Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest But it feels like that weight is on my back - Printable Version

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But it feels like that weight is on my back - Syrax - September 01, 2022

visitor time! :D pinging @Kevalin and @Vex Cruor

Two neighbors!

They seemed so close together. He planned to scout beyond their neighbors after this. Perhaps in preparation for a move if his new wife @Calida decided such. Did they really wish to crowd the land between the three of them?

Thoughts for after this, he imagined.

A respectful distance from the borders he let out a low call. Politely requesting an audience, as a diplomat.

RE: But it feels like that weight is on my back - Kevalin - September 01, 2022

Another visitor? It seemed the land wasn't as quiet as Vex thought. Kevalin raced towards the border, whoever it may be at least had the decency to wait outside and call for an audience, so that meant peace, he hoped. Not to mention Vex wasn't there yet, so extra peace. He chuckled to himself. He arrived to see a massive dark wolf, only a bit larger than himself thankfully. Holding back a relieved sigh at being the first to arrive Kevalin approached the stranger. You've reached the Dominion, why have you come today?

RE: But it feels like that weight is on my back - Syrax - September 03, 2022

I am here as a diplomat from a neighboring pack that current goes by the name Atautsikut.

He looked for a sign of recognition, verbal or otherwise, before he continued on.

I have stepped up alongside my wife as the new leading pair. Much has changed and so I have come to discuss possible alliances in the wake of it all.

RE: But it feels like that weight is on my back - Vex Cruor - September 03, 2022

Vex took her time responding, unusual for her, but she did not care. She left her children safe and secure at the rendezvous, and then she turned, loping for the borders. This was not a call she knew. Narrowing her eyes, Vex picked up her pace and did not slow until she caught Kevalin's scent in the air, along with their... guest.

Vex pushed through the underbrush and came to stand beside Kevalin. She lifted her tail, gazing at the stranger. Did I hear you say Atautsikut? The mountain wolves were here, here, in her home! How dare they show their faces here.

I've had trouble with your kind in the past.

RE: But it feels like that weight is on my back - Kevalin - September 14, 2022

My apologies for the delay.

Vex had responded swiftly as always. Kevalin shifted defensively in response to her emotions, preparing to defend his home should the need arise. However, Kevalin hadn't lost the stranger's words. Kevalin nodded at the stranger then moved to stand beside Vex. Now that she had arrived his time for speaking with the stranger had come to an end. He would follow his Queen's lead from here, regardless of the outcome.