Wolf RPG
choice kingdom - Printable Version

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choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 09, 2014

Set in Ankyra Sound. All welcome.

Greyjoy had been busy scouting the area, laying his scent at each point of entry, gathering food, checking on Aktaiê, and bidding goodbye to the others that had decided to leave them. His heart was beginning to flounder at the thought of Psamathe leaving. She had been called by a vision to return to Themiscyra Coast to aide the sirens there, though Greyjoy secretly thought that perhaps she had simply lost heart in their cause.

He remained, steadfast and true. There were others around, though it was a quiet beach on which they lived. Junior, their black-furred recruit, had disappeared. Atlas, Homeros, and Atreus had gone, though he hoped Atlas at least would return. Aella had come and gone, but Akantha remained, though her activities were few.

Greyjoy didn't pay the sirens much attention. His sights were set on protecting the sound and the inhabitants within, however many there were at any given moment. So he had just left the clifftop ridge, where he had sprayed his scent and rubbed himself across trees and rocks, before slipping back down to the coast. He picked his way across the beach toward the stacks and a known tidepool, hoping to find an easy meal.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 09, 2014

Caiaphas, much like Greyjoy, had much to think about regarding Psamathe's departure. In the short period of time that they had spent together Caiaphas had learned to like the woman very much; she was soft spoken in a way Caiaphas admired, yet she knew also there was a delightful steeliness just barely veiled behind the female. When Caiaphas had learned that the dutiful Priestess was making her leave, she had proffered her small trinkets and wares from her grotto -- most were useless, in the manner that nearly all goodbyes and farewells were. Caiaphas had watched forlornly as the female boldly traveled down the shore until she was no more a solitary shadow on the strand.

She was so presumed by her thoughts that she scarcely spotted Greyjoy until she was upon him -- and blandly she remembered her first interaction with him. With a cold expression on her muzzle (more in part to do with Psamathe's departure than her opinion of Greyjoy) she pulled aside him, casting him a sidelong glance before slipping into the tidepool he had his sights upon.

Like a child throwing a temper tantrum she splashed wildly among the water, knowing full well this action would scare away any easy meal he had hoped to obtain. Ooops!

RE: choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 12, 2014

Greyjoy had been preoccupied with his thoughts that he had not seen Caiaphas until she pulled up beside him, then slipped ahead and into the tide pool that he had been aiming for.Stopping mid-stride, Greyjoy watched the outsider splash wildly in the pool, likely scaring away any food that had been there. Most wolves would have felt disgust and anger, but Greyjoy simply stared blankly at the woman, wondering what on earth possessed her.

With a low bow, he turned and began to find another meal. He could slink toward the shore and find a crab, or go above the Sound into the forest to find fish in the stream there or red meat, as much as he disliked it. Before his thoughts had been consumed with the comings and goings of their acolytes, now his thoughts were trained upon the strange wolf in the tide pool, and what her purpose had been splashing wildly about in that pool. Perhaps it was simply to torment him; if that was the case, he was used to it, and it would take much more than that to build his ire.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 12, 2014

Caiaphas watched the male for any reaction; she was pleased with her invasion and with a proud lick of her paw she pulled from the shallow water and trotted gayly after the ashen colored male.

Perhaps it was because Caiaphas had been brought up outside of the Nereides, but she had no plain-spoken disdain for males. While she thought that most men were stupid and limited in their cognitive functions, Caiaphas recognized their usefulness. Unlike her Sisters, the female treated both sexes the same and all in the fold were equally subject to her torment. She did not expect the subservience of males -- perhaps this would change the more she became accustomed to the Nereides' creed, but for now Caiaphas regarded both sexes impartially.

But it seemed Greyjoy, true to his name, was used to such treatment -- with a frown Caiaphas dodged after him. Adopting a scampering canter the female skidded up behind his rump to place a playful nip on his haunch before splitting back towards the tidepool in a frolicking and lofty gait.

RE: choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 12, 2014

Greyjoy had expected her to mock him, to throw words at him that were akin to what Psamathe or Akantha would say, but instead he heard the patter of feet on the sand and felt the nip of her teeth on his rump. Greyjoy snapped around, eyes wide, as he watched the woman scamper away. What was she doing? Playing?

Ears forward, eyes trained on the dark female, he spun around to caper after her. Aktaie usually played with him, in the secret moments they stole together, but never in public. Against his better judgment, Greyjoy kicked against the sand and sprung toward her. He caught her easily, though before he could tag her, he saw a dark shape against the base of the cliffs, near the towpath that led up to the forest they had claimed. With a growl, he pivoted toward the creature, and instinctively placed himself between the dark shape and Caiaphas.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 12, 2014

Caiaphas was inwardly delighted to see her invitation well received -- he was much faster and stronger than her and in a matter of strides he had overcome her. She was about to wheel playfully and spur her teeth upon him when she noticed a dramatic shift in his posture and a heavy note of seriousness besieged his grey countenance.

Caiaphas froze and followed his gaze -- and as he stood protectively between her and the dark figure Caiaphas issued a guttural growl. Unafraid she stalked with her head low past the male, her hackles raised in a sharp ridge along her skinny spine. Without pausing to see if he followed suit she flew into a hyena-like lope, her posture predatory as she approached the coyote who was too busy with his snout in the sand to hear of their approach.

RE: choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 12, 2014

Though he knew well that women were just as strong as men, he was not used to the proactive stance that Caiaphas took as she moved past him and barreled toward the coyote. Greyjoy followed swiftly on her heels, a primal growl forming deep within his chest as he ran. His teeth were bared at the coyote as they came upon the unsuspecting creature, a bark of warning issued from his lips.

He circled the creature, gaze wandering between Caiaphas and the coyote, watching both for their next move. The coyote was smaller, yet faster, than either wolf, but Greyjoy had both strength and agility on his side. Caiaphas was quick, too, and between them they would either rip the coyote asunder, or fling it from their lands.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 12, 2014

Unlike Greyjoy, the skulking wraith did not wait for the coyote to be made aware of their presence. With a silent snarl crippling her features she set herself upon him -- her hackles flared like the primal rise of some wicked fish' fin -- and with staggering leaps she closed the distance and threw herself brutally at the coyote's flank. Her jaws parted, her fresh white teeth little yet lethal -- and with a thud she felt her front paws connect with the coyote's flank.

She did not wait for Greyjoy to join the fray either; she knew him capable and she knew him to be strong, and had no doubt in her mind the pewter male would be right beside her. With the coyote scrabbling for purchase, his attention would be divided from the grey consort -- and valiantly Caiaphas sought to keep it this way. She was uncaring as the coyote turned his neck and imparted wicked teeth to her muzzle -- they jawsparred and jawlocked for what seemed an eternity.

She, entwined between the coyote, showed no mercy -- trespass was a capital crime and she had every intention of savaging this creature and leaving his flayed remains at the pack's borders as a warning for any future trespasser.

RE: choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 19, 2014

Greyjoy followed Caiaphas swiftly into action, throwing his considerable size and strength into the fray. He was careful to keep his claws and teeth from her skin, but showed no mercy when it came to the coyote. He was protecting those that were most dear to him: the women of Ankyra Sound (I almost just said Sirensong Cove, whoops). With flashing teeth and snarls to match, Greyjoy mimicked the dark wraith and set himself upon the coyote.

The coyote wailed and barked, it's high-pitched voice breaking over the sound of sand and sea around them. Greyjoy slammed his shoulder against the coyote, sending him sprawling under Caiaphas in the sand. Greyjoy blocked the creature's escape, hackles raised to make himself appear larger, though it was entirely unnecessary: Greyjoy was already twice as big as the coyote who cowered before him.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 20, 2014

Caiaphas issued only a snarl, her blackened gums curled back in a wicked and crippling growl that made her look consumed by some foreign demon -- the coyote's actions were met with a visceral and raw anger that possessed her. As Greyjoy flanked her and threw his shoulder against the male coyote it sent the coyote sideways and into Caiaphas' waiting jaws.

And she did not hesitate -- with the flawless execution of an animal well indoctrinated to murder Caiaphas' jaws wrapped around the off-balance coyote's left hind and with a wrench she sought to pull him backwards and topple him -- hopefully sending him into the sand face-first.

There was no sense of recognition in her eyes -- only darkness -- and without compassion or pity she continued to mangle his hind leg and prevent his escape -- and it would be Greyjoy's honor to make the final blow -- with the coyote floored his neck was exposed and there for Greyjoy's taking.

RE: choice kingdom - Greyjoy Orkwood - October 25, 2014

Caiaphas toppled the coyote and began distracting him by mangling his hind leg, and Greyjoy took his chance. He sprung forward to place one big paw on the coyote's shoulder, and the other on his skull. With a growl of fury, he snapped the creature's neck with a quick, powerful bite to its neck.

The fight died with that moment. Greyjoy stepped back from it, glad of his ability to protect and serve. This was his duty and he was glad to do it. Though the coyote had done nothing wrong at that point, he knew that if he let the thing live, Caiaphas would never forget it. If anything else slipped into their borders, he would be to blame. To curtail that, he simply did what he must to protect his home.

Greyjoy looked at Caiaphas, his breaths coming in strong gasps, as he calmed after the fight. "What shall we do with it?" he asked quietly, wanting to know her mind. He thought perhaps taking it up the cliff to leave as a warning would be sufficient, but if she had something else in mind, he would hasten to her bidding.

RE: choice kingdom - Caiaphas - October 27, 2014

i will archive this so you can count this as part of your co-rank!

True to form Greyjoy was swift in his deliverance of death. He lunged in a whirl of silver and his teeth, swift as mercury, delivered insatiable and irrevocable death.

Spitting into the sand a bloody phlegm Caiaphas dropped the limp creature and coldly inspected it, watching without softness in her harsh gaze as the dark blood welled forth from the open lash like a gurgling spring only to be consumed in a matter of moments by the thirsty sand.

"We flay it and present it for all the world to see." She decreed coldly, relatching her teeth on the mangled hock. The two of them would set to business then, rendering flesh from hide -- and once they were done they would proudly display the mangled corpse outside the borders as a warning for all to take notice.