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Swiftcurrent Creek of all there is to know - Printable Version

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of all there is to know - Kaskara - October 09, 2014

Leonard Cohen - Almost Like The Blues
Kaskara is readying to go on a mission to DFG! @Kieran @Falwasi

She, Scimitar, and Kieran had gone south of the ridge and east quite a ways to reach Neverwinter Forest, and their discoveries there were still weighing upon her mind. She wasn't sure what to think of the scents that lingered there, since her brother had told them it was a neutral territory, but she hoped that visiting the area had settled Scimitar's restless heart. Kas knew that Bazi's absence was wearing upon him and she hoped every day that the white dove would return soon.

But today she was getting ready to venture out again, mere days after returning from the forest. This time, however, she was going north, to Duskfire Glacier, to see Tuwawi, Njal, and hopefully Bazi. Naturally she trusted her brother when he told her that Bazi had stepped down of her own accord and would return soon, but Kaskara was still curious. And she had promised Falwasi a spot on her next trip, which she hadn't been able to fulfill because Scimitar had wanted someone home he could trust.

So Kaskara stood near the creek that morning and howled for Kieran and Falwasi, hoping that either or both of them would join her today, to plan out their northern expedition.

RE: of all there is to know - Falwasi - October 10, 2014

[size=x-small]Not sure if Falwasi is meant to know she's going on the quest, so just gonna ignore that :)[/size]

The cloudy, mildly windy air carried a familiar sound to Falwasi's perked ears. She stood up furtively, however awoken from a halcyon night's slumber. Blinking the drowse out of her eyes, she broke into a steady pace away from the inviting shade of her tree towards the origin of the howl, which she deduced to be Kaskara, the female she had met weeks ago.

With every stride she took, Falwasi's brain cleared the fog from her siesta away, allowing her to think. Why does Kaskara need me now? Couldn't she have waited to talk? She wondered, stretching long limbs across the earth, unperturbed by the sudden awakening - she often had spare time to nap. Instead, a normally annoyed reaction was overcome with interest.

Running alongside the creek, she could spot the she-wolf further on ahead. The stout girl was standing by the water, apparently waiting for Falwasi... and perhaps another wolf. Falwasi slowed as she neared Kaskara, trotting smoothly to face her. "Hello," She greeted, unaware of how dry her voice was. Dipping her head to the wolf, she cleared her voice, and said, "You called me?"

RE: of all there is to know - Kieran - October 11, 2014

Kieran had not been as upset by the discoveries in the NeverWinter Forest, because he was not that close to Scimitar. He also was of the firm belief that you carried your home in your heart wherever you went and in his case he also carried it on his face and in his words. He did however feel for the dark male that he was growing to trust. He knew he would have a new quest soon and he waited for the howl to come and when it did he strode towards it with purpose. Foolishly, he was rather pleased it was Kaskara, he had grown to at least like the girl a little. He was far from calling her a friend, wasn't even sure if he wanted friends. But he could get along with her fairly well, and he imagined his Kiva would have liked her.

He trotted into view, he didn't know the other wolf that stood there, but he didn't say anything either. He just looked at Kaskara and then averted his gaze quickly. "Yer called miss kaskara. waaat can oi chucker for yer?"

RE: of all there is to know - Kaskara - October 11, 2014

She didn't have to wait long before Falwasi arrived, followed shortly by Kieran. She smiled at each them, gave them a brief nod, and greeted them, "Falwasi, Kieran, I trust you're both well?" She waited for their replies and then dove right into the reason for calling them relatively early that morning. "I called you both here to ask if you'd like to go with me to Duskfire Glacier."

Kas didn't know how they would take that question, but she pressed onward. "I would like to visit the alphas to find out how they're doing, get a lay of the land, and of course find out how Bazi is doing." She trusted Bazi and Scimitar equally, but if she was going to the Glacier anyway, she'd like to check in on Bazi. "You don't have to go with me, but I thought I'd invite you both." She had promised to invite Falwasi the next time, and she enjoyed Kieran's company, and it would be good to have another set of eyes and ears on such a long journey.

RE: of all there is to know - Falwasi - October 11, 2014

A male approached the two girls. He was a color much darker than bister, and had a nasty scar running across his face. His eyes were of an emerald green, a very appealing sight that Falwasi would have been interested in were it not for her attitude towards boys - she rarely payed attention to their physical attributes, and cared more about what they were saying.

"Falwasi, Kieran, I trust you're both well?" Kaskara greeted, causing the steely wolf to return her attention to the dusty she-wolf. Falwasi nodded gently, listening intently to her next words which were: "I called you both here to ask if you'd like to go with me to Duskfire Glacier."

Falwasi did not bother trying to hide the surprise on her face. She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to some extent. When Kaskara reminded them that Bazi was there, the honeyed wolf's face returned to her standard intense expression. She was intrigued to see how the Alphe- ex Alphess, was doing, and to explore the packs that although were part of Teekon Wilds, were a further journey. "I would be gratified to accompany you." she said, agreeing to go. For the first time in a long time, a par amount of excitement flowed through Falwasi's lithe body.

RE: of all there is to know - Kieran - October 11, 2014

As was usual Keiran did not pay any mind to the female beside him, whether or not she was pretty or not. Same as it were for Kaskara, the male had sworn of females when his Kiva had died, and it would take a strong spirit to make him forget that vow. He shifted when Kaskara began to speak. "Scon are well lady kaskara. an' oi wud be pleased ter accompany yer both. an' well met miss falwasi." He made sure to let the other female know he heard her name, and he wasn't adverse to her company either. He dipped his muzzle in greeting to both.

Then he just waited for them to start. He didn't have anything else really to add, being quiet and stoic most of the time anyway. He was not a talker, oh he had been once upon a time, and he could spin a tale, but he hadn't done so in a long time.

RE: of all there is to know - Kaskara - October 12, 2014

Kaskara smiled when Falwasi said she'd be happy to go, and again when Kieran agreed. She was happy that they were going along with her, since three wolves were always better than one. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I understand the journey is long, perhaps a few days or so. I'll let Scimitar know our plans, once we settle on when to leave."

She looked between them, glad to have company on this long journey. "When do you think we should leave?" she asked them, inviting them to share their input. Kaskara was heading this little journey, but she didn't want to dictate anything to them. She valued their input not only as fellow wolves of her pack, but her friends as well.

RE: of all there is to know - Falwasi - October 12, 2014

Falwasi had trouble understanding Kieran. He spoke in a beautifully heavy... Irish - the she-wolf thought - accent. When he spoke she could make out his agreement to accompanying Kaskara, and then something about Falwasi. So she just smiled and nodded, a little confused.

Although she was glad the mahogany female was offering the two wolves an option, Falwasi had no preference on their set out date. "I have no preference," she said cooly, voicing her thoughts, "But the travel might be less onerous if we go sooner." she finished, always over-analyzing. Depending on how long Kaskara wanted to wait (if she did), the lissome wolf would promote leaving before the snow started to set in.

RE: of all there is to know - Kieran - October 13, 2014

Kieran just listened at the moment, he had nothing to offer. Although when she said she wasn't sure about when to leave he did decide to speak up. He had already spoken to her about leaving before the snow fell and he would repeat that. He did not wish to travel in snow, as he was sure the ladies didn't either. Nor did he want to be gone long before the snow fell, so as to make sure the home he was growing to like would be taken care of.

"Oi tink we are gonna want ter leave before de first snow falls. dat way we are back ter take care av de pack an' before 'tis too cowl ter travel."

RE: of all there is to know - Kaskara - October 14, 2014

Kaskara nodded, agreeing with both wolves. "I definitely want to go before the snows hit, and as soon as possible." She paused, thinking of Junior and her promise to Blue Willow, and decided to voice her concern. "I need to make a trip to the coast first. I should be back within a week." She looked between her two companions, wondering what they would make of that.

"Would have be enough time to get your affairs in order? I don't want to rush, but I think leaving in a week or two would be best." The snows were still a ways off, and she hoped that by leaving within the month, they could get there and back sooner. Plus, she had an inkling of an idea that she wanted to run by Scimitar before they left, a sort of side journey she would be undertaking, and she wanted to make sure he agreed beforehand. "How long would you all like to stay up north? I think perhaps a week would be good, but shorter or longer is fine if needed."

RE: of all there is to know - Falwasi - October 15, 2014

Kaskara spoke in agreement with the two wolves, followed by two questions. Falwasi thought it sounded like a solid plan, and she could visualise it happening. She was looking forward to visiting Duskfire Glacier, and a week deemed to be ideal. There was plenty of time to explore, but they wouldn't be gone for long if the pack ran into any touble.

"It seems like a good plan." The she-wolf said, awaiting Kieran's response for the emotion to settle in. "A week is perfect." Falwasi spoke, and hopefully it would be perfect. She pondered whether Kaskara had mentioned their travel to Scimitar; he would most likely want to know when and where they were going. "How long will the journey be?" the lithe wolf asked subconsciously, words spilling out her lips, and returning her gaze to the two deep-colored companions.

RE: of all there is to know - Kieran - October 23, 2014

sorry for the wait guys life has been hectic for me
Kieran did not have much to say he just mostly listened. He would do whatever the femme's wanted to do. He would go in a week or he could go in a day. Whichever they preferred. He also didn't mind how long they stayed, he'd stay and keep track of them protect them. Not to say they couldn't protect themselves, but well yea.

Kieran perked his ears forward at the questions Falwasi was asking and waited patiently for the answers.

RE: of all there is to know - Kaskara - November 02, 2014

I'm going to wrap this up. <3

"The journey should take two or three days, maybe more," she confessed. "We'll be gone for the better part of two weeks, I think." It would be a long trip away from the creek, but she definitely needed to do so. "I'll speak to Scimitar and let him know our plans. Then I'll call both of you when we need to set off."

Kaskara normally wasn't the type to step up as a leader, but since this was her idea, she needed to own the responsibility. "It shouldn't be any longer than four days for my trip, so be ready in about a week. I think that will be enough time." After setting up the trip north, she needed to find Scimitar. She bid the two of them farewell and went to find her alpha.