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Blacktail Deer Plateau and break the heart in two - Printable Version

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and break the heart in two - Aktaiê - October 09, 2014

She's technically in the Kintla Flatlands, but since she's seeking out a wolf from BDP, sticking it here made the most sense! Tagging @Junior just in case you want to make things even more interesting. ;)

It was a task she had avoided, mainly because it meant she would have to speak with Peregrine again... and his previous disrespect left a sour taste in Aktaie's mouth. If this had been Themiscrya, they would have sent a phalanx of Amazons and Hoplites to send the wolves of the plateau a message; by taking their unsuited Alpha by force and showing him his true place in the world amongst the Nereides. But her grandmother had instilled the importance of tolerance, particularly when in alien lands. And so she grit her teeth, and made her way to Junior's birth pack, to tell the juvenile's father of her disappearance.

She didn't expect a rational reaction, with the way things had gone the last time they spoke. But perhaps the fiery woman would be at his side once more, to soothe his emotions and make him see reason. This is what she told herself, at least, to make the entire process more tolerable. The last thing the settling Nereides needed was for her to get herself killed in a foolhardy attempt to do the "right" thing, at least by the standards of these foreigners.

As she neared the place, Aktaie halted just close enough that her summons would be heard by the plateau's inhabitants; well outside of the borders. Her howl was short and bark-like, it's meaning clear: I come with a message for your leaders.

RE: and break the heart in two - Dante RIP - October 09, 2014

hehe hello!

Dante was patrolling the borders when the summons came, overlaying the old with th new once more. Peregrine and Fox's scents were fading, a fact that was rather bittersweet in most respects. There was a sense of ownership that instilled some pride in him, however nervous he still was about maintaining leadership, but also a sense of loss.

The bark was clearly a call for the leaders, one that now was mostly directed towards him. He did not recognize the voice but was not arrogant enough to ignore the request. He had no way of knowing its importance unless he responded.

He approached the woman warily, but held his head high. "What do you seek, stranger?"

RE: and break the heart in two - Aktaiê - October 09, 2014

It was not Peregrine that approached, and so Aktaie incorrectly assumed it was one of his subordinates — furthering her distaste for Junior's father. It didn't matter that she should understand the demands on a leader's time, and that she had allowed Caiaphas to intercept most strangers upon Ankyra's borders while she attended other business. Despite this hypocrisy and her annoyance, Aktaie stood respectfully as the other approached, her turquoise eyes cast down. It was another male, a realization that made her tense; Peregrine perhaps caught wind of Psamathe's blatant distaste for males and so sent one to greet her out of spite. None of this would turn out to be true, but the priestess would cling to any suspicion that granted her permission to dislike Junior's father more than she already did.

She had half a mind to take a shit, tell this male to take that back to Peregrine as a message, and keep Junior's status to herself... but her grandmother's words echoed in her mind, and she cooled her anger for the moment. Aktaie was here to avoid a conflict, not incite one.

"I have a message for Peregrine," she told the other, carefully. Her tone was as respectful as she could muster, her Greek accent lilting. "It concerns his daughter."

RE: and break the heart in two - Osprey - October 09, 2014

ooc: Osprey will be silently standing and observing the whole ordeal from a little distance. You can ignore her in the posting order.

Osprey had been hunting small game, when a stranger's summoning howl echoed in the nearby woods. She perked her ears and for a moment she had this impossible hope that Peregrine had come to his senses and returned, but then she reminded herself that this was a foolish thing to believe in. Besides this voice was rather feminine.

Driven by curiosity and the natural desire to defend her territory from anyone that came with bad purposes, she left her hunting place and padded in the location of the howl. She slowed her step slightly, when she spotted the stranger and Dante, who had taken matters in his hands. It was a bit of a relief to know that she wouldn't have to take initiative this time.

Therefore she neared the two and stopped few feet away from the plateau's leader. She stood in silence, observing the foreign she-wolf in a reserved manner, however, there was a warning flickering in her eyes. Should the things turn ugly, she was ready to happily tear the stranger apart. Such murderous thoughts for a usually very outgoing and friendly person.

RE: and break the heart in two - Dante RIP - October 09, 2014

The stranger was respectful, her words accented but carefully neutral. Dante would therefore return the favor and also responded politely. He got straight to the point, however. "Peregrine no longer leads these lands. They fall under my guardianship now. I can take your message, however, and deliver it to him." He was curious as to what news she could give on Junior that was not already known.

He acknowledged Osprey's arrival with a quick glance in her direction. Her backup was appreciated but he too was prepared to fight should the situation turn. Perhaps not with her eagerness, though.

RE: and break the heart in two - Aktaiê - October 09, 2014

Another wolf arrived as the last words left Aktaiê's lips, and the siren's eyes briefly glanced over the newest stranger. Although the other female remained silent, her presence was enough to still at least some of the priestess' inner turmoil. It was at least easier to keep her disdain for male's masked if she could trick herself into believing she was talking to a woman instead. And despite her disrespectful thoughts, they were only thoughts — she wasn't stupid enough to act on them while alone near a rival pack's borders, even if she were forced to speak to a male alone.

Her eyebrows raised at the male's news, unable to hide her surprise at his words. Sending the message hardly mattered if Peregrine was no longer a neighbor, but now that she was here, Aktaiê would need to ensure her relationship with this new Alpha was a stable one. "I am Aktaiê Nereides," she introduced herself, "I am laying claim to a piece of the coast northwest of this place, beyond the mountains." She made note of the distance, hoping to quell any fear of encroachment before it started. "Junior had joined our number against her father's wishes, but disappeared some weeks ago to the south. I could not spare a wolf to search for her, nor to send a message. He was upset that she left in the first place; I thought he would want to know."

RE: and break the heart in two - Dante RIP - October 09, 2014

He listened silently as she told who she was and why she was there, things suddenly becoming much clearer. So this was the leader who had charmed Junior so. He wondered that he hadn't realized it sooner, since really that was the only reason that made sense as to why she would be here with news.

"Her father is aware of her departure. I am told he met with her, though I know not where or when." It was not a lie, but nor was it the full truth. He hoped that Osprey got the implied message from the words that the other would surely miss, for he made no mention of Junior's presence here now. If the juvenile had wanted them to know where she was, she would have informed them. And while Dante didn't agree with her decision to renege on her pledge without proper closure, it was not his place to force her to do so (though he may advise it later, with an escort of course). It did not do well to leave such things without a proper ending. "I appreciate the gesture, though. And I wish you luck in your founding." He would not stand in her way or seek to interfere, for she spoke of a land well removed from their own.

RE: and break the heart in two - Aktaiê - October 10, 2014

Her eyes narrowed perhaps a millimeter at his words, sensing there was more information behind them that he was not telling her. But for that hardly noticeable change, her expression and posture remained the same; neutral and respectful, though he was losing her respect as quickly as Peregrine had. He had not done her the courtesy of giving her his name, though she had extended hers to him. Unable to bite her tongue, his clearly guarded words not sitting well with her either, Aktaiê queried, "Who gave you that information, if you don't mind my asking? It was Junior's choice to leave; we would not harm her for it, and I would like to know if she is well. She was under my care."

The juvenile had not learned much of their secrets, nor even their traditions; the priestess cared little if she moved on, truthfully. Had Junior advanced higher in their teachings, truly pledging her life to their ways, it would have been a different story. The Nereides were not unfeeling creatures, though they were often painted that way by outsiders, and Aktaiê didn't want the death of Junior on her head — not if the rest of the wolves in this land believed her still a child incapable of making her own decisions.

As to his last statement, she told him simply, "We are blessed. Luck has nothing to do with it." It was perhaps arrogant of Aktaiê, but the way she delivered this was identical to the way she might have described the inarguable fact that the sun goes down at night.

RE: and break the heart in two - Dante RIP - October 10, 2014

Dante bristled a bit at her question, but kept his voice even. He wasn't fond of prying wolves and this was bordering on it. "I do not see how it is your concern who informed me that Junior met with her father. Last I know, she was well and happy. Let that put your mind at ease. She is no longer your responsibility, as she apparently chose to own her own destiny." It did not sit well with him to divulge her presence if she had not spoken of it with them. At least not without informing her first.

"All the same, it is what I offer." Her confidence could be seen as rudeness, but he put it to a cultural thing and let it go. "If you have further need of me, feel free to ask. My name is Dante. Any of the Plateau wolves should be able to find me if I am unable to answer a summons." Annoyed as he might be by her pressing, he did not intend to cause a rift between their packs. They did not need enemies.

RE: and break the heart in two - Aktaiê - October 10, 2014

She watched cooly as he bristled at her question, her expression carefully kept stoic and cool; it wasn't a surprise that he reacted poorly to her prying, for males were foolishly territorial — apparently even over the minor information she requested. It was unlikely Aktaiê would know the informant by name, anyway, and the way he deflected her question gave away more than it concealed. She suspected that he was in contact with Junior, but without proof, she did not press the matter... it didn't concern her much one way or the other, anyway, beyond the fact that she didn't appreciate being lied to.

After a moment, she said, "Thank you, Dante," as cordially as she could manage. "I am glad to know she is safe." The other female had remained quiet, and Aktaiê glanced toward her before returning her gaze to the Plateau's newest leader. "It appears there nothing more to say, and so I'll take my leave." With that, she turned and began her retreat, though if the male wished to continue the conversation she'd as yet still be able to hear it.

RE: and break the heart in two - Dante RIP - October 14, 2014

Dante simply nodded in response, unwilling and finding it unnecessary to say anything further. He could tell that she was not satisfied, but she was polite about it and willing to drop the matter, thank the gods. He didn't want to start anything right now, but he wasn't about to budge on the matter. As was his right, he felt.

Turning, Dante too moved to depart, brushing lightly against Osprey in a silent thanks for her backup. She was more than welcome to follow should she like, for he wouldn't mind the company, but did not need to if she didn't wish it.

RE: and break the heart in two - Osprey - October 17, 2014

Osprey watched the foreign female departing and, the further she went, the more relieved she felt. She didn't like Aktaiae and all the more didn't trust her either. It was a good thing that her pack was located far from the plateau and that they didn't pose any direct danger or competition to the resources here. Osprey didn't mind neighbors as long as they weren't walking on her lawn or picking fruits from her trees.

Her gaze met Dante's and she nodded quietly, turning and following him back in the plateau lands.

ooc: last post from me. You can archive this.