focused her attention back on her present company so that she was a bit more polite. “How’d you know so much about it?” she inquired, canting her head off to one side thoughtfully as she peered towards the male.

RE: slow down, you crazy child - Nishu Inte - October 30, 2014

[size=x-small](Invading because I want to muhahahaha (hope you two don't mind xD))[/size]

There was so much exploring to do with so little time. In the end it would be worth it so it never bothered him. Knowing the lands near the pack was important even if it was temperary. This pack he got involved in was unique, they had strange beliefs and practices that he yet understands. Since day one he already had problems, and it impossible to tell what was the cause of the problem. All that really mattered was proving himself as Knight to the lady who wanted to test him.

Exploring did allow him to get his breaks from them but he always had to go back. He decided that this time he would take a look at another shore. He jumped onto large rock believeing it would be the quickest way to know what was around. This shore would be like all the others if there wasn't any sea beast flopping everywhere. He actually found it funny, he had never seen such things before. But now he wondered, were they dangerous?

One of the sea beast seem to have noticed him, it was more curious than hostile. Nishu was just amused watching it move. He had a large grin, it was the most entertainment he had in a while. "Are you edible? Can you defend yourself?" He asked knowing that it can't really understand him. Before attempting to provoke it he suddenly saw two wolves at the distance, He couldn't tell yet but one did look familiar. He stood tall making sure he could be noticed, He wanted to know if they lived nearby or not.