Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest Burning Alive - Printable Version

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Burning Alive - Vagabond - September 01, 2022

Private for @Violante

His day had been busy, to say the very least. That didn't mean he wasn't going to make the time for his offensive training. He knew Violante was happy to steal away time with him, he just wished they were doing something else. He knew it was a ridiculous notion of course. She was fully capable and knew him very well. If anyone could teach him quickly, it would be her. He rested his weary body underneath the shade of one of the great sequoia trees near the sunrock clearing. With a great sigh he lifted his head from atop his paw and called for his mate @Violante.

RE: Burning Alive - Violante - September 05, 2022

The howl from her mate came just as she finished up her daily patrol, and she paused at the river to drink deeply. She called back to Vagabond, and went on her way swiftly, approaching him in a matter of minutes. My love, she murmured, coming to press into him with a soft sigh. How was your day?

RE: Burning Alive - Vagabond - September 16, 2022

He smiled when he heard her return call. She never took long to respond to him. He stood and rubbed his body affectionately against hers when she arrived. Busy, we had a visitor, he has moved on Vagabond shook his head as he thought about his encounter with the odd tangled up dog. And how was yours?