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Lion Head Mesa Solitude - Printable Version

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Solitude - Siptah - June 07, 2022

The Prince's quarters were ready — it was time to say goodbye. He hadn't been sleeping in the queen's chambers, not for the past week or so; it had just become too much for him. Most nights he slept in the shadows of the catacombs after crying himself to sleep. It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't something he wanted anyone else to see, despite what Tavina had told him about grieving.

He passed his mother's old quarters, averting his gaze as he went, heading for his sisters' rooms. He headed first for Ash's room. At the threshold, he called out quietly, "@Ashikaga? Are you in there?"

RE: Solitude - Ashikaga - June 16, 2022

Ash was sprawled out along her bed of pelts, alone and silent. Today, her sorrow had been unbearable. She hadn't left her quarters all day and had sent anyone away who appeared in her doorway. She hated to be doted on when she was feeling this way because she didn't want to put on a facade. 

It was some time before she heard her brother call to her from outside. She considered sending him away too, but thought better of it. 

Come in, Siptah, she called out softly. At least they both likely felt the same way.

RE: Solitude - Siptah - June 17, 2022

Siptah did not really know either of his sisters, having never spent much time with them once they were up and walking. He had been too busy chasing after their father. Even so, as he entered the room, he felt her sorrow. He sighed quietly, padding closer. He nosed her shoulder, should he be allowed so close, in an attempt to comfort her.

"Have you been to see her? It... it helps me." Perhaps it would help her, too. He smiled slightly, telling her, "You should come outside with me."