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Redsand Canyon labrusca - Printable Version

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labrusca - Germanicus - July 27, 2022

with the arrival of the princess, germanicus had spent a good deal of time fortifying their borders.

the last thing mereo needed was war in the flatlands with a grief-stricken pharaoh. his mind was full and each word therein was chosen with utmost care.

he went now to the tablinum in search of @Aquene, considering she, ruenna, and towhee all at once.

RE: labrusca - Aquene - July 27, 2022

Aquene was working diligently in the tablinum. The hard part of healing was pulling old stock out and replacing it with new stock so often... luckily, with the pups being a little older, they had a little more freedom which meant so did Aquene. She still kept them close and kept an eye as often as she could, but she knew soon it would be their job to be with the warriors.

She noticed the towering man outside, her head turning to see the man. "Imperator." She greeted with the dip of her head. Soon, in theory, she would leave for Epoch with her husband and children and Tamar and Arsenio... she still did not quite know how she felt about going. She didn't know that she wanted to go even, not with the Matrona's leave. It felt like more help was needed here, as if another outpost should not be in the plans at the moment... but it was not her place to stay.

It was a lot of thoughts, thoughts she should discuss with her husband, but she needed to find the time for that.

RE: labrusca - Germanicus - July 27, 2022

"equestrian." germanicus did not yet sit. "i came to speak with you about the rank of matrona, if you have time."

he did not think she had much, not with her role as mother and medicus.

and so he would be brief. as this was her domain, he waited to be invited.

RE: labrusca - Aquene - July 27, 2022

He greeted her just as he always did, formally... and then mentioned the rank of Matrona. Her eyes widened but she offered a nod. "Yes, I have some time. You've caught me at a good moment." She confirmed with a frown on her features.

Since Ruenna had stepped down, it had been difficult. She had no idea who was supposed to fill the paw prints she left... they were big, because she had been good at her job. "What about it?" She asked curiously, not catching any kind of implication that he might be looking towards her.

RE: labrusca - Germanicus - July 27, 2022

he settled near. "as you know, the position is vacant. i have been at a loss for what to do among the plebians, short of making their entry into the military a mandatory requirement."

this would appeal to no one. force was not a solution to problems such as these. "you have achieved a specialty in two specific tier of skill and as such would be a natural first choice to occupy the role."

"i cannot make this choice for you. i believe now more than ever that epoch should be raised and think it still achievable. but kallik reports to arsenio now. the three of you must choose together what you will do."

his brother at arms must not be slighted.

"if you decline, towhee has said she will give the position consideration. she is also skilled and has a structured grip on masteries that will bolster our fighting efforts."

RE: labrusca - Aquene - July 27, 2022

She was aware indeed that the position was vacant, a frown on her features when he mentioned being at a loss. It was because he had the mindset of a fighter, a member of the military… he was not a people person, at least not by her standards. “You’ve never struggled by requiring things in the past.” She stated dryly before she could hold it back, the edges of her remaining displeasure at forcing the marriage subject by her and her husband. “It’s just last time you got lucky in that it happens to be the right call.” She added to smooth the water she had created a ripple in.
She had a specialty, and she knew the mechanics of fighting though she fully intended to continue training once the pups were older, so she was capable of fighting viciously and fiercely for her family if it called for it… her eyes widened.
He brought up the point she was about to make, her heart pounding in her chest for a moment. She could be the Matrona? She didn’t know that she could ever come close to filling Rue’s pawprints in that regard. If she declined, Towhee could take the position… it was true, though admittedly she was not sure about that decision either. She loved her friends dearly, but she saw the warrior’s heart in Towhee and wondered if she would care for the position or simply take it out of duty… the deaf warrior was just that as well: a warrior.
“I must discuss it with my husband and Arsenio… I do not know the choice I could make either… it is asking me to choose between wolves I care about.” She cared about Mereo, and she cared about Epoch as well despite it being in formation still. “I shall find you once I have had time to properly discuss it and give it thought?”

RE: labrusca - Germanicus - July 27, 2022

"of course. your answer has no timeframe." arsenio had chosen them for epoch. he wished to see it through, and the vale established if only so ruenna might see its majesty and what arsenio made of it.

her comment had provoked a wry look from the man. he hazarded a small smile that was brief and acceptant. the eagle knew of what she meant.

he rose. "in the interim, you might delegate some duties to towhee. she is a helpful person and lady ruenna is her closest friend. she will be amenable to aiding you, i am certain."

RE: labrusca - Aquene - July 27, 2022

She offered a polite smile in return, catching the small smile that was brief but felt much like a victory in her mind. She’d no doubt boast about such a feat to her husband later after they had this very important discussion. “Some of my duties? As in, my current duties? I’m not sure what there is to delegate. Towhee does not know herbs like I do…” She didn’t fully understand what he was asking.
Or if he was asking her to step up even temporarily until it could all be sorted out. She would defer to him and wait for him to clarify before asking anything further, such as what specifically Ruenna’s job had entailed. She knew she was the leader of the plebians, and ensured they all worked, but beyond that everything was lost on her. Seeking Towhee out would be something of non-negotiable either way.

RE: labrusca - Germanicus - July 28, 2022

he nodded. "that is true."

"but she could help you carry things. plant them." aquene herself had used the walls of mereo before germanicus had used the tablinum. "i do not know your greeneries. but i am able to fetch them." his tone was a minute more dry, turning back aquene's teasing on the woman herself.

germanicus was quiet. "the commoners came to ruenna for all things: settling disputes, seeking bedding for their homes. marriages. i believe she also gives them small tasks from time to time, things that benefit the soldiers and support their role here."

but he did not know what they were.

it felt for a moment like failure.

RE: labrusca - Aquene - August 02, 2022

Fade here or with your next one <3
Carrying and planting. Was Towhee wanting to learn the depths of how to heal? She did not know but still Aquene offered a hum. “I will seek her out.” But first would come a conference with her husband. This decision affected the entire family, and thus needed to be had.
“I recall… I know she previously had Tamar settled on housekeeping. I can look into the tasks that she had bestowed upon others.” She stated simply in return. She did not know exactly what the Matrona did, but she had a good idea from the woman’s conversations with her in the past.
“Until next time, Imperator…” She offered, essentially dismissing him herself because she had much to think over, a husband to find, and some reflection to do about the way her life had turned.