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Redsand Canyon Sképsi - Printable Version

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Sképsi - Arsenio - July 07, 2022

Tags are for... reference, OR invitation. Anyone is welcome, though. ^^

It would not be long before Arsenio and @Tamar would be making their journey back to the vale. Mereo seemed to be thriving, but the mercenary did not expect anything less. His mind buzzed with thoughts of his last conversation with the Roman. The Saints were still a target – still something to be concerned about – and Arsenio knew that he had a duty to @Germanicus and his orders. He could not think of leaving his family behind to seek war, though. He had seen more than enough in his life.

It would not be long, too, before @Aquene and @Kallik would join them in the vale. Their children would be a welcome addition to the wilderness they sought to claim. The Greek man was tickled that his own pups would have friends to grow alongside, even in Mereo.

Arsenio paused near a trickling of water. He lapped at the base of it until he had quenched his thirst. The cool blue of his eyes scanned the canyon. He wondered if he might catch sight of the pale soldier, or his kind wife. He thought of Towhee, wondering if she was still faring well. He hoped that he might see her during his visit in the canyon.

RE: Sképsi - Tamar - July 08, 2022

tamar glowed at arsenio's side.

she had recovered much of her strength toward the end of their journey. she had danced and sung.

without fanfare they had come, and now she sought him out. her belly had settled somewhat. she felt full to bursting with the news. her eyes searched all of mereo, and tamar felt content.

RE: Sképsi - Germanicus - July 11, 2022

germanicus chuffed to the pair.

"fortune favors the both of you."

he was a man. but he was not unaware that tamar might now carry new life.

"have you a report from epoch?" germanicus inquired.

RE: Sképsi - Arsenio - July 19, 2022

Greetings, Germanikos! Fortune favors you, as well.

Arsenio grinned toothily to the man.

The news that they came with was news that Arsenio hoped Tamar would be able to share. Certainly, if it was the first time they would be telling another. He looked to her with a warm smile, hoping that she might give their good news to the Roman and they could move to celebrations. There were plenty of friends to tell in Mereo. It was good that Germanicus was the first to know.

RE: Sképsi - Tamar - July 21, 2022

germanicus seemed well.

only older, perhaps.

she felt her husband's beautiful eyes upon her and reddened beneath her scarlet-gold fur.

"epoch will be founded with children, imperator," she said at last, unable to hide her smile.

RE: Sképsi - Germanicus - July 21, 2022

it came to pass that congratulations were in order.

"what a blessing," germanicus remarked. his eyes were warm. "i welcome you early to fatherhood, arsenio."

the man laughed.

"and you, tamar, i look forward to meeting your children." germanicus glanced with pleasantry between the both of them.

RE: Sképsi - Arsenio - August 02, 2022

Thank you, thank you.

Arsenio grinned and nodded his head to the Roman with a cheery wave of his tail. He was pleased to his core. Nothing in his life had warmed him the way that this news had.

We are… the redstone wolf looked to Tamar with love upon his features, very excited.

It was that excitement hat had led them to return to the canyon, to share their news with the friends they had made. There was also the matter of checking with Kallik and his family. Arsenio was eager to have them in the vale. It was important to him that his children have other children to grow with.

We’ve come to share the news and to hear if there is any news from Mereo.

RE: Sképsi - Tamar - August 12, 2022

tamar was quiet. 

the young woman gleamed with pleasure. she looked between germanicus and arsenio with delight.

she wished to hear what the eagle said, and yet nausea roiled in her gut.

she wanted to step away and chew sweetgrass, but remained sweetly beside her husband, curious despite herself.

RE: Sképsi - Germanicus - August 15, 2022

"there are many joiners, young wolves who need a purpose. and i still have yet to reach beyond the borders to arrange this mock war."

he smiled at each of them. "by this time next year, we will have a wealth of new fighters!"

RE: Sképsi - Arsenio - August 17, 2022

Ahh, yes! And when Epoch has found more joiners, perhaps we could stage a practice battle between Mereo and our new settlers, hm?

Arsenio beamed happily. The sway of his tail moved his hips from side to side. He bumped affectionately against Tamar, casting her a loving look that lifted his smile and crinkled the edges of his gaze. He hoped that he might teach her the basics of sparring when she had given birth to their young ones. In turn, he hoped that Tamar might teach him the plethora of knowledge she had gained in her time at Akashingo. Her skills were noticed and her careful touch at home had left an impact on the redstone man.

We will go to visit our friends and I will come to find you later, Germanikos. There is much to discuss, the mercenary commented. He wanted to make sure that Tamar had time to rest after their travels.

RE: Sképsi - Tamar - August 17, 2022

"goodbye, imperator."

and then she only had eyes for her husband, waiting for him to lead her off to somewhere more restful where they might gossip about his dour features.

RE: Sképsi - Germanicus - August 17, 2022

"a fine idea, arsenio." the two looked at each other with great love. germanicus enjoyed that they had come together in mereo.

"i will see you then. and both again before you depart. lady tamar," he added with a dip of his muzzle.

he would watch until off they went, and then he would seek the affectionate company of his own wife.