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Spotted Eagle Mountain They're throwing bottles at your house. - Printable Version

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They're throwing bottles at your house. - Glaûkos - July 19, 2022

Once the time came for Glaukos to leave Akashingo he became a more animate creature, with an easing of his usual stoicism. He'd already journeyed to Mereo once, for the sake of a conversation with Germanicus and to update him on all that had panned out since the departure of the inquisition; but now he journeyed back to the sands to retrieve the princess.

Things with @Makono were easier than he expected. They had a route planned, provisions organized by the fellahin, and soon enough were on their way. Glaukos was mindful of the surroundings but he was not slow in his travel; he knew to keep Makono safe he would have to keep an eye upon her, but he was also eager to return to Mereo, and figured the girl could handle a little bit of adventure.

Perhaps she would prove to be stronger than her brother, the prince.

They crossed the shallows of a river in the early evening, then settled for a night in a large cavern that Glaukos sussed out, alongside a mountain path. After a day or two of hiking among the many high corridors, they came to a meadow while the sun again was setting. Overhead Glaukos could spy a large bald-headed eagle circling; a few of the trees caught the glow of sunset, and he thought he saw nests gathered like crowns there.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Makono - July 20, 2022

with both nazli and glaukos, the trip was hardly boring.

the lilac could entertain her in plenty of ways it seemed. whether by gossiping or admiring views neither one of them had seen. then of course there was the matter of the man leading them. he seemed to bloom out from under the claim of akashingo. she could not fathom why. akashingo had been nothing but good and tending to him in his duties, she imagined.

did he not enjoy his stay in such a grand palace?

these things she did not press. especially as they came to a beautiful meadow, birds overhead and the glow of the sun. makono felt a new avenue of life run within her. she bounded a bit ahead in the meadow, her tail whipped behind her.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - RIP Nazli - July 20, 2022

This had been a trip meant for the budding ambassador that was Makono, not little Nazli; she was completely out of her element as soon as they stepped beyond the mesa's claim.

It was cold where they crossed a river, colder than even the wellspring! The mountainside reminded her of home most fondly, and from a high vantage point she spied the distant red cliffs; at once she was mystified by the insignificance of the palace.

The guard kept himself farther afield than what Nazli would have liked, at first, but over time she came to enjoy the company of Makono and the constant gossip that flit between the two of them. Awed by giant trees, or trying to mimic the strange birdsong that they heard together, all manner of things filled Nazli's senses and thrilled her in a new, profound way.

She did not think about her brother even once, not with her new-found sister here with her. As the sun was setting and the trio came upon a meadow, Nazli watched the colors transition over the princess and wanted to laugh, and weep, because she felt so many things at once, and it was overwhelming.

Makono had found her way to the helm of the procession and as Nazli slunk by the surly guardsman, she was reminded of their destination; this was not done for pleasure, but with a greater purpose. The time for girlish frocking would soon be at an end.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Glaûkos - July 20, 2022

Glaukos can be skipped from here!

It seemed safe enough. He would keep watch well in to the night just to be safe. The last thing Glaukos needed for himself (or for Germanicus) was a missing princess and the attention of her father.

The fellahin that journeyed with them had been expected, although her youth was a surprise. He wondered as they journeyed, the first night then the second, if all of the Pharaoh's unwanted bastards were made to serve their chosen siblings. He kept that to himself.

In the morning they would break camp and head to the paths he knew the most, as they were the trails that led inevitably home to Mereo. There, Glaukos would introduce the princess and have her get situated — then report in to Germanicus; but until then, he would be a watchful eye.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Makono - July 20, 2022

the guard was all but forgotten in these moments.

she had eyes only for the field and the sun and the birds and —

nazli! she called, voice far off from the usual harsh summons that she used in akashingo. makono had found something new out here in the mountainside and meadows, the rivers washing some of the deeper scents of akashingo off of her. she would recompose herself come mereo, but for now she felt as free as the eagles.

whenever the lilac girl was near enough, makono would greet her by leaning near her ear.

i'm glad you're with me, she whispered, a touch out of breath but smiling all the same. this soldier is so...boring, despite everything around us. she snickered softly. sticking close to her company.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - RIP Nazli - July 21, 2022

makono slid alongside her, so close! it was like they were real sisters. gossip flowed; the golden girl made remarks of the guardian which made nazli blush and laugh, but she contained the tittering between them.

maybe he is slow? i have never heard him speak! that was mean - nazli immediately regretted such a statement, but she watched makono to see how the words might affect her.

a few steps along she raises her head to peer over at the hulk of a man, and glaukos is looking elsewhere. when his eye trails towards them she ducks down to be with the princess again, as if they had some secrets between them.

do you think all of mereo is like him?

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Makono - July 21, 2022

she laughed, nearly breathless for the difference in air and their great journey. nazli had proven so quick witted! hidden behind that servant veil. her eyes twinkled in delight as she gasped out a —

maybe! i spoke to him once and he proved challenging. pharaoh calls him my large disrespectful guard. she laughed some more, bumping into nazli as they walked along. she too spared the soldier a glance and only opted to shy away from his look in favor of the fellahin's words.

i doubt it. they can't all be like him. otherwise how would mereo still even stand?

she snorted softly, turning their trail closer to a line of trees.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - RIP Nazli - July 21, 2022

i don't think standing around is their problem... she snickered back, tail lashing her hocks.

there were shadows criss-crossing over them from the trees. if the guard followed nazli was not aware, she was too busy following makono the way a storm cloud follows the sun.

there was more than sisterhood to be found here. nazli had no word for what she felt for makono, only that she basked in her company and beyond that, was greedy for the attention. for the time being she had the princess all to herself and nobody, ever, had availed themselves in such a way to the servant girl; none except tavina, but it had been the old woman's duty rather than choice.

this was different.

something moved in nazli's periphery and she caught a glimpse of the large man; he stopped and made a noise, tipping his snout towards a more obvious path.

oh. was that the way? she stole a glance to makono who was so close, almost cheek-to-cheek, and felt her's grow warm. i think... i think we're nearly there. her voice a whisper. in her chest, regret.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Makono - July 21, 2022

makono gasped once more.

she was almost too tired to laugh, sides aching from the joy and the mountain air. she almost didn't notice the giant man gesturing them onward elsewhere. only catching him by following the gaze of her fellahin. his gesture not lost entirely upon her.

she steadied herself with a deep breath, curving their path that way.

are you ready?

perhaps makono herself was feeling a sudden sense of fear and anxiety.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - RIP Nazli - July 21, 2022

are you ready?

nazli took a deep breath.

I should ask that of you, her voice was warm and worried.

what if their reception went poorly? makono was made for this - all nazli could do was be attentive as her attendant.

but there is nothing to worry about. you are a princess and they are cranky old men! if glaukos was any indication.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - Makono - July 21, 2022

she smiled, wry.

of course she was ready! how could she even let anybody think she wasn't! she even straightened herself out some more, a posture more befitting the princess she was than the scout she had been for this trip.

"you are a princess and they are cranky old men!"

once more she gave nazli a look that was full of approval for her words.

if they're too cranky, i'll just have to fix it, won't i? she offered with a flash of her teeth and her chin held high. she motioned nazli to stick close with her as they followed the trail of her guardian.

she imagined they would have plenty of time to gossip more of the men of mereo once they got settled in.

RE: They're throwing bottles at your house. - RIP Nazli - July 25, 2022

makono was receptive to the sentiment, from what nazli could glean; she was glad to have found someone that was so lovely, she thought suddenly. her laughter began to bubble up again but she caught sight of glaukos glaring their way and quickly stopped.

it wasn't time for gossip now. they were nearing their destination and the princess had a role to play; as did nazli, who would swiftly fall in to step at her heel, ready for orders, with her head bowed and eyes away.