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Qeya River a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Printable Version

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a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 17, 2022

wasn't this a fine kettle of fish.
colt briggs could hardly think it of himself; jealousy! over a husband that had already existed. he had seen the return, and now a whole gang of other wolves had come along.
natigvik had just become too crowded for colt, and he was not keen on being found out. that was his way, after all. dip and run. a married woman's distraction. now she would return to that life and he could strike out.
colt waited for sundown. for now, he went to look for @Sadey, and when he found her, he hunkered down.
"reckon it's time for me to take off."

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 17, 2022

The sun had went to sleep for thr night when Briggs found her. She met him with a yawn and though a sharp retort came to her tongue she waylaid it. She studied the wolf and sighed.

Damnett Briggs you bedded that wife didncha. That's only reason i reckon you'd be keen on leavin' so swift and silent.

But there was somethin different about Colt Briggs this evening and she wasn't certain what.

I spose you want me tag along?

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 17, 2022

colt rolled his eyes. "gawdammit, sadey. won't yew leave off it."
he thudded his tail against the ground and sighed. "no. i want yew to do whatever yew want. figure i'll go'n find reno first."
colt scuffed at the ground. "betcha didn't think ol' briggs had a heart, didja?"

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 17, 2022

Sadey sighed and bit her tongue til blood lit the insides of her teeth, because it was clear somwthing was different. And then she went and felt bad for him.

Yer a sorry sight briggs.

Sadey sniffed. Reno came to border few days ago now calling out for joining. Don't know what wver came of it. I just heard the call.

She brushed a paw along his shoulder and then bumped him with her own. 

She spoke real quiet. We all got hearts Briggs. They just don't always work right away.

She frowned suddenly sad for him. You wanna leave I'll go wicha com hell or highwater yew and me stuck for a time and its winter soon. Though if you can I'd still weather the winter here. I reckon that girly ain't gonna tell no one she stepped out on her man neither.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 17, 2022

a muscle jumped in his jaw, but sadey was right. he was sorry. 
reno had come here, then? he grunted. her arm was comforting but he wasn't about to admit that. "what do we tell reno then, hm?"
he stretched. "cuz i definitely can't stay. don't matter what she says. i won't be laid up in this here pack under a man who would try t'kill me if he knew."
colt frowned. "i got some thinkin' t'do i guess." and then he was silent, brooding. "why would yew give up a good spot like this for roughin' it all winter, sadey?"

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 17, 2022

Sadey didn't move. She knew well how stubborn the jackass was. And she herself too. Too stubborn and to spiteful to ask for a kind touch when it were needed.

She scoffed. The truth I reckon. Or at least a sembalance of it. He knows your habits Briggs. Don't gotta tell em you went and fell for the firebrand.

Sadey shrugged. Loyalty I guess. And maybe I hate yew just a little less than I did yesterday. Don't question it so much numb nuts.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 17, 2022

colt snickered but his red eyes were clear. "well. i suppose we have a score to settle, don't we?" he ran his tongue over the ridges of his teeth.
now that — that kindled him like nothing else. reno would understand if that's what colt said they were off to do.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 17, 2022

Sadey nodded. That we do.

 She shuddered once at the thought of the big black beast, but whether it was fear or anticipation she couldn't say.

Colt would get over this one she hoped. But she couldn't be certain. Devils didn't fall often. But when they did it was either a glorious masterpiece or hell on earth. Only time would tell.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 17, 2022

there was nothing more to say. colt plucked a stalk of grass then twiddled it between his teeth. "yew don't want t'stay an' find a man?" there was less teasing this time; colt wanted to know. sadey had run with them as long as he'd known her, but that wasn't the measure of any wolf.
not how you killed. what you did.
maybe it was one and the same.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 17, 2022

Sadey scoffed and pushed him a little. Already had me a man Colt, and I lost him. That's a pain i'd rather not repeat. I'm content with my lot at the moment.

You thinking about finally settling down Colt Briggs? Want to find a lady to hang yer fur up with? Sadey sighed and thought about her mate.

If that's what you want, make sure you don't have no enemies when you do. Cause when they come looking and find you and if yer lucky enuff that she loves you, it will tear her apart you get killed. Remember that Briggs.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 18, 2022

fair enough, he said wordlessly through the snort of his nostrils. and then he swung his teeth in a clicking grin. "yew think i'm settlin'-down material, miz walker?" briggs demanded dryly. "not two feet out'n an affair an' yew askin' me t'get hitched."
his turn to leer at her with the same grin he always wore shortly before asking her into his arms in the crudest way imaginable; he fixed his mouth to speak but said nothing just wait, waiting for her to shoot him down.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 18, 2022

She saw the tell tale smirk upon his face and a bone deep sigh worked it's way up into her chest. She rolled her eyes. She shoved him hard, then. I think yer dick's seen enough action, don't yew? She snorted again and shook her head. 

Keep it up Briggs and I won't travel with ya. Just send ya on yer wittle wonsome. She chuffed at him, glad he was at least acting like he was back to his old self. Sad Briggs, love sick briggs it would take some getting used too. She'd need to deal with it, in small doses.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 18, 2022

"all right, all right." he snorted. she was correct. maybe he'd hang it up for a bit. sadey's rejection still did not phase colt, but it reminded him there was more to their work than fucking his way through distracted hearts who wanted a husband after all.
briggs grunted. "it really is up to yew, sadey," he chuffed. "but fer now, i'm goin' off on a hunt. won't have it said i never did nothin' around here."

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Sadey - September 18, 2022

Sadey shook her head again, an exasperated breath leaving her maw. Colt Briggs was exasperating and annoying and horny. But he was her mess mate, a pack mate, she thought friend was a bit of a stretch, but loyalty was there.

Would you like help? Or you need the space to clear the noggin of rocks? She teased him gently, but she would go if he wanted company.

RE: a big shadow cast by a tiny tree - Colt - September 18, 2022

"gonna go this one alone."
colt spat, straightened, stretched. "in the meantime, don't say nothin'. haven't even decided if i'm gonna say goodbye."
briggs jerked his head at sadey in farewell and set off with his swaggering lope before she had a chance to stop him.