Wolf RPG
Getting to Know - Printable Version

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Getting to Know - Rain - October 11, 2014

I want to try to meet as many of The Sunspire wolves as I can in this thread! Lead it along as you like :)

Dusky morning light catches on the snow of the mountain as Rain trots through The Sunspire, hoping to come upon her new pack mates. Her stride pangs her every so often from the bout with Amekaze, but she pushes it aside. They are small wounds, not even a healer would fuss over them.

Suddenly, rock crumbles from an above cliff that sends a shower of dirt over Rain. She stumbles slightly as she comes to an abrupt halt, head snapping up. Not knowing what dangers may lurk in this area, she growls low as a warning as well as out of nervousness. She spots nothing out of the ordinary and flicks an ear, shaking the unwelcome dirt from her thickening coat. Perhaps it was just a loosening of rocks, though hopefully not the start of a rock slide. Pinning her ears back at the thought she takes a sniff and quickly moves on.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 13, 2014

The older male wolf perked his ears due to an all too familiar sound. A low growl rang in his ears. "Hello?" Ghost asked. "Who's there?"

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 13, 2014

A voice reaches Rain's ears, startling her a bit. The sound came from ahead, she notes as she slinks forward and comes upon a red-brown wolf. "Who are you?" She calls back, walking up behind the male.The familiar smell of the Sunspire clings to his fur and she wags her tail in greeting as she realizes that he is of her pack.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 13, 2014

Ghost's fur stood on end. He quickly turned around and spotted a light grey wolf standing behind him. "Oh hello." The red male said, slight shakiness to his voice. "I'm Ghost, Ghostwatcher." Ghost smiled slightly and sat down.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 13, 2014

Sorry if this seems a bit mean! Rain is a bit exaggerated on her 'strength, loyalty, and respect' personality.

"Ghost?" She tilts her head at the strange name. "You can call me, Rain." She had caught the shakiness in his voice and asks, "Did I scare you?" She didn't much care for his slight show of fear. Dominance comes naturally to her, so a weak wolf was below her and not well thought of. Though, she wouldn't show any meanness towards him or press for dominance, but only if he was below her in ranking. "What are you doing out here, if you don't mind me asking."

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 13, 2014

Ghost quickly returned to his normal state. "Scare me?" The male scoffed, "No it's just that i'm not used to this territory yet." His teal eyes met her blue. "I was just hunting."

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 13, 2014

Rain's hackles raised when the male met her eyes, taken as a silent threat to her position."I see," she replies not fully convinced."Are you new to the pack as well? I recently just joined myself." She doesn't break her eyes from his, if she did then that would signal he was above her and she would fight him if need be. Tail raised slightly she adds another question, "What were you hunting, by the way? Perhaps I could help."

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 14, 2014

Ghost looked away. The red male then stood up and smelled the air. "I was hunting some deer, but then I found you." Ghost returned his gaze to the higher female. "I heard the beginning of a rockslide so I rushed over to see if anyone was in trouble."

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 14, 2014

She is uncertain of this wolf even though he seems friendly enough. "I thank you for your concern." Formalities, she considered herself a fair player when it came to posing a front. "Did you want to return to the deer you were tracking? Hunting isn't my strong suit, so I could use the practice if you'd like for me to join." Rain isn't all that hungry, but she had already offered her help to this older male. It could be fun and would give me a chance to get more of a feeling of this wolf. She flicks an ear, sighing internally.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 14, 2014

The red male began to pad off after the deer. "Now if you want to learn to become a stronger hunter you have to follow a small set of rules." He began. "First, you must stay as silent as possible. The slightest noise will disturb the prey you are hunting." Ghost whispered. "Second, you must stay at least five to eight wolf lengths away. If the prey spots you it will run faster than you depending on the prey. Plus your light colored coat will give you away." The large wolf quickly disappeared into the bushes. He quickly jumped back out. "Third, you must not let your prey smell you. Because you will still have your eye on it, but once it smells you, it will be long gone before you get out of your hiding place." Ghost said, answering the grey females statement.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 14, 2014

She watches Ghost jump in and out of the bush as he explains hunting. She didn't think of herself as being completely unknown to hunting. The small tips he was giving her were taught to pups. Though, the comment about her light coat giving her away she had never thought of before. Where she had come from, the landscape matched her coat splendidly so it never crossed her mind. Of course, in the winter she always had an advantage over any wolf with a dark coat.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 15, 2014

Ghost shook the loose leafs and twigs from his ruddy colored pelt. "So ready to hunt, Rain?" The male asked, licking a twig out from in between his toes.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 18, 2014

Flicking an ear, Rain replies, "I guess so. Lead the way, Ghost." She isn't all that confident that the two of them alone can hunt deer, but it certainly would be a fun challenge. "Though if they cross out of the boarder I'll turn back." She didn't want to stray too far out of the territory.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 18, 2014

Ghost began stalking through the plant life. "Alrighty then, I'll make sure we won't." The red wolf replied. "The scent markers will warn me." Ghost lifted his muzzle and sniffed the air. "The deer is two wolf lengths towards the east." The older male spoke, looking towards the left. "Let's go then."

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 19, 2014

Rain follows Ghost through the trees thinking, if we catch the deer then what? It's not like we can eat it all ourselves... She didn't much care for the thought of food going to waste. Perhaps they could drag the left over deer back to the pack, if they actually killed one that is.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 27, 2014

The older male raised his muzzle once again after a few minutes. Ghost's ears perked and his muzzle faced slightly to his right. "Do you hear that?" He whispered to Rain. "The deer is right behind this bush."

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 28, 2014

Rustling sounds can be heard from behind the Bush that Ghost had indicated. "Yes, I can hear it." Rain starts to slink to the left saying, "I'll circle around and see if I can cut it off." She is careful to step lightly on the dried leaves that layer the cool ground. Autumn is a difficult time for hunting, it is hard to stay quite while stalking prey.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 28, 2014

Ghost nodded. "Alright, when I flick my tail, we attack." The red wolf crouched watching the grey female stalk towards the opposite side.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 28, 2014

Sticking her nose around tree, Rain spots the deer pawing at the ground. She can also see Ghost on the other side. They were really going to try to bring this deer down. Thankfully it's only a small doe who was probably separated from her heard. Easy prey.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - October 29, 2014

Ghost spotted Rain across the way, behind the doe. The wolf flicked his tail towards the smaller grey one and jumped at the deer, teeth bared.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - October 31, 2014

Ghost gives the signal with his tail and lunges forward. Rain follows in turn, sprinting out from behind the tree with a snarl. The deer spooks from Ghost, bolting in her direction. Rain braces herself, lunging at the deer's neck as soon as it is within reach. She feels flesh give way beneath her teeth and savors the sudden flow of blood.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - November 19, 2014

As soon as Rain bit the deer he ran over. "Great job! I knew we could do it." The male sniffed the doe. Suddenly a fawn came out of the brush. I bleated and turned to get away. But it wasn't fast enough for Ghost.

RE: Getting to Know - Rain - November 21, 2014

Rain holds onto her deer as she waits for it to stop struggling, watching Ghost attack a fawn that suddenly appears. When her deer goes still, she releases it and tells ghost, "Good kill."

Picking up her deer by the neck again, Rain starts dragging it towards the pack. They had done well to bring down the deer against her thoughts of not being able to. She hopes there is enough to share among all the members of the Sunspire.

RE: Getting to Know - Ghostwatcher - November 23, 2014

Ghost quickly picked up his kill. "Thanks." he said, voice muffled by the deer fur. "Let's head back. We've caught enough for today." The male began to trot back to the pack camp.