Wolf RPG
come, little children - Printable Version

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come, little children - Runt - October 11, 2014

A full moon was high in the night sky.
The ex-slave chased a rabbit down the slope. Unfortunately, all the rocks and cliffs and ledges- all the terrain- made it difficult to pursue it. She sped after it. Long ago she had left behind quiet and stealth. Now it was flat out speed that might win her the meal. She tumbled onto it and bit into its neck, receiving a satisfying crack. She shook it a little to make sure it was dead, and then sat down. She crouched over and began to eat the plump peice of juicy meat. The wolf was a gifted hunter.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 13, 2014

She had watched the small brown wolf chase the rabbit down the slope and make it's kill. She now settles herself on the top of a cliff, looking down at the wolf that is enjoying it's meal. The scent of blood in the air causes her mouth to water. "Nice kill," she comments. "What are you doing in our territory, taking our food?"

Glaring at this intruder, Rain gives this little wolf a chance to answer before deciding to send it off with a parting gift from her teeth.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 13, 2014

"Thank you." She said, and realized the next part was something of a threat with anger. "Your territory? Your food?" She decided at that moment to conjure up a, let's not call it a lie, a kidding to make a point. "This land belongs to me and my pack. Since when have you lived here?" She said. Her point was that anyone could claim this land if they liked, and prey belonged to nobody but its hunter. Prey belongs to the Earth, until it is killed.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 14, 2014

Rain tilts her head with confusion and sniffs the air. Was this a wolf of her pack that she hadn't met yet? "You don't smell like one of my pack. You should try hunting in your packs territory. Anything within The Sunspire's boundaries is our food, intruder." She makes her way down the slope, ears pinned against her head, a growl vibrating in her throat. "It would be best if you left now." She stops a foot away from the prey snatching wolf, snarling viciously.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 14, 2014

This was not something she was planning to play out, it was a short lived kidd. "I don't have pack boundaries. I'm not in a pack." Anymore. "I'm just making a point. I could howl my heart out here and claim it as my own, but it wouldn't really belong to me. And prey-" she said, with an obnoxious bite from her rabbit in front of the wolf, "belongs to it's hunter." She did not flinch at the snarl, some of the old slave training had done her well. She had been taught not flinch at growls or snarls or threats, it would appear weak.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 15, 2014

"You're more than welcome to keep that rabbit," Rain states. "I'm sure no one here would want the leftover scraps." Glaring at this wolf she adds, "And since this land doesn't belong to you, you shouldn't be here. What makes this land ours no matter what is our ability to defend it."

Lowering her head close to the now self-proclaimed loner she snarls, "Be clear that next time, if I catch you, I will not hesitate to attack. I cannot say the same for the other wolves here, but you could never go against our guardians, loner." She snaps at the small wolf, growling low in her throat. "Take the prey and leave." She doesn't know who exactly were the guardians in her pack, she really hasn't met anyone except the older red-brown wolf, Ghost, and he wasn't much of fighter. I really hope the pack has some decent guardians or my threat is fairly empty when it comes to them.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 15, 2014

The wolf came back with stinging retorts. "I [size=large]will[/size] take my rabbit and I [size=large]will not[/size] leave. " She growled. If it came to fighting tiny was her disadvantage, but she had been taught with deadly fighting moves by Coal himself. Her eyes fell to the long, old scar that ran from the middle of her back to one of her haunches. That's why she was trying to escape him.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 15, 2014

Bristling at the wolf's blatant disrespect towards her territory, Rain replies, "Have it your way, loner." Lunging forward, she takes aim at the wolf's back with jaws wide open. Protecting this land and the pack gave strength to her limbs. She will drive off this intruder or die trying because if she lost, she would not be able to face her pack. She would be looked down upon as weak and her pride can not handle such a beating. Death would be more becoming than to be seen as a failure.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 16, 2014

The ex-slave could not waste her breath on replying or coming back. She dodged the pack wolf's reaching jaws, although a small patch of her fur was snagged. She slid quickly and gracefully towards the wolf, like a small deadly rattlesnake. Her fangs flashed out at an attempt to grab the wolf's neck, however it was nowhere close to any sort of death bite. Rather just an attempt to grab ahold of her opponent.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 18, 2014

Speed is always her greatest downfall, so when she glances the loner coming in for her neck she rears up on her hind legs knowing that she won't be able to dodge. Teeth catch under her chest and she snarls, allowing her weight to fall down upon the little wolf. She aims for the wolf's back again, the only available area from the angle she is coming down at.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 18, 2014

She manages to hit below the chest, but misses the pack wolf's neck. The wolf's weight falls upon her and fangs find her back. She cries out in pain and twists around to bite at the wolf's paw. She pretends to close her eyes and go limp, hoping it will make the other think she has won the battle. Then maybe the ex-slave could suprise her by coming back again.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 19, 2014

Pain bites into her fore-paw as teeth pierce the soft pads causing her to snap down harder on the loner's spine. She feels the warm body go slack as if she bit through the spine and killed her, but she hadn't heard the snap of a breaking bone. Feeling a tad suspicious, Rain keeps her grip on the loner but loosens her jaws. She didn't want to kill the wolf, not really. She just wanted to drive the she-wolf out of the area. Though if she killed the loner, it wasn't much of a loss for herself. It's not like she knows this wolf. It went against her moral codes, but accidents happen.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 19, 2014

Yes, that's right. Fall under my trick. She thought, her eyes slitted open just a little. Her lime green eyes could just barely be seen through these slits. The wolf was glad that her trick had at least worked a little. She hoped the wolf had relaxed just enough for it to go well. She snarled suddenly, attempting to lash out with her fangs to perhaps make a second scar on the wolf's face. It would go nicely with her eye scar.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 21, 2014

A fang catches on her muzzle, ripping down the side as the loner lashes out. Rain takes a few quick steps back with a squeal of pain. Blood oozes from the deep scratch that now decorates her muzzle from the top of her nose to the bottom of her jaw. She has been through many fights, but never has a wolf acted limp. It had caught her unawares, leading her from surprise to a sudden rush of anger.

Lunging back towards to wolf, Rain puts her full body into it. Her aim is to knock this loner off her feet and hold her down for a bite to the shoulder. Disabling the loner would have to be the way to go to end the fight it seems.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 21, 2014

Runt was suddenly caught by suprise. The full weight of the adult wolf landed heavily on the ex-slave( who, may I remind you, was the smallest and weakest of her litter). She had trouble breathing easily and came in heavy breaths out. Jaws of the wolf came towards her shoulder, fast. She shifted upward to where it hit her more in the chest. It was still horribly painful and she was unsure if it had helped...

The tiny wolf panted heavily and struggled under the pack wolf's weight. She kept trying to wiggle out from under her, but was making little progress. She wasn't going to plead for mercy though. She had been trained to not let your opponent have the satisfaction of that.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 22, 2014

She had missed her mark, but still holds a grip on the loner who is now trying to get free. Feeling as if her rage is taking over, Rain bites down harder into the loners chest. Warm blood fills her mouth, soaking her muzzle. She lets go of the loners chest to give her a few quick ferocious bites to the neck.

Feeling as if her point is made and her anger fading, Rain back steps off the loner. "Leave, intruder!" She snaps.

RE: come, little children - Runt - October 22, 2014

The blood was dark and flowed as the wolf bit harder. When she came for the wolf's neck, and bit down, the runt of the litter realized that this wolf would have no problem killing her. When the pack wolf offered her the chance to leave, she was thankful deep down. She hated losing, but hating death more. She grabbed the remains of the rabbit, and with a low growl and a frown on her face, she scrambled off and away from the wolf.

RE: come, little children - Rain - October 23, 2014

Rain watches the loner leave with a satisfied nod. Her wounds are aching and bleeding, she may need to see a healer. The tear on her muzzle is going to give her another scar and the bite on her paw will be a major discomfort for a few days. She turns back to the mountain, limping up the slope. That was her first fight to protect her new pack. Pride swells in her chest at the victory. You've taught me well, Night. I am able to protect the pack that has taken me in.