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Shimmering Sands empress of fire - Printable Version

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empress of fire - Åshild - July 02, 2022

1/5 for general hunter trade

In another life, perhaps Åshild would have pursued the large forms of the deer licking up minerals.

She did not, however. Instead, she lay perched on the sand, body poised like an arrow ready to leave its string, watching. Deer were far too large a meal for her, even if she could pursue them. But she was no larger than the white furred foxes of her home, so she turned instead to watching.

This herd was young. A few does and a young buck, and two fawns. They were obviously concerned with her presence when they noticed her, the buck snorting and posturing while the does hurried the fawns away. But she did not leave, so they accepted the odd, small creature would stay at bay from their hooves and horns.

And she did. Åshild would have been stupid to even try it.

RE: empress of fire - Virien - July 05, 2022

Virien was stalking around the wilderness, head held high, when he scented a dog. Then he spotted the weird creature from through the trees. He had seen few dogs before, but she looked like a small husky, one of the only breeds he'd seen, so either she was a pup or some sort of other breed. He scoffed. Dogs destroyed the pure bloodlines in the wolves world.

He approached her confidently, holding a low growl.

RE: empress of fire - Åshild - July 05, 2022

The low growl of an approaching canid made Åshild’s ear twitch. But the dog didn’t move her gaze from the deer herd.

You're going to scare them. She hissed when the wolf came closer, lips curling. This was large, wild.


Åshild wasn’t impressed. Did getting bigger mean they lost their brains? Her gaze went back to the deer, ears flattening.

RE: empress of fire - Virien - July 05, 2022

“I’ll help you get one, if you aren’t gonna be an idiot.” Virien told her. “Are you like, a small husky or…?” He asked, curious about her breed.

Do you even know how to hunt deer? Cuz watching them where they can see you isn’t helpful.” He muttered

RE: empress of fire - Åshild - July 05, 2022

Klee Kai. That is what I was called. Her mismatched eyes shot to the man, and she snorted.

There are many ways by which to learn something. Watching, listening, smelling, tasting. I watch, and I learn. She bedded down even more.

I learn their habits, where they like to go, what terrain they prefer. And from there, I learn how to nab what I want. If she had learned anything from following this herd, it was that the mothers would become lax as their buck collected more does, and the easiest time to snatch a fawn would be when the matriarch went into her early estrus, and birthed her fawn in winter.

Then, the dog would strike.

RE: empress of fire - Virien - July 06, 2022

sorry I was a bit confused by your post, tell me if mine even makes any sense

Virien wasn't listening when she explained how she learned about the deer. It sounded like bull to him. You can't learn to hunt something without trying. "so do you want to go after one or not?" He asked, impatient.