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Fox's Glade reykur - Printable Version

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reykur - Bjarna - September 03, 2022

maybe a @Colt... but not required <3
— 84°F, smoke

there had been a man at the borders with inkeri.

there had been a shift in the weather.

in her mind, she thought the two connected. somehow, some way. why would they not be? how could they not be? and she followed, without a second thought. not hot on his heels by any means.

she was too short, too sweltered by the heat. the smoke — a thing she did not understand.

she heaved tired breaths through the glade, stumbling here and there.

RE: reykur - Colt - September 03, 2022

the smoke was vicious.
he was tracking again, sniffing around for that darkfurred bastard. he'd kill the fuckin' shit, so he would, ripped face be damned. it wasn't enough.
but now he found himself amid the grey wreathing. the man snorted, coughed.
he was about to depart when the sound of small footsteps caught his ears. a fox, perhaps, escaping. but the sound was not so precise as one of them.
his red eyes narrowed. he thrust his face dragonlike in that direction, catching the scent of the woman's pack.

RE: reykur - Bjarna - September 03, 2022

things bigger than bjarna were not a novelty.

most things she might see would grow bigger than her. including the man who thrusted towards her with a precision unlike anything she had seen.

or perhaps she had seen it before.

in the hunting form of mother bear.

she slammed herself into the ground on instinct alone, smaller than she already was. her fur may have prickled but it did her little favors.

ekki borða. ekki borða.

she spoke mother's tongue.

RE: reykur - Colt - September 03, 2022

in the end it was no vermin, it was an ugly, misshapen child. colt recoiled with narrowed red eyes. the pup was too old to be one carried by the woman sanja, but she spoke the same language and was wrapped in the she-wolf's warm scent.
a pack kid, then.
colt flexed his paws in the dirt. he sneezed at the coiling smoke. "get out," he growled, seeking to shove her roughly toward the glen's exit. "won't last a damn minute babblin' in this place." colt followed.

RE: reykur - Bjarna - September 03, 2022

he growled, he shoved.

bjarna recalled the nightmare. bjarna recalled vague times of acid.

something horrid and ugly came over her — befitting such a stunted child.

NEI! she cried suddenly, smashed her ugly round paws into the ground beneath her. she could still be moved easily by a man of his strength.

RE: reykur - Colt - September 03, 2022

colt briggs had not a paternal bone in his body. when the brat resisted and shouted, he snarled and snapped for her scruff.
come hell or high water, he meant to drag her away from the smoke. no fuckin' way would he have his scent the last thing discovered when they found she was gone.
"sanja," he growled above any protest. "i know sanja."

RE: reykur - Bjarna - September 03, 2022

full permission to pp her however <3

he had her scruff.

she squealed before she could only heave in heavy and nasally breaths. unable to keep enough oxygen in her lungs for such an act with the quality of the air.

she became a limp child, if he kept his jaws there. her ears pressed tight to her skull at the mention of mother bear.

fear gripped her deeply.

RE: reykur - Colt - September 03, 2022


colt carried her from the glen until they were clear of the smoke.
dropping the child rather unceremoniously into a patch of soft grass, he coughed and sneezed and swore, batting at his watering eyes.
"home," he said sternly. "yer goin' home. yew know which direction that is?"
his tail lashed. "heim," he tried again, grudgingly.

RE: reykur - Bjarna - September 05, 2022

he released her after what felt like eons.


she may as well have been a rabbit in the moments that followed. darted off like she never had before — not very graceful, but the need for rushing was certainly there.

she stumbled, she tripped.

once or twice she looked back at the beast.

her course was set for kvarsheim.

RE: reykur - Colt - September 05, 2022

can have one there or just assume he followed till she was over the border! <3

she beat it back to the stone circle, clumsy little wretch. any other time colt would have left it there.
but this time he followed at a resentful shambling, intent on seeing her back even it was solely to save his own hide.