Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs i shine, not burn - Printable Version

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i shine, not burn - Meerkat - June 04, 2022

This was long overdue, not that Meerkat minded. It was such a joy raising children with @Njord, even if the two of them hadn’t had a moment to themselves in quite some time, much less a few hours to steal away together. But as they settled @Mireille in with the pups and prepared to depart, she felt a riot of butterflies burst in her belly.

Walking in tandem, they headed to the beach. The day was overcast, though Meerkat could see snatches of blue as the clouds began breaking up near the horizon. Perhaps they would clear by sunset. Smiling at the thought, she turned her head and reached out to nip at the handsome cut of her mate’s jaw.