Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier Zydrate anatomy - Printable Version

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Zydrate anatomy - ZC30 - October 13, 2014

@Tuwawi maybe if you have time? I can't remember if I specified in my app but I wanted Capricorn to join OOCly. :)

Capricorn had spent maybe a few hours learning the ins and outs of his new glacier home before deciding to seek out further information. A plethora of scents criss-crossed over the chill landscape, creating a complex meshwork of patrol paths and communications lines. It was all very overwhelming for Capricorn, who had only ever lived in his father's lands and knew everything there was to know about the de Septentrio wolves.

Duskfire Glacier called to him in ways that only Montem Aquilonem ever had. Upon joining and meeting with the lovely, fiery Tuwawi, a gentle woman with what he presumed was the shine of inner strength in her wild silver eyes, he'd thrown all ambitions aside. He originally left Montem Aquilonem to find that which he had lost—command of a pack—but those plans were no longer important. The glacier called to him, Tuwawi's beauty and grace called to him though he'd only seen her once, and Capricorn stayed.

He waited a little longer before throwing his snout into the sky and howling out a deep note, requesting the Alpha female's presence. To become a truly integrated member of this pack, Capricorn needed to pull his weight. He needed to know what Tuwawi needed of him and, most importantly, he needed to know that she wouldn't assume he was inept due to his short legs. He needed to prove that, in spite of his peculiarities, he was hard-working and took pride in what he did.