Wolf RPG
Wild Berry Meadow i can feel it in my bones - Printable Version

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i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

Atka kept her head high as she strolled across the grassland, enjoying the small breeze against her fur. She wasn't far off the lake, the large body of water still within eyesight. The tall grasses almost covered her petite build as she trekked through them, but her white coat was enough to keep her visible, more than enough. She felt at peace, her surroundings tranquil.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

It wasn't often that Sadey disappeared from the grove she made her home for now. But after days of healing she got an itch to explore a little and so she did.

There was a new energy to her. One that didn't let her guard down. She had gotten too used to being complacent and it almost killed her. She would not allow another ti attack her again.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

Atka caught wind of the lingering wolf, she pulled her head up higher, trying to catch sight of this stranger. When she did, she was unsure whether to sprint away or reveal herself. This wolf seemed confident, yet its guard was pulled up as it tread across the meadow. The fur along Atka's spine began to spike, but she kept herself up regardless, hoping this wolf had the same demeanor as others she'd encountered, Atka had done nothing but make connections with most wolves she'd met in Teekon, she would rather that than any conflict.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey heard a noise and then her ruff rose she swung around eyes taking in the wolf similar to she.

She narrowed her eyes. Tiny, unassuming. 

She moved closer, the scabs on her body present now. 

Hello. she spoke her drawl slow.

She stood still withing sniffing distance. But not close enough to touch. She didn't want attacked.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

The interaction felt tense, perhaps it was because the both of them appeared to be skittish, or maybe it was simply Atka.

❝Hello,❞ She responded, her tail giving a small wag, hoping to ease the situation.

Her eyes studied the scars and scabs on the wolf's body, she'd had it rough lately. However, Atka recognized the will and strength that resided within the stranger as well, just by looking at the way she carried herself.

❝I'd hate to see the other guy..❞ Atka beckoned to the scars on the wolf, head low as she did so.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey wasn't skittish as much as pissy. Which lets be honest was a regular type of personality trait for her. 

Sadey dipped her head at the girl. Ears forward listening. She seemed harmless enough. A little demure even. The wilds would eat her alive.

Sadey smirked. I left my own marks in his godforsaken hide. Bastard that 'e was.

I hope if you do meet him you've a bigger beast with you. He reminds me of a bully. Male takes his time to pick on wolves smaller than he. Take what he wants from the females he attacks if they dont fight like me. You get my drift. Big black beast.

She titled her head. I'm Sadey.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

Atka offered a smile at the wolf's remark, settling back on her haunches and listening.

I hope if you do meet him you've a bigger beast with you. He reminds me of a bully. Male takes his time to pick on wolves smaller than he. Take what he wants from the females he attacks if they don't fight like me. You get my drift. Big black beast.

Her brow furrowed, she'd only met one other 'big black beast,' though her gut told her it was not the wolf that came to mind.

❝I'll keep that in mind.❞ Atka had Heph, who was a decently sized wolf, but then again sometimes Dreven was around, or the other strangers she'd met, she wasn't worried about meeting this individual.

I'm Sadey.

❝Pretty,❞ Her tail thumped the ground under her. ❝I'm Atka.❞

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey hadn't found out that upstarts name. She wished she had. She could have warned other females of him. Because he had the look of a different type of predator and those kind made her sick. Trying to take something wasn't their's to take. Sadey wasn't a good wolf. God wasn't she, but she did have certain boundaries.

You got yourself a big beast to take care of ya? Granted i think a femme should be able to take care of herself, but not all she devils are like me ya'see. 

Atka. One of those foreign type of names. Names for singers or dancers where I'm from the woman give you a good time and you leave happy. Met a few males that way too.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

Atka tilted her head as Sadey compared her name to exotic sorts of signers and dancers it sounded, another smile crossing her face. The wolf must have come a long way, her accent and speech giving away the idea.

❝I've got another traveling with me, she's no beast, but she has my back.❞ Atka gave a small glance in the lake's direction before looking back to Sadey.

❝The other beast I met went on his way not long ago, in that forest of ash, is that the wolf you're speaking of?❞

She knew it wasn't Dreven, but wondered if it may have been others he was with, or possibly this wolf was simply a loner.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey returned the smile. It was different to speak with women folk. She was always with men. Always. So she wasn't certain what to say, but it was a different type of conversation.

I have a gang like that. Full of rough and ready boys. You tell ole sadey any of them bug you, specially one named Briggs. He's full o'hot air that one, and bawdy as the day is long, but he has my back in a pinch. He's hunting the big black beast as we speak actually. Fixin' to rip his throat out i hope.

Sadey eyed the girl. This other one a handsome fella? Should I go look him up?

She was jesting mostly. Naw this boy and he was a boy. Too young to speak of finer things, and too full of fuckery to mess around with. He didn't smell like no ash. Didn't smell like a pack wolf neither.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

❝I'll let you know if I get any trouble out of him,❞ She huffed a laugh at Sadey's annoyance with her companion, sure that between that there was some sort of connection, friendship.

❝I hope you find him then, I'll be keeping an eye out with Heph too.❞

Atka still eyed the scabs on the wolf, pity sinking in her stomach. She knew that the other wolf was in just as bad shape, but recovering was probably no easy feat. She would definitely be on alert, Atka wasn't one for conflict. Usually the only thing keeping her from holding her tongue at dominant wolves was her preference to go on her way with no injuries, regardless if the fight was fair, but sometimes her passion outweighed that.

❝The one I met was handsome, sure, but intimidating. He spoke of a pack in that forest, no room for morals I suppose. I'd like to think he's not like that, but who knows.❞ Atka responded, sighing.

❝Hm, well. Glad to say I haven't crossed paths with him.❞

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey nodded. Good. I'll wollop em a good one.

She and Briggs were not good friends, hell she wasn't even sure if they were friends, but he was her gang member, her ride or die as they all were. And he'd kill for her just as she would for him.

Sadey was always prickly and always itching for a fight. It was what made her who she was. But that was what happened when you lived your life fast, and hard. She was surprised she'd survived this long, fully intact. Poor Jax hadn't.

Sadey groaned. Never let 'em intimidate you. Cause then they think they have ya hook, line and sinker. No suh. You don't let em. You show em you just as full of piss and vinegar as they are.

Sadey chuckled a twinkle in her eye. However, Them's the ones you can't stay away from. Got that badness appeal, but if you can tame one of them'ens. WEll they make the best men. Protect you come high or hell water and make all your dreams come true at night. So they do. But they ain't easy to tame. And if the woman ain't up for it, well they usually end up broke too.

She thought of some of friends. Reno, Augustin. Someone could tame them, tehy'd be alright. Briggs she weren't too sure about.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

Her gazed flitted downwards for a moment at her words, before meeting Sadey's eyes again. She wished she could stay away, but she couldn't, not even knowing the reason herself.

❝I've got a feeling this one in particular may never be tamed.❞ Atka joked, ❝I'm sure you get it.❞

❝Is your gang tied to any place in particular or?❞

i actually have the account for the character based off of abigail but haven't put her into any threads yet xD

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

OOH :) She will need to meet Amalia. At this point Amalia has met all the gang that I know of lol

Sadey studied her. This girl was already in pretty deep, she could see it. She sighed. Sometimes the best ones got up with the worst ones. Those ones that were just meaner than snakes and hard to handle, but made up for it in someways, but they never really got better. But they were addicting. Seen it happen to many times. Usually the girl ended up bad or dead.

Sadey shrugged a shoulder. I know what you mean yes. Then you best stay away from him, but those kind. Sometimes they don't let you. Hunt you down. Cause they get just addicted. Those kind they like the good, makes em wish they were better, but they just can't. But they may surprise you too. My Jaxon was that way. Damn near untameable, wild and feral and mean. But he did good to me. I learned to deal with the rest.

She shook her head. We're all helter skelter really. Mostly in these area and down away's. Haven't gotten all together yet.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022


Atka nodded as the wolf spoke, the conversation having taken a more emotional turn. Her nods however were the opposite of what she was thinking, she was sure somehow she'd see him again, regardless if the best option would be to leave him alone.

We're all helter skelter really. Mostly in these area and down away's. Haven't gotten all together yet.

❝Well I'm glad to know I've got a friend in the group.❞ Atka grinned at her.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Sadey - August 06, 2022

Sadey hadn't meant to get all introspective on the girl. Perhaps it was coming close to dying, yet again. Made her wonder and speak more than she should. Though she knew better than most the mark a man could leave on ya. Granted most of her's had been good ones, but every so often. There were a few dark places she didn't visit.

That you do. Atka. I s'pose I best be getting back. Briggs comes back and i'm not around he maybe fit to be tied and then some.

RE: i can feel it in my bones - Aqillutaq - August 06, 2022

❝Oh,❞ Atka blinked, she'd almost forgotten they were two different wolves, from different walks of life. ❝I should be getting back to Heph as well.❞

She smiled at the wolf, starting to step away before stopping herself.

❝I'll see you around, Sadey.❞

so sorry for late reply i had to take my brothers dog to the vet T-T