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Larksong Grotto it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Printable Version

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it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Typhon - April 27, 2022

assuming this is okay to get started... tagging @Prophet and @Ratio, participation determined by Avicus' decree in this thread. if neither character seeks him, this will be changed to all welcome.  thread title from and written to this.

the path out of the rise was treacherous. the gorge had prepared him for such unwelcoming geography; he scaled the ledges slowly but with relative ease.

he did not know where he would go next.  all he knew was the rise was no longer an option.  he had been foolish for pledging himself so quickly, without inquiring of their politics if involvement was a dealbreaker.  lost in thought, he continued his way out.

RE: it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Prophet - April 29, 2022

His emotions brewed and swirled. Despite the darkening of his mood, he would not greet the man with teeth or snaps.

Instead, it was a pained look that painted his face as he caught the hulking stormcloud.

There must be pieces missing.

Typhon, He rumbled deeply, uncertain if Ratio lurked on his trail. He hoped they could have a few moments alone before anybody else stuck their nose in.

RE: it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Typhon - April 30, 2022

typhon turned before he was addressed. anger no longer crackled off of him in thunderclap waves, though his expression was inscrutable as he raised his proud jaw to regard the berserkr.

hail, he said.  his eyes were soft as he noticed the tension in prophet's face.  he wanted to know what lay behind it.  he expected he would soon find out.  biting his tongue, typhon waited — for a barrage of frustration, for exile, for whatever administrative purpose the man had sought him for.

RE: it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Prophet - May 05, 2022

I am hurt,

He admitted, the tension did not release from him with such an admission. He had opened up a sliver of himself for examination with such an opening line.

I have been told things, but I fear it's not all that it seems.

He wanted to be proven wrong, for once. He thought he might have come here with hellfire and brimstone, vengeance in his wake. Instead he faltered in the face of what he thought might have been brotherhood.

RE: it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Typhon - May 05, 2022

what he expected did not come. instead, prophet lay his bare soul on the table for examination. typhon acknowledged this with a low hum and a dip of his head.

at the next proclamation, indignation pierced through his guarded heart, surging upwards where it pounded in his head.  he released a metered breath in response as his lip flattened.

perhaps, he replied, i do not know what you were told. but that much was obvious.  i met with ratio.  we discussed the structure of the rise at length.  but he said something that troubled me; that i would be commanded by one of two men.

it felt like trouble could crack the fault line at any moment, leading to an earthquake of historic proportion. 

i served as a legionnaire on the front lines of my birthplace. war, and the perpetrators of it, have robbed me of my future. i will not succumb to same mistakes as my forefathers.  one sliver of soul for another.

he cleared his throat.

i apologized and tried to excuse myself. my intention was to dispel my shock and come to you so that i could discuss what my future in the rise would look like. i told him this. ratio would not have it. i asked to be dismissed so i could gather myself. ratio would not have it.

i do not know what crime he had crafted for me, but privacy was all i sought. i told him if he would not allow this small respect, i would have to leave.

and he had.

i did not want it to be this way. an unspoken apology in the softness of his gaze.

RE: it's a march to extinction with your god in step - Prophet - May 14, 2022

It was more than he had been told.

It laid bare the past of Typhon, it bonded them as brothers once more but —

A tension headache, throbbing and foreboding. He could only sigh as a start, posture rigid only by his own internal frustration. Ratio may have done no wrong, but nor did Typhon. Not in the eyes of Prophet, at least.

I do not know why he went to such protective lengths, He confessed. I do not want it to be this way either.

If your mind has been made by his doing, I respect it. However I do ask that you talk to me now. Brother to brother of your future. Your value is too great to not respect, even in the wake of all of this.