Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest Fortitude - Printable Version

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Fortitude - Kevalin - August 05, 2022

Kevalin weaved his way through the trees. Marking here and there. He enjoyed adding his own scent to the mix. Vex's scent was literally EVERYWHERE. His was so weak it was pitiful. He rose his nose to the air seeking any foreign scents nearby, he was pretty close to the border after all. Content there was nothing out of the usual so far, he carried on his way with his tail raised high and ears alert, just in case.

RE: Fortitude - Vaska - August 05, 2022

Today, Vaska did something he had never ever really done before: he had left the den all by his lonesome, and had set off somewhere with no company but himself.

He was used to having Vidaar or Venere around every minute of the day, and as much as he felt out of place amongst them, he felt wholly a part of them, too. Being so far from them felt strange, but oddly okay. Guilty, almost, at how good the separation made him feel.

Vaska sniffed about here and there - sticking to the shadows to avoid the glare of the summer sun. Somewhere along the way, he smelled someone familiar, and his heart did a little bounce in his chest.

Kev'lin! the little boy chirped, and hurried along the route the trail led him down. Kev'lin! he called for his protector again, a bright smile dawning across his usually downcast face.

RE: Fortitude - Kevalin - August 05, 2022

Kevalin had marked another tree when a scent caught him. Vaska. He had done his best to keep the boy safe from his siblings but he was only one man after all, and with Jarus in the picture now it made things a bit trickier. Kevalin wasn't as welcome near the pups as he once was. Self appointed babysitter or not, when you see yourself as a kid's father, you really don't want another man around. Kevalin completely understood.

So someone please tell me why I'm smelling the kid all the way out here? Kevalin quickly changed direction and went straight towards Vaska. The albino boy was calling for him now. "I'm coming kid, hang tight." He called back. He didn't want the whelp any closer to the border.

The boy was sticking to the shadows, he almost missed him in his frenzied pace to find him had the boys eyes not caught his attention he would have ran straight past him. He stopped just before the boy smiling down at him. "Vaska, hey little man. What are you doing all the way out here?"

RE: Fortitude - Vaska - August 21, 2022

He brightened when Kevalin’s familiar voice rose out of the woodwork.

I’m over here! he called through a giggle, as his friend barrelled towards him. He ran so fast! Would he ever be so quick on his feet? Vaska wondered.

Kev’lin! he met his friend’s greeting with a lick to his chin, still standing on his feet to reach him.

He plopped back to the ground, but remained staring up, with a smile on his face, head cocked to the side, and tail sweeping the mossy ground. I was looking for you! What a silly question! What’re you doing? Can I help??

RE: Fortitude - Kevalin - August 21, 2022

Kevalin smiled and chuckled at the boy. Alright kiddo, walk with me. The boy was tiny compared to the large man. His body provided him with shade from any sun that got through the canopy of the forest.  I'm strengthening our border. Making the scent stronger so that everyone knows that this is The Dominion. His mother would want him to learn eventually anyway. The boy struggled in his physical training, and truth be told, so did Kevalin. So he could at least give him this wisdom.

While we're out here It's important to keep your nose and ears on the lookout for any intruders, that's how I caught on to you being out here so fast, I was already looking for wolves that shouldn't be out here. He gently placed his paw on the boy's nose teasingly. When you're this little, it's very dangerous to come out here on your own. Next time, we plan ahead of time to come out here together, okay? He continued walking. Just by walking we're leaving our scent, but we can also make it stronger by doing other things. He lifted his leg and urinated on a tree.