Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon Spare me your Degradation - Printable Version

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Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - June 02, 2022

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Descriptions of gore and swearing.

For any who want to meet or steal a Reyson thread. I am still getting the hang of him, the majority of his personality is being developed in game. So please bear that in mind.

Reyson woke from the nightmares with a gasp A sour taste rose in his mouth and with heaving gasps he sat upright. He ran a foreleg over ice blue eyes and stared at the sky above him. The stars beginning to wane as Sunrise was coming. As always had been, as always would be he pushed himself to Brutish paws, cowled and irritated at his show  weakness.

During the day his mind stayed quiet, sleeping. He did his duties, he spoke. These wolves cared to speak more than he was accustomed too, but he tried to accommodate them. Some it was easier than others. Either of the two healers, both the one he had met, and the one he hadn't. He would share a conversation with them anytime they wanted. Give them anything they wanted. An escort fine, a conversation fine, a listening ear all fine. Healers were a class above any other for this scarred wolf.

Perhaps it was the young pup that still stirred deep down who had loved his mother. Even though they had broken his heart, and his soul, reshaped, reframed. Tore out all the good and let it a blistering, bleeding mass at his feet. The wound to his soul had once upon a time festered, when he had bore a younger man's pelt. When he had been forced into something he had hated. There had been a time this creature was not what he was. And he had looked upon the world with peaceful and rose colored intentions.

Renaud He breathed quietly and without another look, he strode towards the borders and the markers. He would freshen the scent markers, fill the caches and he would watch the sunrise bleed into the sky, much as Renaud had bled at his feet. His beautiful golden sunshine.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Killdeer - June 08, 2022

Killdeer had also awoken early to mark the borders, and was surprised to see another there, his face drawn with emotion the young man couldn't parse. He approached slowly, giving a chuff, looking the soldier over. An unfamiliar face, maybe one that had joined when he was at Akashingo.

Can I join you? he asked, drawing closer to the tawny wolf. He kept his distance for now, marking a brush along the canyon while keeping his eyes trained on the somewhat-stranger.

He had much to adjust to after Akashingo. His trip away had left him a little lost in the woods in terms of Mereo.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - June 08, 2022

Reyson heard soft footfalls and turned blue eyes to the noise. It was a young one. He seemed like he'd be large at full size. Strong, hardy. His face was open. Reyson kept his tail down. He didn't know this youths rank. He could be higher than he.

Reyson blinked at the innocent question, dipped his muzzle down. Yes. I'm Reyson,auxillary.

The youth continued to watch him warily as he marked. The silence growing. Reyson was comfortable in silence most weren't.

You're back from investigating?  He didn't know the whole story, didn't need to know. But it was a conversation point.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Killdeer - June 28, 2022

I'm Auxillary, too, Killer replied, smiling at last. They walked together before Reyson asked his question, and Killdeer turned, nodding. 

Yes, it was. . .interesting, he concluded, with a shrug. He chuckled a little. Different from what we have here. They lay around a lot. They're really into pleasure. Eat berries, drink wine. . . It's different from anything I've ever seen before.

But the investigation had not yielded a perpetrator. Killdeer sighed, shaking his head. I'm happy to be back. I felt weird there.

The soldiers marched along the border, each turning at different small sounds that caught their attention. Silence swaddled them until Killdeer spoke again, glancing back toward Reyson. Where were you, before this?

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - June 28, 2022

Reyson relaxed even further, for they were brothers in arms. Comrades and close to each other's rank. That was how you formed bonds of brother and sisterhood. Bonds unbreakable to be tested in wars and blood.

Reyson snorted in surprise. This must be why we protect them. I could not live that way. It would drive him absolutely mad. To sit in inaction and idleness, for sweet meats and honey. No, that wasn't for him.

I hail from the southwest. Tall trees, forests and long grassy plains. I was a commander in my former pack. It was a bit like this one. Were you born in Mereo?

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Killdeer - July 05, 2022

He nodded in agreement. It would get boring after a while, he mused. Killdeer turned his mental compass to the southwest, and tried to picture the scene Reyson painted. It seemed nice. 

And if the man had once been a commander, then Killdeer was sure he would rise swiftly through the ranks.

No jealousy on his part. He was a bit shy of such responsibility.

No, I was born south of here, on the plains. A place called Redhawk Caldera. My grandma is Towhee; I'm sure you know her. My aunt and great-uncle are here as well—Tierra and Phox. Oh! And Auntie Woo. And of course, Gramma just had her kids.

So much family here! Apart from his parents and Cal, it was almost as if they were back on the caldera again.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - July 05, 2022

Reyson shifted and spoke softly. Not only would it get boring, it would be unsafe. Someone could easily come in and usurp the leaders, and kill those that followed them.

Reyson thought of his former home. There was much that he missed from it, but none more than those he had grown with. Those who had followed him and the one he had loved.

Reyson wasn't certain if he wanted to rise through the ranks here. The simple fact was, he was tired. Tired of fight and bleed and die. Tired of conquer or be conquered. He found he rather enjoyed teaching. If he could have a place there to teach those who wanted to learn, he would like it.

Reyson did not know many of those names. Though he surmised that Towhee who wasn't Aquene, was the wolfess that had just about ripped his face off, for dropping off meat. He wasn't certain how he felt about her yet. He could understand her aggression, and yet he also couldn't. He hadn't been down in the den, simply putting something near it.

It must be a nice feeling to have those you care for all around you. You have a very large family. I do not know that feeling. Unless you count, comrades in arms.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Killdeer - July 18, 2022

Killer smiled, but it was lopsided. Yes, he had a big family, but they always kind of seemed. . .fractured. Especially now, after the Caldera had dispersed. Maybe one day, he'd bring the Redhawks all back together again.

Comrades in arms count, he said. I think so, anyway.

They walked a little ways as the sun began to burst above the horizon, and he stared that way, grinning.

Isn't that beautiful? Killdeer remarked. He saw the silhouettes of birds against the glowing orb, and the way it painted everything red-gold. Can't beat the mountains for these views.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - July 18, 2022

Blue ice eyes assessed and studied, then quickly averted. There was something in the silence, but what it was he didn't know. Perhaps it was something to do with family, something that Reyson being how he was raised would not be privy too.

I think so too.

The sun burst across the sky and Reyson felt his chest tighten. Re.. He cleared his throat and tried again. I knew a wolf who loved sunsets and sunrises, they said that it was worth everything. So I agree with you there.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Killdeer - July 20, 2022

The sudden emotion caught his ear, and Killdeer turned toward Reyson, his face scrunching in question. It slacked into sympathy—he didn't know what ailed his fellow soldier, but whatever it was, it clearly bothered him, and that wouldn't do.

It is worth everything, he responded, and gave Reyson a gentle nudge. Especially here. Do you. . .wanna talk about it?

He'd never tried to draw a man's soul out, at least not consciously, but he mustered his patience here. He liked Reyson, and he felt a lot brewing under the soldier's surface. He swallowed, hoping he hadn't said the right thing, and planted his paws, not moving any more.

RE: Spare me your Degradation - Reyson - July 20, 2022

Reyson dipped his muzzle at the silent question, but for now didn't acknowledge it. He was unsure what had caused him to speak his truth. And he wasn't sure if any would be okay with his choice of lover. Not that he had a set type. Renaud, had simply been the only one to catch his fancy as of yet, that he actively pursued.

Reyson smiled softly, a bit sadly. ::Not right now, but perhaps someday. I lost them right before i came here. I lost my whole entire pack. It is not yet healed, and I'm not ready

Reyson watched the sun a little longer. A low growl of approval and happiness in his chest at the sight.