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Ravensblood Forest From the housetops to the gutters - Printable Version

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From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - May 23, 2022

it was the first place they found.

tucked away in a place along the coast. it was right where they needed to be. this much they knew, it would be a place to bide their time, to rebuild.

along the borders they would hover, momentarily. seaglass eyes flickered to and fro.

then they settled, staring deep into the territory before them.

they called, a summoning sound for the king or queen of these woods.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Violante - May 23, 2022

A call came, splitting her from her other duties. Calls rarely came for her, and so the Vicera set off with narrowed eyes against the darkness. At the edge of the forest, she appeared, a small figure framed against the giant, bleeding sequoia's. "Who calls for me?" she inquired quietly, dark eyes settling on an equally-small female.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - May 23, 2022

a small queen, draped in the finest inks.

they were smitten, enchanted. they knew this had been the place to be. it showed in the wondering shine of their eyes.

me, they breathed out softly in response. aravae. a name they had not spoken in some time, fizzling through the air.

i was hoping to make home here.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Violante - May 23, 2022

Violante pondered their words, humming softly. She had had a long day already, what with pulling Fennec out of the sea, but this was one of her many duties. Duties that could never wait. "Aravae." The name rolled from her tongue; it sounded pleasant. "I am Violante Cruor, Vicera of Sacrarium." Her usual greeting.

Black eyes swept over Aravae's form as she left the woods, nearing the other female. "I can offer you a home, perhaps. What talents do you have?" They had many mouths to feed.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - May 23, 2022


they whispered, respect and awe dripped from their tongue. it was a title they had never heard before. it was new, it was freeing.

the sides of their softly scarred ribs expanded and come back together once more.

i am a good ranger and...mystic. i see things beyond us, i know things that can only be whispered into the soul.

this said as she looked upon the dark face of royalty.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Violante - May 24, 2022

Violante kept her dark gaze fixed on the other woman as she spoke, and she pondered her last words in particular. Sacrarium was not religious, but spirituality, particularly the gift of Sight was different. It was spoken of only in legends, at least in her homeland. "You might find our Mystic rank suits you — we have a healer, but no spiritual advisor." There would be opportunity to rise in the ranks, as well, but that was a conversation for later, should this go well. Then, "What things do you see?"

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - May 24, 2022

a spiritual advisor.

their heart trembled in their chest, hidden beneath bony breastbones.

paths. when others find themselves at a crossroad, i know the way they go.

they said this with whispered pride. how good it felt to be seen and heard for their oddities.

ideal to be your spiritual advisor, vicera,

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Violante - May 31, 2022

Violante smiled, gently now, and she beckoned the woman over the borders. "Then welcome to Sacrarium, as our new Mystic. I will show you back to our dens and help get you settled. And I'm certain your other abilities will come in handy, as well." She would lead them through the towering trees, giving a soft call that would be heard by the rest of the pack; another had joined their ranks. As they walked, she asked, "Have you any questions for me?"

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - June 01, 2022


their heart clutched the title tightly, grasping with teeth and claws around it.

the call into the bloody woods declared their newfound title to all. their muscles relaxed with it.

none now, they whispered, true and honest. i only ask to be shown where to stay. i have traveled far and wide to find here.

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Violante - June 03, 2022

Tag for reference.

The path to the dens was a swift one, and as they edged along the mountain, the Vicera told Aravae, "The mountain guards our dens and feeds a spring that gives water to the entire forest." They rounded a bend, and the spring came into view, flowing into the river that took it north, out to sea. "The tunnel system extends for quite a while; I'm certain we've not finished exploring it, even." Violante paused at the threshold of the tunnels, flexing her toes. It felt good to have another in Sacrarium, especially since @Azarov had been nowhere to be found for quite some time. She missed the old Sentinel, and she wondered where he had gotten to, even now. With a low exhale, she pushed the dark man from her mind and turned, leading Aravae into the tunnels.

As they passed alcoves and rooms, she murmured, "To your right, Lorelai's medical den; opposite is her shared den with her family. You'll find my den further back, should you need me, though I am usually out on patrol." She paused, gesturing to a swath of empty rooms. "You are free to choose. Noir will assist you with cleaning and making it more homely."

RE: From the housetops to the gutters - Aravae - June 07, 2022

closing <3

they soaked in the information, certain it would be useful at a later date. they noted the medic den, a family's den, names given to them.

sacrarium certainly seemed to be of a family nature.

thank you, they whispered with a soft smile on their face. i will make sure to get noir once i have decided. i ask to rest now, their den tonight may not be their chosen one forever, but it mattered little. they merely craved the protective place.