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Serpent Lake amar - Printable Version

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amar - Ramesses - October 06, 2022

pharaoh and the shabti have gone on their honeymoon! <3 @Toula @Midas @Medusa @Lilitu @Akhtar @Sokha @Khaba @Nala @Nazli

the leaves roundabout the outskirts of akashingo's land were changing.
and ramesses wished @Treva to see it. so they would depart for their honeymoon, and spend four days in the glittering oasis that lay southeast of the palace itself.
"delay your journey to mereo for a short while," he urged the crown prince. "ten days." his eyebrow arched; he was pharaoh. @Gucci would continue as advisor for the short while they would not be there.
it would not be a great retinue which traveled with the royal pair. only the priest, senmut, whom ramesses had seen fit to separate from makono, and sayf. a great parade would draw attention he did not want.
he bid his children farewell, and together they would set off upon their own trek.


"it is like the faiyum," he told to his queen. spires and ledges of red sandstone, flanked by desert trees, and in their shade sprang soft greenery and all shades of floral things. he plucked a yellow buttercup and offered it to her with a kiss, his lapis eyes shining with desire and love.
somewhere close and silent, the priest waited beside the waters.

RE: amar - Annorak - October 07, 2022

Feel free to skip over Khaba unless you wish to interact with him in some way!

When summoned, the mazoi shouldered his way through the traveling party so that he stood close by both pharaoh and shabti.
The silent beast had been sought for their protection, and so he would not fail. He hadn't before and he wouldn't start now.

RE: amar - Treva - October 11, 2022

it hardly mattered who followed when she only had eyes for ramesses. some times she danced ahead of him, in a wildwood manner. like a forest goddess! most of the time she stayed close, nestling alongside him in stride.

their journey brought them to a glorious place.

so close to the palace, she could treasure it with ease. she imagined life here. a family, perhaps.

but for now it was them. senmut somewhere in the background, lacking her attention. so she peppered her husband back with kisses in return.

you give me so much, she whispered in an admiring lull. not meant to be a solid response to his words, but it came out all the same!

do you wonder what it will look like here in the spring?

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 16, 2022

ramesses smiled grandly. "it will be a profusion of flowers and wide green leaves that invite the touch of rain."
pharaoh looked solemnly at her now, devotedly. "you deserve it all, my queen."
he had a thought now for a little kingdom ruled by toula one day. she was young now, but the youth of a royal child was anything but playful.
he kissed her again. "shall we return in spring?"

RE: amar - Treva - October 16, 2022

i could honeymoon in every season with you, she teased softly. a humming sound in the back of her throat.

she already thought of next year! as if it had not been what felt like just yesterday that she bore him two royals. what could she say?

nature ran through her wild veins.

we should see it when my own spring has arrived. there was some sort of devious delight within her gaze.

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 17, 2022

when her spring had come! he was breathless then, filled with titillated laughter and reverence for her nature. 
"i will be at your command," he purred, lowering his head to kiss each of her forepaws with a sensual slowness.
more sons and daughters of akashingo. their legacy moved onward.

RE: amar - Treva - October 17, 2022

and i yours.

she cooed with affection, soft songbird laughter bubbling up in her throat. somewhere in the background she recalled the priest.

his presence by the water.

you brought along the sheepish we'eb. but this was not said with distaste, a sudden observation more than anything else. are you hoping to hear his prayers still continue even away from akashingo?

mischief twinkled in her eyes.

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 17, 2022

ramesses laughed, a honeyed and elegant sound. "i brought him to entertain you, my sweet. have him sing for you. have him tell you the stories of the gods. command him to dance, if you see fit!"
his eyes were filled with love, and with teasing for senmut.

RE: amar - Treva - October 17, 2022

for her!

she fumbled even further with laughter. humored, delighted, awash in joy. when we are not busy with one another, he will lay stories upon our ears.

her gaze roved over the pharaoh to see the priest.

call him, she asked this of her husband. to see how senmut would react, to see how pharaoh would call.

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 18, 2022

last post for ram for now!

ramesses gave a call for the priest, and here he reclined in luxuriance.
"senmut," he said when the young man had arrived. "entertain your new shabti. do as she pleases."
he had half a mind to offer the bashful we'eb to his queen, as he had offered belen to satsu. he hoped the implication would suffice, and settled himself in amusement to watch.

RE: amar - Senmut - October 18, 2022

senmut came as he was called. he prostrated himself low before the pharaoh and the queen, and when he was told to rise he did so.

he turned his eyes upon the delicate paws of the royal woman. "i will obey," he said, heart galloping.

RE: amar - Treva - October 24, 2022

i know you will, she assured him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. she reclined alongside her husband, lord pharaoh.

the image of royals. bathed in the light of the land and surrounded by nature.

do you have tales of Nwt to share?

RE: amar - Senmut - October 24, 2022

senmut all but shook beneath their eyes. there was some mischief. he almost choked when the queen spoke. 

surely she did not ask —! but he knew, and desperately the young we'eb searched for the least salacious recollection he had of Her holy name.

"when Her priestesses dance, they move in circles one way and then the other. this is to describe the progress of the celestial bodies. and when they — when they lie with the men and women who have come to worship the goddess, they too move in such ways —!"

he stopped, overcome and thoroughly shamed.

RE: amar - Treva - October 24, 2022

he trembled.

did he not remember what she had told him on her wedding night?

is such a thing not divine, we'eb? a brow arched high. she dared to point out the way he faltered and perhaps that was cruel! speak freely of it and without any hesitancy.

RE: amar - Senmut - October 24, 2022

he looked up, up! into the forest-wise eyes of his queen, and found his heart seized and weighed.

the shabti weighed him with her gaze. she scolded senmut to speak with reverence and without hesitance.

"i am sorry, divine one. it is — a scribe who knows only words will not deliver this verse with the proper p-passion."

RE: amar - Treva - October 24, 2022

two hundred for my boyyys

then we must find your passion for it, we'eb. she laughed low and warm. delighted in some awful way. i expect it upon the return from this trip. for it is a trip of passion. the purring voice of a pantheress, trapped within the body of a divine canine!

she turned her gaze away from the boy towards her husband.

RE: amar - Senmut - October 25, 2022

yay! congrats! <33 will post ram next

senmut's mouth fell open. he goggled first toward the queen and then the pharaoh.

wide-eyed! scandalized! titillated! 

and he thought of nazli then, though his cheeks burned immediately thereafter.

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 25, 2022

ramesses laughed then, watching as treva toyed with the young priest. her voice was an order! that he should find womanly pleasure in order to better serve the gods.
"i am of the same mind," he said as her eyes moved to him, and he drew his tongue along her throat, uncaring what senmut might think. "who do you have in mind for the task, my love? our priest must be educated."

RE: amar - Treva - October 25, 2022

she had a list of names, each for a different reason. not all womanly! she thought of sayf for a true teaching. was jawahir permitted such a thing these days? she thought of a mazoi, heart broken. would flesh mend it?

she was kind enough to leave the name of the sanpin off the list. for tavina's sake.

the perfect name must be chosen. this is not such a light task if you have much to learn, we'eb! she leaned upon ramesses as if he was a chaise.

this is done in honor of Nwt after all. she will deliver a name and i will pass it into your ears. her tone and gaze left little room for negotiation on the we'eb's end. such was as it should be, she felt.

go, cleanse yourself.

she wished to cherish the wake of these powerful moments in the solitude of her husband.

RE: amar - Senmut - October 25, 2022

the power of the queen turned upon him and was seated by the agreement of her husband. senmut had no protest.

his heart only beat fast! he bowed his way backward from their presence and went at once to the serpent.

there he would scrub every part of himself, heeding their call should they summon him again but greatly perturbed!

RE: amar - Ramesses - October 25, 2022

when the priest had gone, ramesses fell upon treva in a glut of caresses and kissing. "i had thought you might choose yourself for the undertaking!" he laughed, voice full of the implication that he might have gladly watched treva put their priest through his paces.
his hunger was kindled. he wanted her now, within eye and earshot of the unwitting little we'eb. 
love, lust; it was the selfsame liquor in his veins.