Wolf RPG
Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Printable Version

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Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 12, 2014

Tobias had been following the shimmering stream for quite awhile, he had stopped to take a drink, he looked at himself in the moonlit stream and saw that his slick white coat seemed to reflect the white of the moon itself. He inhaled deeply, He smelled a pack nearby, he was not about to enter pack territory without requesting permission first so he sent out a loud/confident/ gentle howl requesting permission to join the pack and to enter the territory.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 13, 2014

Caiaphas had been, admittedly, hawkishly watching the white hued male as he drew closer to their enclave. A protective bristle rose down her backside as she waited, her breath baited and teeth clenched in territorial stiffness.

She was willing to wait for him to reveal himself -- and in time he did; a harmonious yet gentle call seemed to filter through the quiet forest. At that moment Caiaphas stalked out from the underbrush like some heathen apprentice -- her feral yellow eyes fastened on the male without apology. "Do you know where you are, stranger?" She knew Aktaie would likely follow shortly behind -- as it was not Caiaphas' place to accept those into the fold. On the other hand, their male count was low and the strand could certainly use the extra bodies on hand.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 13, 2014

Tobias saw a beautiful young wolf appear from what seemed to be the shadows,I am not quite sure where I am,I have been traveling for many moons now, I go where it leads me and it so happens to have led me here. That is why i ask permission to join and also to enter the territory, my mother always told me to ask before joining or entering a pack." he said In his confident/gentle spanish voice

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 14, 2014

The male met her politely yet Caiaphas' coldness did not resolve. She listened to how plainly he spoke and for a moment seemed to admire the taciturn openness of his words. The mention of his mother brought forth only a cruel smile -- but she knew the sound could use a wolf like him.

"You are in Ankyra Sound. The pack that resides here is Amazonian in nature. Males are not usually indoctrinated, but rather whelped into the creed. Do you know what a Serf is, Tobias?" She watched him carefully and sought to gauge any reaction she could from his gentle countenance.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 14, 2014

Tobias offered a gentle grin, " A serf is a person in a condition of servitude, required to render services to a lord, commonly attached to the lord's land and transferred with it from one owner to another, In lamins terms a serf is a slave" He said to her Not many male wolves wolves would have probably known what this lovely young wolf was talking about but tobias's mother was always teaching him things, he had met some males who didn't care for learning things, they cared for being muscled and feared but yet tobias had learned as much as he could, he stood tall and yes was muscled but though he was he rather learn things and teach then to just fight all the time though to protect the ones he cared for he would at a moments notice

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 14, 2014

She was pleased with the male's answer, albeit verbose -- and a sliver of her satisfaction seemed to gleam in her shrewd yellow gaze. There was no hint of disgust or disdain in his tone as he spoke - and Caiaphas could not, for the life of her, extricate any sort of outward attachment or opinion from the male's speech.

"Exactly." She glanced him over -- the sleek of his white fur and the tufts of black along his ears; even his grey eyes seemed consumed by unyielding kindness. They were very unlike and it showed; she clicked her tongue and her raptor-like muzzle wrinkled into a frown. "If you wish to join, you will only ever be a serf here -- you will still have some semblance of your free will but the women will always come first and the Sisters will punish you rightly at any sign of insubordination. There is no ascension for males in this clan -- only honor." It was true males could inhabit a higher echelon of the male hierarchy, but they would never rank among a female.

She canted her muzzle to the side and spoke again. "Is this still something you wish, Tobias? There will be no secrets here." She, as far from just-hearted as she was, was willing to let the male turn and run if he was so inclined to it. It was a hard life for any wolf, no matter how kind -- and she would rather have a wolf born into the pack and subservient than a male culled from the wild to serve their needs and purposes.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 14, 2014

Tobias looked into her eyes, he could tell that she would rather him not just come in when he would only be a serf but tobias had nothing left in his life to want to go to or go back to. Tobias looked into her yellow eyes and spoke " I will accept being a serf if that is the only way for me to join. I will not be ashamed to serve women, as i have seen males seem to be always served and it is about time that males start serving the females because they do quite more then most males think they do." He said to her. Tobias himself had seen his mother serve his father, a so called honorable alpha when all he did was make her do all the hunting and his duties while he was off covorting with young females, his mother knew but she had always turned a blind eye, tobias never understood why she loved him.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 14, 2014

The male seemed resolute. Caiaphas denoted no sense of detraction or dishonesty in his words. Her muzzle contorted thinly into a frown and for a moment she contemplated how best to approach the situation. Aktaie was likely performing a ritual or securing the borders -- and as loathe as Caiaphas was to lead a male into the heart of their territory, she knew she had to decide then and now her next course of action.

"It is seen as an honor here, to serve these women." She corrected, though there was no semblance of abuse in her tone. With that she threw back a howl and entreated the company of @Aktaie -- for it was her place and her place alone to decide the fate of the males in Ankyra.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 15, 2014

Tobias bowed respectively "well then the honor is all mine"He said to her. Tobias sat and waited for he knew that she was calling the alpha

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Aktaiê - October 17, 2014

So sorry for the wait, guys! *shakes fist at work*

Although Aella and Leukothea were old friends and sisters born on the coasts of Themiscrya, Aktaiê found herself entrusting their neophyte with most tasks. She did not fear for their borders whilst the Sea demanded her attention and ritual, for she had faith that Caiaphas would intercept any strangers that dared step too close, as the wily female had already proven multiple times.

This time, however, her silent meditation near a tide pool was interrupted by the dark female's howl over the cliffside — and Aktaiê quickly moved up the cliff's face and through the forest to stand at the neophyte's side. A male stood there, and though the matriarch was able to quickly assess the situation, she waited for one of them to speak.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 17, 2014

A silence settled around them after Caiaphas howled -- punctuated only by Tobias' very gracious words. Caiaphas offered no reply -- instead her cutting gaze sliced over him almost as if in disapproval -- but she said nothing. She could not imagine life as a male in the clan -- and distantly, she wondered if it was a capacity wolves enjoyed fulfilling.

Their wait was not lengthy -- as Aktaie appeared Caiaphas stepped back, her posture hushed and subservient. She would have fallen entirely from the conversation were it not for Aktaie's piqued expression -- one which suggested she was awaiting an explanation.

"A lone wolf, one who says it is an honor to serve women." She stated succinctly, a paw lifted in his direction in a somewhat cynic gesture.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 17, 2014

"I am Tobias and Yes it would be my honor to serve you"he said to here

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Aktaiê - October 19, 2014

She nodded, satisfied with both of their answers. It mattered little what his strengths were, for the Nereides would only have one use for the male. His name mattered even less. Her turquoise eyes looked over him, considering, and Aktaiê finally stated, "You will serve us loyally; we have no tolerance for traitors. When you cross into Ankyra, there will be no turning back for you."

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 19, 2014

Tobias looked at her " I will prove to you my loyality"[b] He said to here then he walked into Ankyra "I am honored to join"He said to her

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Caiaphas - October 22, 2014

fading Caiaphas out - feel free to continue this thread, but don't wait for me to post. This will be Caiaphas' last post in this thread. Tobias, if you'd like to thread sometime just let me know :)

Her cutting gaze swept carelessly over Tobias, her expression unreadable. Aktaie had the helm now and Caiaphas was happy to supply her the reins -- and as Aktaie's attention fell wholly on the iridescently white male Caiaphas slithered backwards.

He seemed willing enough, though inwardly Caiaphas wondered at what length did the psyche wish to defer and please -- and was it a capacity one was born into or trained into? She watched Tobias then, unabashed by the intensity in her studying. For now she poured over her inward thoughts -- tomorrow, perhaps she would reach out for the moon-colored male once more.

She hung back until the formalities were exchanged and then without a word the waif drifted back to her grotto.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 22, 2014

Tobias looked up and saw that the female who had originally greeted him was no where to be found, he looked around for her, for some reason he had felt something when they met, he was unsure what but he felt something.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Aktaiê - October 24, 2014

The loyal, dark female slipped away without a word at Aktaie's words to the male; it did not bother the matriarch, for their number was few and they could not afford to neglect the circumference of the territory too often. The male accepted her words readily, and Aktaie nodded succinctly. They would teach him of their ways, and he would either come to learn his mistake or embrace the relatively solace the simple life of a consort could bring.

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Tobias Wolf - October 25, 2014

Tobias looked at his alpha, waiting for any instruction that she would give to him, he was ready to learn what he had to do. He couldn't seem to get his mind off the female wolf who had talked t him though, he wondered where she was

RE: Moonlight Stroll (Joining Thread) - Aktaiê - November 01, 2014

I'm going to fade this; if you rejoin this week, you'll be able to post a new thread in Ankyra Sound like Tobias is and has been a member of the pack since this thread. :)

"Come," she finally told him, the word simple but commanding. Without waiting to see if he followed, Aktaiê moved towards the heart of the Sound; the sandy beach that represented the holiness of the Sea and Moon. It would be there that they broke him and molded him into an obedient consort. When the pair arrived, the matriarch placed him under the care of Greyjoy, then returned to her den to rest.