Wolf RPG
Totoka River Let The Hunt Begin - Printable Version

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Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - August 02, 2022

For @Vagabond, Asara, Violante II, and @Vale. Forward-dated to 8/7, a few days before they turn 5 months (21 weeks) old. Allow Vagabond to post first.

Pups enter a period of rapid growth between 14 and 27 weeks, during which they gain approximately a pound per week. Their milk teeth are fully replaced by adult teeth, their winter coats grow in (if applicable) and they are able to accompany the pack on hunts.

The forest was a good place to catch fish, small game, and birds, but larger game tended to stay away from it, due to all the wolf activity. Today, Violante brought her family north, to the river beyond Sacrarium's borders. "This river serves as Sacrarium's hunting grounds, as well as the ridge east of our land," she told her children calmly. "When you are older, you might have to defend these lands as well as our home, depending on prey resources."

Violante looked to her mate, dark eyes shining. "I've tracked a small herd of deer nearby — there's an old, injured doe that I think will make for the perfect hunting opportunity." Normally, she was more careful, more protective... but her children were all clever and strong. Good (questionable) genetics — most Cruors were made of strong stuff.

Still, she sought Vagabond's counsel. "What do you think?" They could always go for something smaller.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - August 04, 2022

"This will be perfect, they're ready." If he was being honest with himself, he was a little anxious. But when saw the three eager faces and remembered watching each one as they hunted. He knew what they were all capable of, and this would be a walk in the park for their family.

He looked to his children now. "We will not be hunting small game today. Large prey holds a very real threat and you mustn't be careless." He had faith that Vale and Violante would exercise caution, but Asara had not always done so. He had his concerns but he knew he couldn't protect them forever.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - August 04, 2022

Vale was ready — he was larger now, built sturdier, and he was older and had knowledge. His tail was lifted high and tall as it waved, but he kept his expression calm. He knew this could be dangerous. He looked to his sisters, then back to his parents. The scent of the herd blew towards them on the wind, and Vale lifted his nose to the sky. "Can I try tracking them?"

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - August 05, 2022

Asara was anxious and excited, she could hardly pay attention to what her parents were saying. Of course she knew she had to be careful. Duh! That was all they ever talked about these days was being safe and being careful, blah blah blah. Mom said something about keeping their hunting grounds from other people, that obviously made sense. But she didn't think that'd be her job, but she still tried to listen, but she was bored. She tuned back in at Vale's words and she moved forward and lifted her nose to the wind. There were all kinds of smells, but she wasn't even sure what smell she was looking for. She sighed, birds were so much more fun than this.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - August 06, 2022

Little Violante did not have as much hunting experience as her siblings — a fact which disgruntled her, but she pushed it away for now. She was nervous, excited, and impatient, but she still listened closely. With her parents and siblings, she thought the hunt would go very well, and she felt empowered. "I want to chase it," she asserted after her brother spoke of tracking it.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - August 06, 2022

The Vicera already had a game plan mapped out in her head, and she told her family clearly, "Your father and I are to take the doe down, no exceptions. Violante and Asara, I want you two to come at it from opposite sides, and chase it towards Vale, who will be waiting ahead of it. That will cut it off from fleeing, and from there your father and I will come in." She would look to her mate for confirmation.

To her children's questioning, she chuckled and answered, "Yes, Vale, you can lead us to the herd. Violante, there will be plenty of chasing." She looked down to Asara, who had not spoken yet. "What do you think, little dove?"

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - August 11, 2022

How long had she been planning this? He wondered. She played to each of their children's strengths. The girl's speed and tenacity. Vale's unyielding patience. "My love, that sounds perfect." He smiled at his mate. Vale would lead them to the herd. It was uncharacteristic of Asara to not say anything at all. He looked to her with a raised eyebrow.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - August 12, 2022

Vale was ready to begin. While the others talked, he began to track the herd. It was actually pretty easy, mostly because they were so close — the deer's hoofprints were quite different than his own pawprints, and he studied the difference for a few moments before moving on to sniff tentatively at their droppings. Even if it stunk, it gave him information. He thought he picked out the sick one's dung, and he pulled a face, dry-heaving before pulling away. Okay. Nobody else smell that.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - August 13, 2022

Asara began circling the gathering as her mother described how the hunt would unfold. At least she'd finally get to run. Chasing! Let's go already! She began to follow Vale at a distance. She wasn't a fan of this standing around and talking and planning. She knew it was important and all that but it took too long and she just wanted to move already, couldn't they run AND talk?

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - August 13, 2022

Vale began to lead them, following the tracks and scat. She laughed when he gagged, but fell quiet swiftly — they could see the herd now, shifting restlessly at the sight of the wolves. Little Violante looked to Asara. I go left, you go right? She was ready for the hunt to truly begin.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - August 13, 2022

Vale had led the right to the herd, as Violante had expected. Good job, son. Now, that doe there, Violante jerked her muzzle towards a small cluster of deer, almost separated from the main herd. Among them, a doe shifted, limping heavily. She is our target. Get into position — on my howl, we hunt.

After ensuring everyone knew their jobs and places, Violante pressed her muzzle into Vagabond's shoulder, then took off in a wide arc, following after Vale as he took up his post to block the doe from escape. She had a good feeling about today.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - August 14, 2022

Vagabond relished the quick contact from his mate, allowing it to center and focus him. They had arrived quickly. He picked out the doe almost immediately, it was in bad shape. His family would make quick work of it. He had is worries of course, but he had to trust them.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - August 14, 2022

Vale was ready, and he had picked out the sick doe even before his mother showed her. Grinning to himself, Vale slunk off to get ahead of the herd — it was his job to cut off their quarry's escape, after all. In position, she could see everything; his parents, close by, watching, waiting; his sisters, ready in their places, too. The herd shifted restlessly, and Vale wondered if they knew they were about to be hunted — if they knew one of their own was about to die. It was a very sobering thought, and Vale narrowed his eyes. Any second now...

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - August 15, 2022

Asara was still for one of the first times in her life. Eyes on her sister, listening for her mom. She knew she had to be at the same spot as her sister for the hunt to work right. She wondered how fast her sister was now. It had been a long time since they'd raced. She grinned widely.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - August 19, 2022

Her mother gave clear instructions, and young Violante nodded, stalking off at once towards her position. With the trio of siblings, they formed a spear-point, their parents waiting in the wings. She caught Asara's eye and smirked back, then refocused on the doe.

The entire herd was on edge by now, and they shuffled nervously, calling to one another, and then came her mother's howl, to signal the start of the hunt. The herd started, and all was still for a moment.

Then young Violante rushed them, snarling, her tail raised over her back. She was not much of a threat alone, but with her sister, she thought they might flee, straight into Vale.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - August 19, 2022

She knew her children would succeed today, and she knew this would mark an important milestone for them. Being able to hunt larger game — with other adults, of course — would only serve to hone their skills as hunters.

When everyone was in position, the Vicera let out her hunting call, a low, shivering note that hung in the air. She could see her miniature racing towards the herd, and her heart swelled, then her eyes searched for Asara.

Thinking @Asara should post now, then next round of posts will go Violante II, Asara, Vale, Vagabond, Violante to make the hunt go more smoother.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - August 19, 2022

At her mother's call Asara launched herself forward with all her might. Her eyes on their prize, she briefly glanced over to her sister, they were nearly together, but she was a little behind. She focused instead on the herd beginning to scatter, but she had to swerve to avoid a particularly stubborn and angry one. She had lost focus of their target but did her best to keep pace with her sister, hoping to spot it again.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - August 20, 2022

Vagabond watched his girls, and sighed. Violante II seemed to be excelling, she kept her eyes on their targeted doe. Asara on the other had, seemed to be all over the place. He launched himself forward into a sprint when he realized his daughter was about to run smack into a deer. His adrenaline calmed when she glanced back at the last second to dodge. Pay attention, Asara! He snapped at her. He looked to his mate shaking his head.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - August 22, 2022

New post order is Violante II, Asara, Vale, Vagabond, Violante!

Asara fumbled, and young Violante's heart raced, fear shooting through her. But no, her sister was fine, and Violante slowed enough so they were at the same pace. Jerking her head, she barked, It's this one, straight ahead! But it was turning, away from them and away from Vale. Violante pushed herself faster, snarling and snapping at it's ankles. Without Asara, however, she could not herd it towards her brother.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - August 22, 2022

Her focus regained, she could see her sister next to her, and she knew her father wasn't far behind. His criticism had hardly registered over the commotion of hoofprints. She brushed it off, instead watching her sister trying to steer the doe. She followed her lead, recalling their purpose in the hunt. They had to get it to Vale, and that's not where it was heading. Asara rushed forward and began nipping at the does heels.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - August 23, 2022

He could see his sisters rushing, racing after their quarry. Vale began to pace in a line, a sharp whine sounding from his maw. There was Asara, trying to correct the doe's path, and with Violante's help they began to herd it back towards him. Vale was ready, waiting, and finally it was his turn. He cut the doe off with a snarl, lifting his tail, and he pressed in to snap at its ankles. He was struck in the head and yelped, but pressed on, bleeding from his forehead.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - August 23, 2022

Vagabond whined as he saw the blood rushing down his son's forehead. Vale pressed on nonetheless, so Vagabond did too. He reasoned with himself that the wound musnt be too bad as his son was still pursuing their prey. So they would fell their prey, then they could rush him back to Lorelai for healing.

Head focused back on the hunt, he finally managed to reach the doe's heels, he nudged Vale aside, and maw agape, closed in on one of the doe's ankles, snapping it like a twig in his mouth, effectively disabling that leg completely.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - August 24, 2022

Her girls were back on track now, and quickly righting the doe's direction. Vale was poised and at the ready, and he rushed forward. Violante could hear the dull thudding of the impact and she winces, moving forward with her mate. There would be no more injuries if she could help it.

As Vagabond caught the doe by the leg, Violante went for the side. She tore into it with ferocity and it quickly began to bleed out. When it was downed, she moved immediately to Vale, asking, Are you alright, son? How's your vision?

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - August 27, 2022

The hunt ended abruptly, and Violante watched it all happen as if in slow-motion. Vale was struck in the head, and the young huntress gasped loudly. She could not go to him, yet — it was too dangerous. But, her parents responded quickly, Vagabond disabling it and Violante I killing it. She got to see firsthand just how quickly a creature could die — and this was more than a hare. It was three times her size. It sobered her, but once it was dead, she approached Vale, worry coloring her dark face.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - September 01, 2022

Asara never stopped running at her full speed. The moment she saw her brother get hurt she refused to stay away. Even as she watched her parents and brother continue the pursuit. Her dad was closing in now, so was her mom. Violante II was slowing, she wouldn't go closer until it was dead, but that wouldn't stop her from going to her brother. VALE! She yelled as she raced to him, the deer was dead now. She realized belatedly that her dad had taken out it's leg so their mom could take it down the rest of the way. Her mom was already asking Vale questions too, she stood wide-eyed as blood ran down his forehead.