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Stone Circle I'm Old not dead - Printable Version

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I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 03, 2022

Gunnar split his time between hunting and guarding the outside of @Sanja's den. He was never gone more than an hour at most. And he always returned. He wasn't sure all that he could do, but he was trying. He briefly thought of running for @Erzulie, but he knew that @Mahler had done all he could already.

Now it was up to Sanja to fight the cloud of death that hung over top of her, for the babies that now lay nestled near her. He hadn't gotten a good look at them, but now he wondered at them. Because he always had loved little ones. Had even briefly thought of the caretaker trade when he was much younger than he was now.

He buried the rabbit near the den, and settled to his haunches to take up his vigilance once again. Hoping that today was the day that Sanja woke up and he could hear her language dance from her maw. She was his friend, and he wanted her to live.

Tags merely for reference. Anyone is welcome though.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 14, 2022

Since joining, Ethan had seen the older man around. He hadn't heard much about him but he seemed well respected, and a friend of Sanjas, who was a friend of Inkeri, who was a friend of his, so Ethan hoped the man was nice to him.

Nevertheless, Ethan still approached him tentatively. He knew he was outside Sanja's den, who Ethan knew wasn't doing well so he didn't want to disturb him, just introduce himself peacefully.

"Hi." Ethan said when he was in earshot

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 15, 2022

Gunnar lifted his head as the youth stepped closer, a patchwork of black and white coloring. Though Gun himself, could hardly say anything against it. He himself was rather strange marked, with gloves and mask.

Hello. he spoke quietly so as to not disturb those sleeping peacefully inside. I'm Gunnar.

The youngling seemed timid, shy, though he supposed that could come from living in the wilds for a time alone. You grew wary, vigilant. He himself knew this, had been a longer for many a years.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 15, 2022

Gunnar. Ethan had yet to hear the name associated with the man. "Hello." He said dipping his head. "My name is Ethan. I joined just a few weeks ago." He said. Hopefully giving his name would clear things up about his gender before he was questioned.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 15, 2022

Gun blinked at the name, but then dipped his head in greeting.

Well met, Ethan. A few weeks ago, do you like it thus far?

Gunnar offered a kindly smile and shifted. I've been all arouns myself.

And he had since his birth really he never had settled more than a few months somewhere. Even when he came home. He was in Sapphique only briefly.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 15, 2022

Ethan nodded. "I never really felt safe on my own. Im a smaller wolf so an easy target." Ethan said. "And then I had pups, they're a year now, but when they were young I was afraid we'd all die from a predator or some other wolf." Ethan said. He felt safe with Gunnar, which was why he was opening up a bit. "I hope to bring my young here sometime, so I can be with them again." He added.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 15, 2022

Gunnar shook his head. Thats a shame you never felt safe. Everyone should feel safe

He shifted his weight but otherwise didn't move. He wasn't sure how he could help other than to listen. But he was trying.

I don't imagine Sanja would mind too much if you asked. More able bodies and all that.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 15, 2022

"Yeah, I'm planning to ask soon. I'm just not 100% sure how to get my point across when the only word I know in her language is 'Heim', and I'm not sure how much of mine she knows. Though I do like how she says my name, pronouncing it without the T." Ethan said.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 15, 2022

Gunnsr chuckled. Icelandic is not easy to learn or speak. But if you'd like I can be there. I speak it quite fluently. E'han.

He added the youths name to shoe his own prowess and accent. He had learned it early on and found enjoyment at it. Somwthing he had missed most was the language of his forebears.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 16, 2022

"Thats interesting how you say my name. Sanja skips the H, you skip the T, kinda cool." Ethan said.
"I think I'll try talking to sanja but if we need you, I'll come and get you." Ethan added.

The yearlings have mostly been added into the pack but Sanja told E to come talk to Gunnar and Taktuq so they can get an opinion on Ike and Mya. Can we set that up?

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 16, 2022


Gunnar nodded. It is different everywhere common was my first language but father taught us all.

Very well.

go ahead and tag him

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 17, 2022

"well, its been good getting to know you." Ethan said with a smile. "perhaps you can teach me some islandic sometime?" He asked

RE: I'm Old not dead - Gunnar - September 17, 2022

Gunnar nodded his head. I would be glad too. And he would. Guns was willing to teach anyone who wanted to know his language. And he'd teach Sanja's littles common if she'd allow.

Gunnar shifted and stood. I best get to hunting. He dipped his head and turned towards the borders and what was beyond.

RE: I'm Old not dead - Ethan - September 18, 2022

Ethan dipped his head back. "Best of luck in your hunting." He said

last for me, ty for this rp. (: