Wolf RPG
They call me Grace - Printable Version

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They call me Grace - Mara - October 12, 2014


Mara had set out early that morning, determined to find the absolute highest point of the Silvertip Mountains. She climbed high under the dark trees shielding her from the ever so slightly glowing morning sky that promised a good sunrise. She used to do that with her sister back home.

The memories of those few and far days with her sister made her smile and cry at the same time. She remembered they would wake up before anyone else and rush out, climbing one of the highest peaks where they would sit and wait for the sunset. Together they had watched the oranges and pinks and purples fill the previously dark, star filled sky. Her sister had died a few weeks before Mara had been banished, her life smothered by a pile of snow from an avalanche.

Mara had been so lost in thought that she hadn't even noticed that she had reached the top, a rocky expanse from which you could see all around. The red footed she-wolf stepped onto a rock sheet that stuck out from a hill, a good 6 feet above the ground. Being the graceful wolf that she was her front paw slipped on a bunch of loose pebbles and flew of the edge, dragging the rest of her with it. She landed on her butt on the small rockslide below the outcrop and skidded the next few feet till she landed with a thud on the grass below it, her legs spread out all around her and her head resting flat on the ground. It would have been a comfortable position if she hadn't just fallen 6 feet to get there and had a sharp rock stabbing her belly fur.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - October 15, 2014

Quote: im so sorry I didn't reps to this earlier!

The golden boy had a mouth full of dandelion leaves, his full tassel swaying a high left and right.
This was such a good day. Nothing bad had happened so far. He had woken up, had a couple of squirrels for breakfast, gotten a couple nutritional herbs in, and was prepared to call it a day. But, the yellow plaited teen, as he walked past a rocky chunk of wall, heard the crashing of rocks and a distinct "oomf!" not too far from him.

Ah shit.

He galloped toward the sound, his golden paws carrying him as fast as they could.
He had found the source of that pained sound, and astonished, he looked at the russet who lay amongst the heap of crumbled rock and gravel.

Ashton jumped over to assist as much as he could, his mentality still adjusting to the situation.

"My, god, ...are you chill, chick? Here, I can help.."
That's when he saw the jagged chunk of rock jutting from her abdomen.

Double shit.

"Eh..ok, so maybe moving you is not the best of ideas..
Are you conscious? Can you hear me? It would be reaaaallly shitty if you were dead, dudette. At least die not so close to pack lands..that's so suspicious, and I literally just joined these folks, and I.."

Realizing he was rambling again, the golden boy face-pawed.
Theres a hurt wolf in front of him and he's losing his shit.

"Ok, first things first, are you chill, babe?"

Earnest and sincere emeralds lingered on the girl, hoping she responded.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - October 15, 2014

Its totally fine! You didn't know about it so :P

Mara shook her head, a bit dazed, and got up, thankful to be off the uncomfortable rock. She looked up to meet the bright green eyes of a large sandy colored male. Still a bit dazed she answered his question awkwardly.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just kinda fell off a cliff, but yeah, I'm 'chill'" She assured him, his foreign-ish word feeling odd on her tongue. Coming from so far north her voice had its own uniqueness, sort of a combination of winter, rock and ice.

She studied the golden wolf, feeling some strange connection to him. She couldn't shake the feeling that she should know him from somewhere as she attempted to brush all the dust off her auburn pelt.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - October 16, 2014

Grateful that the rock that appeared to be stuck in her side was not permanent and simply an illusion, the yellow pelted teen released a sigh of relief. Now satisfied that he didn't have to carry off a corpse, it was then that he took a good look at her face.
Ah shit.

"Ah shit," he unintentionally copied from his mind.


RE: They call me Grace - Mara - October 16, 2014

How about he knows about her, but she doesnt know him? :3

Mara tilted head to the side when he said her name. Was she losing her mind? Was she supposed to know his name? She looked at him closer but couldn't grasp where she knew his face from.

"How do I know you? I feel like I'm supposed to know you but I can't figure out why! And how do you k ow MY name?" she asked, clearly confused.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - October 16, 2014

The golden dude almost pranced. He had found his little sister! She wasn't full blood, obviously, but she was sure as hell one of the Aspens. He had seen his mother's second litter, and he recalled the russet fur as a stark contrast to the other plain colors, immediately labeling the different girl add his favorite. Ash was intrested in out of the ordinary stuff, and she fit the description pretty well.

"Of course you do! We're siblings! I not your blood brother, but we have the same ma, little dudette!"

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - November 19, 2014

I'm back, finally! Hooray! :P

Mara's eyes widened in surprise.

"You mean, I have siblings outside of my old pack?! That's why you seemed familiar!" Mara squeaked in pure happiness. Back in her old home, the only one of her three siblings she was close to was her only sister, Lyra, who was no longer alive. Her two brothers were always too focused on showing off and one upping each other to care about her. Maybe she would have another chance.

Mara could contain her excitement and ended up bouncing up and down, her paws making little clouds of dust that filled her nose and made her sneeze quite loudly. She sat down, embarrassed, and tried to look as professional as she could, curling her tail around her dainty paws.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 02, 2014

◆you just so happened to come back when I was gone. Hah. Welcome back. xD also I saw the tag you sent me with Runt. I'd there's a thread you want me to be in, just punt it to me. W_^V◆

The teen kept his leafy irises on the the half blood sis sib he now had found to be as pleasant as she was seen by him.
A jovial light danced in the gems, and he too, found his former doing a hop skip in return to hers.

"I guess ya do, Lil Sis. Ma didn't last all that long after she had you guys, so that's probably why you couldn't stay. But that doesn't stop me from lovin ya any less. "

A whimsical grin splashed his face, and he sat his golden rump to the ground.
Damn, it was good to be back with family.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 02, 2014

Haha yeah! Welcome back to you too :P And we just finished the thread lol, but if you want to check out this one, you can :) http://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=6028

The petite russet girl shook her head trying to process it all. She just ended up with more questions swirling around in her mind.

"So do you live around here? You smell like your in a pack." she commented, excited to find out more about her half brother. It would be so cool to have some family that she could talk to.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 03, 2014

"Same to you. The Dera not too far from here is my home. Pretty chill place. Rad enough for a Lil spunk like me. What's up with you, Mara? Who ya Rollin with? "

He was thoroughly happy about her finding a spot to cop. She seemed happy enough, and the hippie hoped she had a kind pack as he had.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 17, 2014

"I'm with the spine wolves, they're pretty strict, and this one girl wanted to rip my face off. But that's okay, at least I have a home, ya know?" Mara smiled at little, remembering the ass she had met in the rain. She really needed to get her crap together if she wanted to have any friends.

Her brothers pack seemed pretty cool, though she had met one of its members and that had not ended well.

"Now that I think about it, someone from your pack tried to rip my face off too." she mumbled, recalling the event. She did get to keep her rabbit though.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 17, 2014

Furrowing his golden brow, Ash took a protective look over his long lost sis. A Hawk tried to turn her into kibbles and bits? Who the hell?

"Who did it? what'd they look like?"

Genuinely curious, the hippie wanted to know who it was, just in case he had to have a talk with the member, but he was well settled in with the other dudes and dudettes, and considering he had made friends with most of em, he though he was in the clear.
It was obvious that his sister wasn't, but considering dudes tended to have their differences, he couldn't really get all that riled up about it.
He just mainly concerned himself with searching her over, and trying to make sure she had not cuts, bruises, or lacerational infections that needed to be tidied up.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 17, 2014

"I was hunting a rabbit in a field that I thought was way out of your territory, and when I caught it, this red wolf just a little bigger then me came rushing at me and snarling. She scared the crap out of me so I ran as fast as I could." Mara explained, maybe Ashton would know who it was.

"I got away though, with my rabbit." she smiled and puffed her chest in mock strength.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 17, 2014

The words his sister said next almost collapsed the heart in his chest. Damnit, Mara.
The blonde plated teen facepawed at the very thought that he knew exactly who the wolf was that she spoke of.
Because he had never seen a fireball ever, let alone, quite as feisty as her.

"Tamperin with Alphas now, eh, Mara? Ya know that's the right way to get choked out, yea?"

Ash wasn't mad at either one of them, because he was literally imagining the flash of russet, followed by a trail of barkin fire. All over a damn rabbit.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 17, 2014

She was an alpha? Mara was super surprised. She didn't seem like the kind of wolf that would be a good alpha, but never mind that, she would hopefully never meet her again.

"Well, I didn't know that every rabbit in the whole damn world belonged to her" the little russet girl retorted, wrinkling her nose at the thought of that annoyingly mean wolf. Did she really need to get so worked up about one little rabbit that wasn't even hers? It just seemed like a waste of time to Mara. She wondered how her brother could live with someone so bossy and spiteful.

"Kinda glad she's not my alpha. Don't think I'd survive that." the sunset girl muttered half under her breath.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 17, 2014

"She's not all that bad, gal. She coulda been having a bad day. Every dude and dudette has their days, you know that. And as for fireball, she's the babe of Peregrine, and he's the top dog there. She's da bae, but he and her are equals. So blah, blah, blah, they're both alphas."

He could laughed at her trying to compare the two leaders. That was a sight to see.

Considering Mara had never met any of his packmates, it seems as though first impressions were crucial to the little russet sis of his. Seeing how the flamin girl tried to massacre her over a rab, only made the dude laugh even more. A buncha scenes filled his head, starting with a 'gimme back my rabbit, damnit,', and a 'nom, screw you, my food, loser', with a side of swears thrown left and right. He could only assume the fire lady had a fiery temper in her just as bright as her coat.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 18, 2014

"Yeah, just wish she coulda been a little more civil about it." the fluffy girl muttered before flicking her ears, dismissing the thoughts of her 'meeting' with her brothers alpha. She was sure that if he liked it there, then it must be an okay place to live.

She lifted her sparkling grey gaze back to his and smiled. "So whacha doing way up here so early in the mornin?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side slightly. It probably had something to do with his medicine stuff.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - December 26, 2014

Ash recalled a time when it seemed as though the little fire toots had been civil and that had been when she was flyin on whatever meds she had been on when he joined.
Oh, and when she was with her bae.
Oh, and the cougar attack.
That was about it.
It was pathetic exactly how few times he had associated with the alphess.

"I was actually tryin to stash some herbs before it was time they shriveled up, and died. How about you, miss 'Fall off of cliffs for fun'?"

The teen knew he was thoroughly relieved that she had not seriously injured herself. Else, he'd have to play Doctor Doolittle, and bandage her all up, but that would arrive with the issue that he had no splints or meds. She woulda had to cope with randomly hashed out materials.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - December 27, 2014

The dainty little red wolf crinkled her nose playfully at the mention of her most recent accident. "Ha ha, very funny. I actually came up here for the view. It must be spectacular. But unfortunately, I missed the sunrise." she huffed, thoroughly disappointed that she hadn't gotten to relive the memory. Maybe some other time. It was worth it though, she got to meet her brother!

"Herbs? Can I help?" she asked happily, hoping that he would agree.

RE: They call me Grace - Ashton - January 08, 2015

◆Gonna fade this and archive because i definitely forgot the plot. Plus, i dont wanna leave you hanging,..that burns. :/ Maybe we can have a more recent thread later on, yea?◆

Ash was prepared to give a 'Hell ya! Let's do this!' until he took a look at the sun. Ah, damn all the golden globes of squirrel balls, it was getting dark, and faster than expected. He knew he had to get in before dark, for the Dark Dude wouldnt take to him so kindly just tip toeing through the border like some vigilante.
Time was high and fly, when you were having fun.

"My sorry, baby sis, but I got a bit of high tide commin my way, and i dont wanna wipe out. Maybe we can hang at a later date? I memorized your smell, so ill know where to knock on the door, because ive been over there before. So we'll have a meet and greet later, got it?"

With that, the hippie gave the russet a brotherly lick to the top of her head before kicking into high gear, and flying back to the Dera, making it just in time before dark dude swept past the borders.

RE: They call me Grace - Mara - January 09, 2015

Okay, I will go ahead and do that :D

She too had noticed the sun getting lower in the sky. Hadn't they just gotten there? Well, it was kind of hard to keep past of the time when you just met your long lost brother.

With a lick to the top of her head, he said his goodbyes and headed away. She had promised to meet him sometime in the future, but who knows when that would be.

After he had disappeared down the mountain, she herself started heading home. It was best to get back before dark around here.