Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Redhawk Caldera CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera (/showthread.php?tid=5218)

CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Peregrine Redhawk - October 12, 2014

I wanted to go ahead and get this posted! Please let @Fox reply first, then toss up a post to participate in our official claim. There's EXP in it for you! ;) AWOOO!!! @Finley @FitzDutiful @Robin @Siv @Ashton @Magpie

Peregrine stood abreast of Fox on the ridge line, the placid lake behind and below them and the view sprawling in front of them. They now boasted six loyal followers and no outsider could dispute their claim on the caldera. It was time to make things official with the pack's first rallying howl. They would announce their formal foundation to the world.

After giving his mate a small smile, Peregrine tossed back his swarthy head and bayed at the top of his voice, his sonorous howl carrying for miles as he announced himself as founder and Alpha male of Redhawk Caldera.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - RIP Fox - October 12, 2014

As time wore on, Fox felt more and more confident that they had made the right choice. Quickly, they had assembled their pledges and come together as one. Instead of shaky beginnings, they were starting out strong. Standing next to Peregrine only made this feel even more true. Fox nudged his neck and groomed it affectionately for a moment before nodding to him. It was time.

When is voice lifted, Fox's instincts immediately kicked in, her own voice following his to create a harmony like no other. As the other voices began to join in, she felt her heart swell with pride and gratitude for those who had pledged themselves to the caldera. They would be the core, and the ones that she sincerely hoped were in it for the long haul. Now, they were family. Together, as a pack, they would eat, go through the good times and the bad, and raise the next generation.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Finley - October 12, 2014

While Finley had gathered alongside of the rest of the pack in preparation of this momentous occasion, she held back from putting her voice to the sky just as Peregrine and Fox both did in near unison. Instinct drove her forward--this land felt just as much hers as it did theirs, after all. But the adventure had started with her two closest friends, and so the claiming of this place would start with them as well.

Besides, there was something romantic and magical about listening to the two of them singing their claim together. This was where they would begin their family, where they would likely grow old together. This was the land that they would give to their children and to their children's children. This land was the future of the Redleaf-DiSarinno line. While Fin knew that she was more than just a spectator to the beginning of their history, she felt she owed it to them to be that, if only just for a moment before she could take the excitement no more, and she too lifted her voice to join theirs. Perhaps this was Redleaf-DiSarinno land, but Finley's chest swelled with just as much pride as theirs at the knowledge that they could not have done it without a Blackthorn.


RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Siv - October 13, 2014

There had been a moment of fear. A second of ruthless dismay that had washed over the young coywolf when she had realized that she had joined a pack. She knew nothing about the structure or the lives of packs; Siv had been so transfixed by Fox and her claim on the lands that she could not have stopped herself from pledging to the caldera if her life had depended on it. The fear had subsided, though. She had found herself in a strange comfort zone when around the other wolves of the caldera. The Savoy girl just may have made an impulsive decision that had saved her.
The voices of the alphas seemed to fill the crisp autumn air. Siv’s ears were drawn forward for a moment to listen to the harmony that had washed over the new pack land. A sense of pride seemed to drown out the rest of her insecurities. That was her home… she had found a home. Drawing back her head, the young girl joined the call of her leaders.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Amon - October 13, 2014

The sound of twin voices rising from the nearby hills made the stranger wake from his light slumber. When more voices joined with those, he lifted his own head and eyed the distant trees with a restlessness indicative to his lifestyle. Amon had been careful in his wandering. The lake which had held his attention for the better part of a week had since become boring to the aging wolf, however, the combined voices of many others now piqued his interest.

There was a brief moment of hesitation, of skepticism. How likely was it that a band of strange wolves would accept the likes of him? But he knew better than to doubt for very long. The moment to decide was upon him, and Amon was swift upon making his choice.

He rose from his makeshift resting place - a pile of autumn leaves - and stood alert, canting his head back in order to issue forth a deep and wild call of his own. A pledge of services, more or less, which lifted free from the lake's edge. In the moments following, his sound grew dim upon the wind. He would need to get moving if he planned to intercept these strangers - and hopefully make a name of himself among their ranks.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - FitzDutiful - October 14, 2014

The howl echoed out and FitzDutiful looked up from the meal he was consuming and pricked back his ears. The two wolves that had started the celebration were silhouettes in the edge of his vision and Duty looked towards them before lifting his muzzle and joining in. This land was theirs - this was now their pack.

Other voices picked up too and joined in the harmonious song, the other members of his family. With pride that could only be associated with one with a parents pride in their child, Duty fondly expressed his loyalty for his new home in this claiming howl. Home.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - OG Magpie - October 17, 2014

She wasn't particularly glad to be back in Fox's arms, but the fiery she-wolf had apologized profusely and seemed genuinely remorseful... and Magpie knew that she had no other option. She could see her bones through her fur, which was no longer glossy and smooth, but dull and tangled. If she refused Peregrine and Fox's offer, she would die. There was no question. And while she didn't fear death, she hadn't yet seen her first year; she was determined to live more life than that.

And so when the cries of the Redhawk wolves rose over the caldera, announcing their claim and their presence to the surrounding territories, Magpie's youthful and ragged voice lifted to join them.

RE: CLAIM — Redhawk Caldera - Ashton - October 17, 2014

The golden dude heard the echo, the rise and fall of other lupine voices, the weaving of chorus in a manner that made the teens heart ascend and descend with the harmonious rhythm.
He too, rose his sun shaded maw to the sky, adding his young yet matured vocal to the heart throb of a song.
When the remnants of the melody flew with the free little birdies who started their own little orchestra up again, the sunny 2 year old grinned a triumphant and proud smile, silently thanking whatever deity out there for the opportunity to partake in such a glorious thing.