Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon censura - Printable Version

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censura - Germanicus - June 02, 2022

maybe @Alivia or @Valiria? <3

his children were quickly growing.

soon they would outstrip the domicile he shared with ruenna.

today germanicus had gathered them at the edge of the forest, attempting to nose them into an attentive row which faced him. his efforts were not successful, and soon he discovered how hard it was to collect four children scampering in all cardinal directions.

eventually he took his sons back to his wife, but he and their daughters dawdled on the threshold a moment longer.

RE: censura - Yonder - June 18, 2022

the raven flew close, then latched onto a branch of spruce pine. it barely bent beneath his weight. he decided not to be bitter about that.

he saw a wolf, quintessential, with a pair of offspring. of the canyon pack...? maybe. he couldn't tell.

the raven would watch them, to learn. 

cameo unless interacted with

RE: censura - Germanicus - June 22, 2022

"look," he told his daughters, their small faces lifting toward the bird.

it was an interesting creature. a raven, who watched them with intelligence.

"once upon a time, apollo sent a white raven to be a spy after his lover, coronis." germanicus watched the corvid as he spoke. "when the raven brought the news that coronis had been untrue, apollo flew into a rage which scorched the feathers of the raven, and he has worn that since."