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Lion Head Mesa Work it hard, like it's your profession - Printable Version

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Work it hard, like it's your profession - Nazli - September 22, 2022

After being told to fetch a guest for Neb Gucci, Nazli was dismissed.

The girl ventured to one of the storage rooms to try and do a quick inventory, given that the party was in full swing and would be going for days, and she found that the honey was dwindling rather quickly; by any proper estimation they should have had much more stored away in preparation for all of this.

A defeated sigh began to brew within her chest. Nazli didn't like to see things falter within Akashingo, and would do anything to keep things going as smoothly as possible. It was her role, after all. It was why she had been born.

It was a late hour, though. And to track down a hive of bees was a daylight event, so they would have to deal with the dwindling stock for the night and she would be sure to find more in the morrow. To make do, she began to rearrange things: to hide the little amounts of fermenting honey that they did hold here, and make the berries more appealing to the next fellahin to come along.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Reyson - September 23, 2022

I hope Reyson is okay If he isn't allowed near here I can delete this.

Reyson had enough loudness. The fermenting honey had tasted awful to him, and the one bite he had quickly tried to get away from. Tierra was acting crazy. There was much going on. And it made his pelt itchy and his chest hurt.

So for a moment he was in search of a reprieve. He had traveled further from the party and the noise, ears to his skull, tail weaving gently behind him as large paws walked through the areas he was unsure of.

He was about to return back, because he didn't like the feeling of this place either when a small noise caught his attention. He lifted scarred ears and redirected towards a room. He leaned in and chuffed quietly, eyes taking in all that was around. It was a store room of sorts and inside it another.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Nazli - September 23, 2022

Her work was almost complete when she felt a presence. It wasn't strange for Nazli to notice other fellahin at the door, or moving around as they did their own work. It was different this time because someone came upon the store room and then stopped, to watch.

She heard a chuff and turned one batty ear, then her entire attention as she placed the last bundle of berries in to her arrangement; the eyes staring back at her were some she did not know, although they were set in a broad and handsome face, and held a serious expression as if she'd done something wrong.

The girl immediately remembered Mereo and the people there. She moved to the door and bowed her head in a little nod, keeping her eyes averted. Greetings, she murmurs to the man, not questioning why he is there - it is not her place.

Do you seek more berries? I have some just in here, but he did not smell strongly of the fermented fruits, only vaguely of honey, which told Nazli he was not one to partake.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Reyson - September 23, 2022

Reyson truly hadn't meant to travel this far, but the more silent it had become. The more he wished to follow, be ause he was already tired of the noise.

Reyson met her gaze then she quickly averted it.


He shook his head. No thank you. I am not a fan of the substance. I prefer to keep a clear head.

He dipped his muzzle and spoke quietly. I am Reyson Ebonywood Scutarius of Mereo.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Nazli - September 23, 2022

His head lowered, which was a surprise. Who would bow before a fellahin? But he named himself, and the scutarius shared that he was not interested in the berries. Nazli watched in awe of this powerful man, and again when their eyes met, she felt warm in the face and had to look away.

You find yourself in the servant's halls, my lord Ebonywood, she remarks without sounding harsh, because few know the network of tunnels and corridors like the servants, so it is of no surprise a visitor might become lost.

If you like, I can escort you to a private room where you may rest? They are far from the party, if that is to your liking.

She had not thought to introduce herself because - well, she was a servant; what good would it do?

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Reyson - September 23, 2022

Reyson lifted up one side of his maw. And looked around while he listened.

Reyson shifted. I'm sorry to have disturbed your work. I needed a moment of quiet.

He shifted body moving to keep an eye on all corners. I should be fine in a few moments. No need to make more work for you. Though i appreciate it. May I ask your name?

He shifted again, large body lowering to his haunches. She was young and small and he was trying to make himself smaller.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Nazli - September 23, 2022

Oh. Had she said something wrong? He did not need a room at all, only the moment.

Ah, I am Nazli, sir. I have no... further name, she was not of great importance. He moved to sit and she realized even sitting, he was a giant compared to herself!

But without having an order, she did not know what to do. He did not require the fermented berries, nor space for himself, and she doubted she could dismiss him - it was not her place to be so rude - and so she waited and felt very, very small.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Reyson - September 23, 2022

Reyson noticed immediately she was uncomfortable so he slowly stood with a smile.

I am sorry to have disturbed you Miss. Nazli. I will leave you to your work.

He wasn't one that understood such a type of bondage and service. It felt strange. And though he wanted to continue a conversation. He also didn't wish to upset her or make her uncomfortable.

RE: Work it hard, like it's your profession - Nazli - September 23, 2022

He dismissed himself, and Nazli felt terrible for not stopping him - but she could not serve him in any way, and did not know what else to do.

If you need of anything, sir - but he was already turned and gone, apologies fading through the space. Sighing, she turned back to her work.