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Stone Circle No Stranger To Pain - Printable Version

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No Stranger To Pain - Gunnar - August 06, 2022

Gunnar had been holed up for a couple months. He was finally healing. So with trepidation and a slow gait he ended up towards the last area he had seen the she wolf @Sanja. He was able to remember her scent and he followed it.

He found it the closer he got to her home. It was different something had changed about it, but he wasnt certain of it.

The area smelled of others, but he settled at the borders with a sigh. Body still smarting. Though most were scars now. He licked along his broken tooth and howled for her. Then he waited.

mostly scars. He had a A tooth is missing on his right side. There are deep gashes in his muzzle on the left side. He has a chest wound right side. It's not deep enough to kill, but scar. His right leg is incredibly torn up from claws and it was infected. Though it is better now at least infection wise.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Sanja - August 07, 2022

This was not a reunion Sanja had ever anticipated. The man called for her - she knew him! Her trek to where he waited took more time than she would have liked, and when she saw him, she sank to her haunches.

The belly on full display.

A small noise came from Sanja then - welcoming, worried; she wondered why he had come. His body looked worse than before and she realized, that had been her fault.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Gunnar - August 07, 2022

Gunnar's eyes grew wide when she came near him, and then his heart twisted painfully and every single ounce of loathing that he had ever thought of his own father, lay prey to his godforsaken head.

He traced over the contours of large belly, and cold gray eyes closed in pain. He had done that to her, he would wager and he was an absolute ass for it. Having taken what he sought to protect. His own baser needs eating away at him. He was truly a bastard and his mother and father would be so disappointed in him. He was glad they were no more for this world.

Halló. Mér þykir það leitt. Fyrirgefðu mér. Ég ætti að kynna mig almennilega að þessu sinni. Ég er Gunnar Lodbruk. Ég kom til að athuga með þig

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Sanja - August 07, 2022

He gave his name. His voice filled with her language, warming her heart. It happened with Bjarna, and Inkeri, and anyone who she cared for; and now this man - Gunnar.

You worried for me? Sanja drew to her feet again and waddled closer, reaching to sniff his more obvious scars. I should be sorry, not you. Look at you!

A breath. He smelled of medicine and wilderness. I am alright. I am home here, and not alone. Are you? Alone, I mean. Where is your home?

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Gunnar - August 07, 2022

It was not his language as much as the language he was born too. His language was different. But he had taken into the one who had raised him. The one he called father. Which he wondered if these little ones now growing had one.

I did. He spoke on a whisper, body freezing up as she drew near him. She sniffed at the scars that now littered him. Proof that he was worthy of the name his father had given him. Worthy of the life he had lead. Though was he really. He had been no better than the youth he had fought. Taking something that wasn't his, that was offered out of something he wasn't sure of.

I am alone in most of the sense. I live near the coast with a pack of sea witches. But the are not entirely fond of men. he chuckled quietly.

He was there because he loved the sea, and no other reason. He could probably disappear and they would not mind. Though. He was older. And he owed them a great debt.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Sanja - August 11, 2022

Good, she said.
Not that they're biased against your gender, but that you're not alone. It is good you have found a place; and if it were to not work out, you would be welcome here.

She was quiet a moment.

I am building a home here. I think... I want to call it Kvarsheim, for these stones - there are already some women who have come to live here, and a girl, who I call my daughter. Sanja's eyes turned from the man to look upon the horizon, where along its edge there could be seen several distant monuments rising like spinal segments; and of course the closer one in the meadow, which was her favorite.

My children... They seemed to shift when she mentioned them, and her face pinched with mild discomfort. They will be here soon. I hope this place will be kind to them.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Gunnar - August 11, 2022

Gunnar's ears lifted forward and he nodded.
i will remember that. Thank you.

He felt a brief unsure twinge. He would offer to stay now if he knew it was welcome to help her out.

I am glad you have a home here. And that you have members. and he was. She deserved a little happiness.

If I can help in anyway with your children let me know. Even offer my last name if you'd like it. My father was a prince once upon a time. And my mother a healer. It has always been to me.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Sanja - August 11, 2022

His name?
Loðbrók, he had said.

I appreciate that, worded the woman carefully, mulling over the option. She did not have a surname herself — but she considered herself to be of the Stones, which at best would make her Sanja av Kvars or something.

What would it mean for her children to hold a noble's name? IN this place, and for Sanja, it didn't mean much. Gunnar was old-blood, and if he held strong ties to anyone in this place, would it matter? But she considered, and smiled.

Perhaps when they are older you can tell them the history of your family. They can choose for themselves. It would be an option for them to decide on their own terms. It struck Sanja then - she was growing people inside of herself! One day they would be full realized individuals! How strange!

In the mean-time, please... Stay, keep me company. For a day or so - granted your people can spare you? Perhaps she could convince him to linger longer, or to hunt with the others. Perhaps I can introduce you to my daughter, I call her @Bjarna...

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Gunnar - August 11, 2022

Gunnar had much family ties here. Both blood and non. His own biological father was royal in a sorts. His uncle Pergrine a fixture having many descendants. His own mother had birthed 7 of them here.

I will be glad too. I am proud of where and who i come from.

Gunnar chuckled my people can spare me and they will have no qualms with letting me go either if you need my help more permanently. But for now I will stay and help you. I'd like that.

RE: No Stranger To Pain - Sanja - August 11, 2022

We could fade here?

She was pleased.

It seemed like he had found a good place, one which accepted him and could help him mend, but it was also good he was willing to give that up for her sake - and Sanja felt, selfishly, she should make him stay regardless. If he stayed to protect the children and herself, she would not need to turn to the hunter-man for food; there would be no trades, and her people would thrive.

Her people. When had she started thinking of their rag-tag group as such? It warmed her heart.

Come, then — I will show you where we sleep, and hunt, and all of my favorite places.
Sanja would be sure to take her time, though. She was slow with her waddle, and the man was old and worn, so they made quite the slothful pair.