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Blacktail Deer Plateau one will rise who is too evil - Printable Version

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one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 07, 2014

for @Blue Willow

reestablishing himself in the plateau's wooded lands was not difficult. his den lay stale, the flowers he had planted outside long since dead. but in the darkness there lingered the faintest trace of peregrine's scent; it struck lasher headily and left him reeling with grief and despair, resentment toward fox resurfacing with a vengeance.

he would not stay here, he decided. a new shelter must be sought for his own sanity, and so taltos set off into the woodland that morn. his mind was not given over to the hunt, however -- he could not shake thoughts of the panther -- and so he traveled half-lapsed into his own psyche, recalling every blessed moment they had spent together, to the agony of his rent soul.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 08, 2014

[size=x-small]*Oh Love I would have made a thread but thank you. How's that baby boy? :D*[/size]

Blue Willow herself was often raught with grief for what had been, but not in such a capacity as the brown hued wolf Lasher. She felt so incredibly bad for the whole situation, and it made her angry all over again. She really wanted to just rip into Peregrine and Fox, especially Fox for hurting Lasher so, but at the same time she couldn't bear the thought of ruining such a good friendship with Peregrine. Although, she wasn't even sure if their bond would pass the true test of time. Because truthfully she was not certain if they would see each other any. They lived days apart, but soon Fox would have children and Peregrine hated to leave the Plateau when he lived here. So why shouldn't she believe he wouldn't leave the Caldera as well.

So it was with these thoughts anxious on her mind that she traveled the hooded woodlands of their homeland. Her mind so full of chaotic emotions, that she was lucky if she could even hunt, which was what she had originally intended to do. She was fairly certain this wouldn't happen today, no matter how hard she tried. As she walked her eyes sought and found a movement in the forest and it was Lasher. She gave a gentle chuff to him and strode forward with a small tail wag. Hello my friend

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 09, 2014

oh, it's fine! i had some time/muse! he is growing like a weed. and his hair is starting to curl :)

the willow moved toward him, and lasher found himself comforted by her presence for the thousandth time. greeting her with a press of his muzzle to her cheek, he proffered a gentle smile. "how is atticus?" with the split in the plateau, as well as increased leadership duties atop the time she dedicated to tending her beloved, taltos worried about his companion. blue willow was strong, but her workload would be tasking for any creature.

"and how are you?" the epsilon asked after a moment's beat, searching her gaze briefly before he lowered his eyes, as to avoid the natural sense of challenge that rose in them all.

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 11, 2014

[size=x-small]Aww curly hair is adorable. My Little brother's hair gets super curly when it gets long. My kids do not have curls at least not that I have seen, but their hair is usually short, and Ryley hasn't grown enough yet to tell :D And I wasn't sure exactly what's going on with Houkie, so I tried to remain vague. I'm assuming that Atticus is in the background.[/size]

Blue willow Returned the greeting, only to look down at his next question. I do not know Lasher. He is often silent and working at fixing his mind in solitude. Blue still held fast to the hope that he would be okay. He still had a ways to go, this much she did know for certain. No one would come back after a head injury such as he had and be perfectly fine in days.

Blue sighed at his perfectly poised question and shook her head. I don't know how I am Lasher. I feel betrayed and let down and hopeless. I have never felt any of these feelings before and I find they leave a bitter taste in my mouth. And I do not know what I am hopeless about. And I find I am so very angry, so angry. I had been fine with Peregrine being selfish to me, but when he hurt you I find it really upset me far more than anything else. She bowed her head, she did not know how to explain that it upset her worse that Perry had treated Lasher so abhorrently when the dark male had been nothing but selfless with Perry. He had even stayed in the background as Fox and Perry affirmed their mateship, only to be thrust completely aside in the end. Even if it was his choice, it wasn't fair.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 12, 2014

sounds good to me! yeah, i am wondering if lentil's hair will be tight-curly or if it will end up sort of wavy like versailles' hair. :o

lasher reached out to nudge her a second time. now should have been the time that the willow could have surrendered some of her strong appearance, and leant upon atticus, but he was indisposed. he thought of the promise he had made her, and how he still felt it stood, but now was not the time to mention such things.

his heart was warmed by the ferocity she felt for him. "i will mend, dear blue willow. i shall always love peregrine, and i do know that he loves me also, but he is a traditional man, and deep down i knew that he must plant his seed and carry on his lineage. i only wish he had not chosen fox."

if the female peregrine had chosen was unlike the fireflame, without overreaching ambition; if he had not elevated her immediately to a position of power in a place she did not understand; if all had been different, perhaps things might not have fallen as they did.

then again, though lasher did not know if he believed in fate, perhaps peregrine and fox had been intended to meet, that she had been intended to take him from the plateau and supplant his children with her own. taltos sighed.

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 13, 2014

he looks a lot like his dad, what is Bill's/Williams? hair type? Perhaps he will get that also.

Blue was at present unsure what Atticus needed. She gave him all the love she had and she took care of him, but he still needed to heal and she wasn't sure what needed to heal or how. The tricky thing of head injuries, made you act strangely and differently.

Blue snorted Perry may need to sow his seed, but he did not need to do so at the expense of those he loves and who love him. I think if we had made Fox wait perhaps she would have learned patience and grown. That is a mistake that lies with me. I should not have stepped down so easily, but clearly it was what was wanted. Even if they did not voice it.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 13, 2014

billy has curly hair and it looks like billy jr is going to take after him lol.

"do not fault yourself, blue willow," lasher murmured. "you are a accommodating creature. fox used this against you. had she any sense of propriety, she would have demurred at being elevated so suddenly, when she knew nothing of the plateau and its wolves. and she would have never accepted your resignation as alpha."

"she is a creature operating on the basest instincts of ambition and reproduction," lasher growled, repulsed by the impulse-based existence peregrine's new mate seemed to lead. in short, she acted as any wild creature would, but taltos held himself, held all of those who he met, to a much higher standard.

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 13, 2014

[size=x-small]My two oldest have blonde hair. Ryley had his dad's jet black hair, but it looks like it's going to grow lighter. I used to be blonde it darkened as i aged so my boys have my blonde hair and blue eyes and their father's facial features and such. Which is okay with me he's a handsome man I think[/size]

Blue frowned as she thought through his words, yes I suppose you are right. Fox seems to be the type that feels entitled though. So I believe that even if she had not accepted she would have held it as a goal, and perhaps went about it in an unsavory to get it? Perhaps not. Blue did not know what else to say really, she did not understand how Peregrine could do this, while at the same time in a way she did. Though she was almost positive that even for Atticus she would not forsake all those she loved. And especially not on such poor circumstances.

Blue dipped her muzzle Yes but at the moment I am afraid so is our dear perry. Tell me about your old home Lasher? I know so little about you and it doesn't seem so fair? When I count you as one of my dearest friends.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 13, 2014

my hair's always been brunette, but my mom's was red, blonde, and brunette before it settled into a dark color permanently. i did notice today that the baby has a little bit of my chestnut color in his hair, so that's nice (i have a reddish/chestnut hue in my hair that only really comes out in the sunlight)

he nodded. it seemed most were united in dislike and mistrust of fox; he could only wonder at what the caldera would be when she was delivered of her whelps. he was forced to agree with blue willow's observation that peregrine also was operating on animalistic rite, yet the vision of his lover's tear-dappled face swam before him again, and he inhaled somewhat shakily.

"ah," he muttered smilingly to his friend. "i lived in a place i knew only as the glen. it was green, and wooded. we spoke my mother tongue there. for a time i was coddled and loved by the witches, the druid wolves, who had made it their home. and then i became outcast. i wandered. i followed a fierce woman named siku for some time, but she left me. her daughter returned to guide tartok, siku's pack, but she too left us. it was after some time of wandering that i found the plateau, and it is here i plan to die."

lasher found blue willow's eyes with his own. "and you?"

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 13, 2014

[size=x-small]Aww too cute. I thought for a while there that Alex was going to actually be a redhead, but it just has a red hue to it. Both my father and my husband's beards get red, golden, brown and black hairs throughout it my hubby also now has gray lol. It's funny really.[/size]

Blue not only desired to know more of Lasher, but also to move on from the topic at hand. It was a shameful topic for her anyway, as she was not being kind in any capacity. Besides that poor Lasher was hurt and still healing, and she did not wish to keep those wounds open to fester.

Blue chuckled Not much to tell really. I have never had a home this is my first home. My parents and I were traveling healers and story tellers. We would go pack to pack, land to land offering our stories and our healing services. It was the way we made a life, it was how i made sure I had a warm den and some food. My parents were umm rather free spirits. She grew quiet and smiled softly at the memories of both her parents, gone from her view and life, but not from her heart.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 17, 2014

sounds very colorful! i always wanted red hair...lol. u wanna wrap up after another round, since we have a more current thread now?

he also found their current subject of conversation shameful, abhorrent, and was eager to move away from any discussion of fox or what she had done to affect them. listening in silence as blue willow spun a tale of gypsies, he smiled. "but you have remained rooted here, in the plateau. you do not seem like you are a wanderer." perhaps she had been at one time, but taltos could not see it now, dedicated as she was to her wolves.

"stories. it has been a long time since i heard a good story," he murmured, remembering the tale-telling meeting peregrine had held. he glanced warmly at blue willow, wondering if she would oblige his silent request.

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 18, 2014

[size=small]http://www.firstpeople.us/FP-Html-Legends/TheSpiritBride-Algonquin.html original story.[/size]

Blue chuckled I have a wanderers heart and soul, but I have always wanted my own home. My own family if it were in the stars for me. When I get the urge to travel, I simply go on an overnight trip for herbs. It is why I am so stocked up, I travel a lot. she smiled a bit sheepishly at that small admission. It was true though, she had traveled throughout most of the teekon woods in her time here, in search of herbs and medicinal plants.

She smiled and dipped her muzzle Well then I'll tell you a story, both sad and happy. She thought about it and began softly

There was once a young warrior, and his love died on the eve of their ceremonial mateship. He had distinguished himself both in bravery and goodness, he was inconsolable at her death. Blue made a sad face and pretended to cry to add depth to the story.

He could not eat or sleep, he merely sat at her grave side day after day. He could not even bring himself to hunt with the others. She pretended to be laying near a grave, standing up she circled once or twice to lay back down despondent.

One day he heard the elders speaking, and they were speaking of the path to the spirit world. He listened and he memorized every single detail. He set out immediately. He traveled for 2 weeks, and he still saw no land marks. She held her ears forward and erect as if she was listening intently and then she began to march as if she was on a journey.

It was then that he left the forest behind. He saw the most beautiful plain as he emerged and it was here that the wise man waited for him. This old man he knew who the warrior was and he knew who he sought. He told him his bride had only passed by a day before. In order to follow her, he had to leave his body behind, for only spirits could travel the path of the dead. The spirit world itself is an island and surrounding that island is a Lake, you can only get to it by swimming across. He was given the directions and a warning. The warning was to not speak to his bride at all until he was safely across. Blue pretending to be looking around in awe and she approached a lone figure and pretended to speak. She lay down as if leaving her body.

Some chants were recited by the old man and the youth felt his soul leave his body. He walked the shore in spirit form and saw his beloved as she too began her journey across he followed behind her. As they swam she duplicated his every stroke. Why could they not travel together you ask? It is because everyone must enter alone and be judged on their own individual merits. As they traveled across the lake. Halfway there a terrible tempest rose and washed away some of the spirits. For those were the evil ones that did not deserve to be there. Both the warrior and his bride were good, and they made it through without a problem. Blue pretending to be swimming and she gamboled about as if being pushed side to side by water.

The island of the blessed was beautiful, for there it was always late spring with flowers in bloom and cloudless skies. Never to warm or too cold just right. They met on the shore and he embraced her, only to hear a sweet voice speak ot him. It was the Master of life. He was told to retrace his steps, for it was not his time yet. He could not enter, but he rejoiced for he would see her again. He returned the way he had come and he grew old and became a great Chief, happy in the assurance that he would see her again. Blue then grew quiet and smiled at Lasher, she may have looked silly acting out the parts, but it was how she knew to do it and it was fun. It would leave her both happy and glad and she hoped he would like it too.

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Lasher - October 20, 2014

to say he was mesmerized was a true understatement; lasher was transfixed, both by the story as well as by the way that blue willow used her beautiful face and body to fasten the tones of the tale in his mind. when she had finished, he gazed at her raptly, a grin spread forth across his mouth. "a true talent!" he praised; lasher would reexamine the details of the story later.

glancing at the sky, he moved toward his friend. "perhaps a meal?" he suggested, not wanting to part ways with her yet, so fascinated was he by this newly shone skill.

<style type="text/css">.lasher1 {width: 380px; background-image:url('http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/kiba_in_paradise/lasher1.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#e4ebf6; border:1px solid #9f95b5; padding-top:200px; margin:auto; }.lasher2 {color:#9f95b5; font-family:georgia; width:370px; border-top:none; margin:auto; border-bottom:none;}.lasher2 p {text-indent:25px; padding:0px 5px;}.lasher2 b {color:#6e8bbc; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #000000;}</style>

RE: one will rise who is too evil - Blue Willow - October 20, 2014

Last post for me <3

Blue shifted her paws self consciously but gave him a winning smile. Thank you I tried to give it justice. She had tried to choose this story for the happy ending. To let the other know that goodbye wasn't always forever. She was sure he knew that, but sometimes you had to be reminded that was all.

She dipped her muzzle yes lets eat. She motioned for him to lead the way and she would follow behind him. A meal sounded good to her, even the stretching her legs as she hunted sounded good right now.